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hemp nets and garden nets?

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hey there, i have hemp garden netting for my allotment... it looks the same as my mates expsnive hunting rabbit net?? i mean peeps do make em it aint impossible eh? can i use my garden hemp net to rabbit with? its the same as the nylon garden net? can i use that too ? ive got a hazel tree i can make pegs with lol??


also has anyone ever had sucess with purse nets without ferrets? we have a massive warren i wonder if i can net the holes, and wait...or old fasioned smoke a hole and cover it

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Can you actually read this shite. Does Rabbitlincs have ANY idea about what happens underground? Watch a few videos son and learn something. Over and above that, any hemp or nylon with a 2” mesh will stop a rabbit. Why don’t you let someone in the know, with ferrets, teach you the ground rules. You could net all you want and wait an eternity but you won’t be having rabbit pie. Jok.

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I used to use the netting off fruit trees on big, multi holed warrens to stop them hole jumping when doing pest control jobs but you need ferrets. I'm afraid you are going to put at least some investment in if you want to catch anything. Rabbits aren't Einstein but they have extreme survival instincts and don't commit suicide very often.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 13/06/2024 at 00:58, Aussie Whip said:

I used to use the netting off fruit trees on big, multi holed warrens to stop them hole jumping when doing pest control jobs but you need ferrets. I'm afraid you are going to put at least some investment in if you want to catch anything. Rabbits aren't Einstein but they have extreme survival instincts and don't commit suicide very often.

None come easy mate, even if one comes to hand, it will die, yelling out to alert others. Each fur ball has a plan, be it A, B or c. Strange as it might seem if there is any type of cover the rabbit will use during the day, they like to keep their burrow, as a plan B, if there is no usual cover then yes they can be found hiding underground. If the dogs don't push them hard, they won't go to ground until you get the dogs to do so. Then at times they will duck into any available cover since they know they will not make it back home, not at least, in a straight run.Nomaly it's the bucks that will break cover using their feet instead of their brain. A Doe, on the other hand, will duck and dive, back tracking then sneak out low to the ground, until one of the seagull members of the pack spot them, then it's game on again.  The rabbit's found in this area have been non-stop hassled since the late 1950s/1960s so they have adapted, by hiding under buildings, old stock grates, stacks of timber, old cars /wrecks, flood protection rock banks, where they use huge blue boulders, I have even caught some inside old broken down bale rappers, and farm rollers. There is simply no out, of bounds for them. It's a truck load of fun and enjoyment for all involved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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