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26 minutes ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

I agree we should be asking why do we need a breakfast club in the first place. Also why the parents aren't taking responsibility for feeding their children as I cant believe even the poorest of parents cant afford a bag of porridge oats (1ltr 90p) and 5 bananas (72p) to feed their kids a breakfast every day for the week.   

I think the chaps point on the TV was its the easiest option and a lifestyle choice and its hard to argue against that in my opinion.

Now if we are to give benefits to the needy lets go back to the old way, milk tokens, food vouchers, clothes vouchers the essentials for someone who has hit hard times and not funding netflix, latest mobile phones, fancy nails and tequila shots up Wetherspoons on a Friday night.  

And thats not jealousy, its confusion at why we would continue with our current system. 


We have the society politicians want and the society we keep voting for, maybe not you or me but millions of the people around us.

We have been told to value nothing and we do value nothing, as I have always said, importing over 20 million of the third world was never going to be about raising them up……we were always going to have to keep lowering the bar for them and it shows.

But it’s way more complex than my usual boring “it’s all the fault of the wogs” diatribes, it’s about power of the state ultimately imho……and strong, proud, moral people with a strong shared identity are way harder to push around than feckless, uninterested, morally corrupt strangers.

Don’t blame the victims of a system they never voted for if they are what that system was designed to create, jmho

Yes they are hideous to look at and be around, but they are (again imho) just the manifestation of a malignant disease……it’s like blaming a leper for being a leper.

Yes they could do better, but many don’t have the basic cognitive tools to think beyond their situation or figure a way out…….it’s like a dog licking it’s arse, it’s just what it does because it don’t know anything else.

And if we are talking common sense about putting yourselves in bad situations then just wait and look at who gets the votes in the GE, if anyone of our fellow countrymen had any sense, self worth or sense of pride they would have stopped voting for this shit years ago….but they didn’t !

Just because they own a 3 bed semi and have a steady job, don’t mean they have any more pride in their nation than the junkie across the street. 

Took me a while to figure that out and it’s crushing when it hits you.

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Totally agree with the above post, but let’s face facts, for at least 3 decades the young have been told that they should be ashamed to have any national or historical pride, that it was a bad thing,

Makes me laugh....breakfast club etc...if you cant afford to take the time to feed your children....then dont have any....its that simple...folks can afford the lastest phone,cosmetic treatments, moto

Grass cuttings and privet trimmings ……?  We used to worry about polio, diphtheria, rickets, etc. I guess priorities change, eh ? Cheers.

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21 minutes ago, WILF said:

We have the society politicians want and the society we keep voting for, maybe not you or me but millions of the people around us.

We have been told to value nothing and we do value nothing, as I have always said, importing over 20 million of the third world was never going to be about raising them up……we were always going to have to keep lowering the bar for them and it shows.

But it’s way more complex than my usual boring “it’s all the fault of the wogs” diatribes, it’s about power of the state ultimately imho……and strong, proud, moral people with a strong shared identity are way harder to push around than feckless, uninterested, morally corrupt strangers.

Don’t blame the victims of a system they never voted for if they are what that system was designed to create, jmho

Yes they are hideous to look at and be around, but they are (again imho) just the manifestation of a malignant disease……it’s like blaming a leper for being a leper.

Yes they could do better, but many don’t have the basic cognitive tools to think beyond their situation or figure a way out…….it’s like a dog licking it’s arse, it’s just what it does because it don’t know anything else.

And if we are talking common sense about putting yourselves in bad situations then just wait and look at who gets the votes in the GE, if anyone of our fellow countrymen had any sense, self worth or sense of pride they would have stopped voting for this shit years ago….but they didn’t !

Just because they own a 3 bed semi and have a steady job, don’t mean they have any more pride in their nation than the junkie across the street. 

Took me a while to figure that out and it’s crushing when it hits you.

That's kind of my point though. The bloke with the 3 bed semi and steady job has worked for that and will feel animosity against the family up the road who haven't worked a day in their life, claim all the benefits under the sun and then have new windows installed at the cost of him, the tax payer.

I think its just to easy to blame the government on this one some people just don't want to work and need to take responsibility for themselves and not expect others to bail them out. 


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My kids went to the local breakfast club In school.  It was open at 8am , wasn't to save money on breakfast it was so that me and Mrs could get to work on time . Both ours ate at the breakfast club because they wanted to eat with their friends 

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1 minute ago, Welsh_red said:

My kids went to the local breakfast club In school.  It was open at 8am , wasn't to save money on breakfast it was so that me and Mrs could get to work on time . Both ours ate at the breakfast club because they wanted to eat with their friends 

Sorry I think you may have misunderstood. Its not a dig at breakfast clubs they are a goods thing its the fact on the video I posted Labour want to bring in free breakfast clubs for all kids. The bloke on the video pointed out nothing is free and tax payers will be funding it, which in a round about way brought us back to the original post where crack heads were having new windows installed paid for by the tax payer.

Think thats right ? 😉 

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52 minutes ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

That's kind of my point though. The bloke with the 3 bed semi and steady job has worked for that and will feel animosity against the family up the road who haven't worked a day in their life, claim all the benefits under the sun and then have new windows installed at the cost of him, the tax payer.

Totally agree mate, the daily Mail wouldn’t exist without people thinking and feeing that animosity but imho it’s animosity directed at the wrong person and easy target 

52 minutes ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

I think its just to easy to blame the government on this one some people just don't want to work and need to take responsibility for themselves and not expect others to bail them out. 


I read a job advert the other day for a position in my old area, it was for a forklift driver….£27,000 a year.

My old area is one of those post industrial commuter towns, the worst air quality in Britain is our little claim to fame, council housing built after the war, some older places from the original village but solid working class…..not in the least bit flash.

Before I left nearly 10 years ago it was estimated at the time that you needed to earn £27 an hour to live there !!!!

I think a rent for a 2 bed round there at the moment is around £1500 a month after a mountain of credit checks that would make the CIA blush ! 

Now I don’t know what you think mate but the maths don’t work, how can anyone take that job for £27,000 and survive ?……say a bloke with a Mrs and a couple of kids, how can he live ?

The fact is, he can’t and he is better off not working……he didn’t create that system the government and their mates at the bank did. 

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5 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

Makes me laugh....breakfast club etc...if you cant afford to take the time to feed your children....then dont have any....its that simple...folks can afford the lastest phone,cosmetic treatments, motor on HP,3 bags for £100 on a school night etc🙄

Never had a handout,as long as ive had a hole in my arse....you want something,you get out and graft...by any means 👍

Well said dc 

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24 minutes ago, WILF said:

Totally agree mate, the daily Mail wouldn’t exist without people thinking and feeing that animosity but imho it’s animosity directed at the wrong person and easy target 

I read a job advert the other day for a position in my old area, it was for a forklift driver….£27,000 a year.

My old area is one of those post industrial commuter towns, the worst air quality in Britain is our little claim to fame, council housing built after the war, some older places from the original village but solid working class…..not in the least bit flash.

Before I left nearly 10 years ago it was estimated at the time that you needed to earn £27 an hour to live there !!!!

I think a rent for a 2 bed round there at the moment is around £1500 a month after a mountain of credit checks that would make the CIA blush ! 

Now I don’t know what you think mate but the maths don’t work, how can anyone take that job for £27,000 and survive ?……say a bloke with a Mrs and a couple of kids, how can he live ?

The fact is, he can’t and he is better off not working……he didn’t create that system the government and their mates at the bank did. 

Totally agree. But if the answer is to do the same and knock it on the head and go down the same route (probably what most of us have considered at some time) there would be no one paying taxes to pay the benefits! 

I think we agree on the principle of the issues but are just coming from it at different angles ?   

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Think the best thing is to just get on with your own life, don’t envy the bloke that has it all and don’t hate the bloke with nothing but handouts and if your situation ain’t what you want try and change it, I,m thinking of heading to bongo bongo land as it must be fecking empty now lol 

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Mate’s missus just took a job with a housing authority and is hating it. I said it must be frustrating with very little social housing trying to find desperate people housing, he said it’s the opposite. It’s the entitled attitude of a lot of scrounging b*****ds that have never paid rent, and can’t even be bothered to look after a property. I’m a believer in publicly funded housing for the worst off and vulnerable souls in society, absolutely, but I’d be fcukin ruthless on anyone who abused that charity, and that’s what it is. The root of that is in education and setting out our stall as a society. My rules:

1. Tenancy subject to random spots checks for keeping the property and grounds clean and tidy.

2. Random drug testing. State benefits aren’t for rolling up and smoking or snorting up your hooter.

3. No animals. I don’t mind paying to put a roof over your head and feeding your kids..  but I’m fcucked if I’m paying to feed an XL bully, a bearded dragon and a fcuking snake.

4. No anti-social behaviour complaints

5. No vehicles. If you can afford to run a car you can afford rent on a house and get the bus

6. No convictions during tenancy

7. No new tattoos 

Improvement notice for non-compliance.., 3rd strike eviction. 

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I can remember the council inspectors of yesterday coming round if your hedges got out of hand and posting a warning letter with a deadline, but we have moved so far left no one can say the truth as everyone wants to be offended and there are lots of professional people making lots of money defending the rights of society’s dregs 

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On 13/06/2024 at 10:31, Greyman said:

I guess a lot of it is reading we’re life is going and there are many old sayings that tell us the way, in this case nothing lasts forever, we knew that life on the estate was not what we wanted for our children etc so we got out estate life was quite nice and safe for us until drugs came and destroyed community’s the older generation tended to follow what there forefathers did because they new, no different but we do the world is a much smaller place and we can all see were things are going and make decisions to change things look how many of us on here have upsticks and left our old lives behind change is in our hands, anyways must go want to get another coat of paint on the dingy before the rain comes 

Drugs are the biggest destroyer of working class communities like council estates even though their is folk who smoke a bit of weed or might take other recreational drugs on a weekend and are no problem what's so ever their is those whose lives just evolve around drugs and it's those I have seen with my own eyes that seem to be the problem and it's something that could be curtailed to a degree I believe if weed was legalised. 

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2 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Drugs are the biggest destroyer of working class communities like council estates even though their is folk who smoke a bit of weed or might take other recreational drugs on a weekend and are no problem what's so ever their is those whose lives just evolve around drugs and it's those I have seen with my own eyes that seem to be the problem and it's something that could be curtailed to a degree I believe if weed was legalised. 

The people hooked on them are self inflicted victims, with an addictive personality, they are and are not to blame, now the dealers are the ones who need executing, preying on the vulnerable and poisoning the communities that they live

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I honestly believe that the legislation of cannabis in this country will not be  a good thing...and Ive smoked it for over 30 yrs myself...we need to tackle the issues of the way people are living/housed/job opportunities etc...f**k off helping every tom,dick and abdul...look after our own,its sad to see how some of us natives actually live😔our f***ing dogs live better than most 👍

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1 hour ago, Daniel cain said:

I honestly believe that the legislation of cannabis in this country will not be  a good thing...and Ive smoked it for over 30 yrs myself...we need to tackle the issues of the way people are living/housed/job opportunities etc...f**k off helping every tom,dick and abdul...look after our own,its sad to see how some of us natives actually live😔our f***ing dogs live better than most 👍

I can only go on the problem family who lived across from me mate who were street level dealers of weed and caused all sorts of problems aswell as the police there every fekin day and one occasion armed police on the road and what made it worse for me the fekin police used to park outside mine. I often used to see decent folk I know going to the house to buy weed though I think if it was legal they wouldn't be knocking on the door of this family. The landlord sold the house and they have moved on thank feck.

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