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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:20, jukel123 said:

Oops, debate can only go so far on THL without the handbags coming out. Postcodes exchanged very soon. I'm out.


It’s just warming up mate don’t worry stiffy won’t be going anywhere he’s not told to and mackems to busy googling up more bullshit to post 

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:16, Greyman said:

I would have thought you would know the answer to that as the biggest importer of exotic animals, you should also know how easy cats are to breed and people were breeding in captivity for the pet trade just like they are today with bengals and savannah cats etc having a pet shop and a few parrots don’t make you joey exotic so unless you have something a little more substantial than that I’d not bother getting involved trying to answer a question with another question is just equal to nothing 


Where did I say I was the biggest importer of exotic animals? Or claim to be Joey Exotic? :laugh: I answered you question and asked you another, that's generally how conversations go if one party isn't a massive girls blouse who gets her knickers in a bunch at the slightest push back ;) Anyway you've proven once again you can't converse on this topic rationally without throwing the insults out, pouting and refusing to answer questions so thats me out.

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:24, BGD said:

It's all estimates based on numbers imported and sold but my pal who like I say was one of the biggest dealers at the time reckons at the time of the ban less than 500 were in private hands and the majority of them were either surrendered or the owners got the licence and carried on keeping them legally. As for keeping escapees under wraps well it'd lead to an awkward conversion when it came time for your renewal and inspection and you had one less cat and no proof of where it went.

The fact is the majority of cats sold in the UK never even made it to adulthood, the trade was a constant churn of cubs that were bought by folk who had no way of handling them as they grew and so they'd die of neglect, honestly a really grim trade and I'm glad it was stopped.


Look at what you have just wrote mate your contradicting yourself,       The trade was a constant churn of cubs,             indicates there were lots of them and very few records kept 

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:24, Greyman said:

That seems why many people on here tell me on private pms because the one or two belters always shout the loudest so it’s not worth bothering 


It's OK, G. 

I've worked with a few lads from the army, that thought they were 'ard as f**k' and 'took no shit from anyone' etc etc, but spent 9, 12, 15 years being told what to do SEVERAL times a day, every day, for those 9, 12, 15 years lol

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:20, shaaark said:

Kin el, stiffy, you seriously need to chill!!  Lol.

And yeah, you ARE calling people on this site that say they've seen non native big cats, in the british countryside, liars.


No bo no , don’t twist the narrative . 

never called anyone a liar on here or said they were lying , the only one is that crank who posts regular shite in my local paper . 

didn’t anyone notice how it was stashed away on pages well away from the cover 

even the papers are sick of enabling her 


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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:32, shaaark said:

It's OK, G. 

I've worked with a few lads from the army, that thought they were 'ard as f**k' and 'took no shit from anyone' etc etc, but spent 9, 12, 15 years being told what to do SEVERAL times a day, every day, for those 9, 12, 15 years lol


Ah tabtv Old chestnut again 

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:32, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

No bo no , don’t twist the narrative . 

never called anyone a liar on here or said they were lying , the only one is that crank who posts regular shite in my local paper . 

didn’t anyone notice how it was stashed away on pages well away from the cover 

even the papers are sick of enabling her 



Can't wait to see your reply to my last post!!  😄 👍

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:28, BGD said:

Where did I say I was the biggest importer of exotic animals? Or claim to be Joey Exotic? :laugh: I answered you question and asked you another, that's generally how conversations go if one party isn't a massive girls blouse who gets her knickers in a bunch at the slightest push back ;) Anyway you've proven once again you can't converse on this topic rationally without throwing the insults out, pouting and refusing to answer questions so thats me out.


Oh welcome ti my life . 

ask for evidence and when there is none , your calling people liars. 

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:30, Greyman said:

Look at what you have just wrote mate your contradicting yourself,       The trade was a constant churn of cubs,             indicates there were lots of them and very few records kept 


Records of cubs/cats imported, bred (small numbers, there was never an industry of backyard big cat breeders :laugh:) and sold were kept because that's how businesses are run, that's what the estimates are based on. Wheres the contradiction?


Now how about you answer my original question, how many big cats do you think were in private hands when the ban came in? And if you're feeling generous how about a rough species breakdown?

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:32, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

No bo no , don’t twist the narrative . 

never called anyone a liar on here or said they were lying , the only one is that crank who posts regular shite in my local paper . 

didn’t anyone notice how it was stashed away on pages well away from the cover 

even the papers are sick of enabling her 



Why don’t they come to you for your opinions then because your a clown I put the post up out of courtesy because you had asked a few civil questions on another thread I thought if you had the nause to sit and listen tosomeone that knows explaining things you may be able to understand but it’s you that reverts  to type and start insulting people by calling them liars loads of lads on here have seen them and came forward only to be ignored  by the idiots like yourself so for the last time can you explain were these escapees are coming from as there is only one black leopard in the uk in captivity simple 

Edited by Greyman
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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:38, BGD said:

Records of cubs/cats imported, bred (small numbers, there was never an industry of backyard big cat breeders :laugh:) and sold were kept because that's how businesses are run, that's what the estimates are based on. Wheres the contradiction?


Now how about you answer my original question, how many big cats do you think were in private hands when the ban came in? And if you're feeling generous how about a rough species breakdown?


You are portraying yourself as an expert of the time so why don’t you give us the answer as I don’t no or really care but I know they are here now and not escaping as there are none to escape it’s not that hard to grasp black hairs and saliva dna of leopards that don’t exist unless you actually accept stiffys version that we are now importing and planting dna the blokes a total arse Sharon has put in years of research to finally get that result and I hope one day I will also be the one to get a positive sample it’s the icing on the cake, a bit like stiffy getting a pat on the back and being told what a good boy he’s been 

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:39, BGD said:

These lads obviously never worked a job with a boss? Sure everyone who isn't self employed spends their working day taking orders :laugh:


Wether I,m employed self employed or unemployed I don’t take orders from no man I do requests and if they are reasonable I will carry them out I am my own man not someone’s bitch like some clearly are here 

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  On 08/06/2024 at 16:20, shaaark said:

Kin el, stiffy, you seriously need to chill!!  Lol.

And yeah, you ARE calling people on this site that say they've seen non native big cats, in the british countryside, liars.


i’ve just got shit saluki xs  mate but if i was out and i seen a big cat if you didn’t slip you’d just follow it back to we’re it was kipping with a dog with a half descent nose lol 



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