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Something for stiffy

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I,m living my best life I live on my boat that I have dreamt of doing since my early twenty’s am in the process of selling off all my assets to live life exactly how we want to, my interest in cats ha

about 25 years ago i was lamping the fields opposite my house and saw a dead sheep in the field and when i shone the lamp on it could see an eye reflection walked up to it and could see this carcass m

Its a funny old world,when most of the population,rolled up their sleeves multiple times,too take an experimental vaccine...in the belief the government had their best interests at heart🤣 but struggle

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i saw a panther about ten years ago at 3 in the morning i dont know if it was an escapee but i know it looked in pristine condition,it was 100 per cent a panther i stuck the lamp on it before it shot off,i only know what i saw and im sure it was a panther this was in herefordshire tbh i dont mind admitting i shit myself because its not what you expect to see,now i feel privilged to have seen it

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  On 08/06/2024 at 12:57, mr moocher said:

i saw a panther about ten years ago at 3 in the morning i dont know if it was an escapee but i know it looked in pristine condition,it was 100 per cent a panther i stuck the lamp on it before it shot off,i only know what i saw and im sure it was a panther this was in herefordshire tbh i dont mind admitting i shit myself because its not what you expect to see,now i feel privilged to have seen it


didn’t you slip the dog. ??

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  On 08/06/2024 at 14:52, mr moocher said:

the dogs was off i let them go before i saw it i had three with me they was going nuts they ran up the field they knew it was there it was only when i shone the lamp from where id come i saw it


if you had a bull x the cat would a got it lol

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I've had sudden, irrational fear at night in the countryside. I don't mean poaching fear,or the spontaneous  fear when you hear a vixen screaming at her cubs, or the fear of  being in the middle  of a field with no cover to disappear into. Its different, like a feeling that you are disturbing the natural balance of nature and have accidentally broken an unwritten law. A bit like when you suddenly look behind you as though you are  being stalked. Like a nightmare where nothing makes sense. That's the best way I can describe it. It's very powerful. Anybody recognise what I  am on about? It's not normal fear of the dark. Darkness is your friend when you don't want to be seen..obviously.

When things of day begin to droop and drowse

Night's black agents to their prey do rouse.

Always like that quote when out at night.

Edited by jukel123
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  On 08/06/2024 at 15:12, mr moocher said:

they was at the other end of the field they didnot see it tbh im glad they never i had pit x greyhound and two old bulldogs i was only after rabbits or deer i wouldnot of risked my old dogs on a panther


f**k that , f***ing straight at it 

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  On 08/06/2024 at 15:13, jukel123 said:

I've had sudden, irrational fear at night in the countryside. I don't mean poaching fear,or the spontaneous  fear when you hear a vixen screaming at her cubs, or the fear or  being in the middle  of a field with no cover to disappear into. Its different, like a feeling that you are disturbing the natural balance of nature and have accidentally broken an unwritten law. A bit like when you suddenly look behind you as though you are  being stalked. Like a nightmare where nothing makes sense. That's the best way I can describe it. It's very powerful. Anybody recognise what I  am on about? It's not normal fear of the dark.


Nyctophobia,don’t fish for sea trout at night,there’s malevolent forces behind you,watching,waiting………

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  On 08/06/2024 at 12:41, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

@shark @Daniel cain

right , your getting the wrong end of this 

no one is doubting there are the odd escapee here and there . 

the nonsense lies in the omertà like silence of the lack of evidence . I’ve seen pics of a pair of privately owned pumas in the uk in a run like a partridge pen . The pics are taken at some distance and are clear as a whistle as to what they are, no ambiguity, that is a mountain lion in that picture . No doubt . Not a blurry shaped black mass , not hidden by grass , but clear as day . 

where are the absolute defining pics of wild roaming cats ? 

there’s none, there’s alway an “ah but “ 

A woman , who has a history of staging pics with her own jungle cat , drives from her home to a site where there is a history of sightings , on Halloween , in the day time , finds a dead carcass and a big cat lurking there. What are the odds ? 

a woman whose life revolves around big cats, going to places with them there, ie holidaying in big cat parks etc , gives a sample with just the right amount of dna to determine the presence , not too much mind , just the right amount from hairs or saliva . Almost like someone would know how to put it there . 

bear in mind a geezer from very close to her location used to import Puma piss from the USA to train his pack of hounds to hunt them . 

No one would be as pleased as me to see a true picture of a wild leopard or panther strolling about the Scottish Borders . 

but there not there. 

as far as I can see , I’ve not personally   Insulted anyone , I don’t expect the same decorum in return , but facts don’t lie . You can’t just say “ah your never gonna believe gammon “ that’s not a valid retort 





I never said you insulted anyone  chill out maaan!!  🤓

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  On 08/06/2024 at 15:27, mackem said:

Nyctophobia,don’t fish for sea trout at night,there’s malevolent forces behind you,watching,waiting………


Thats a new word on me Mack, thanks. Looked it up, but it's not quite what I mean. Maybe it's just me that feels it.

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  On 08/06/2024 at 12:57, mr moocher said:

i saw a panther about ten years ago at 3 in the morning i dont know if it was an escapee but i know it looked in pristine condition,it was 100 per cent a panther i stuck the lamp on it before it shot off,i only know what i saw and im sure it was a panther this was in herefordshire tbh i dont mind admitting i shit myself because its not what you expect to see,now i feel privilged to have seen it


So, with this information of yours, and I have no reason to disbelieve you, and a few others on this site, keepdiggin, Arry and a few others, stiffy and Co are calling you all liars.

Now, I know for a FACT, in 2014 my Mrs was NOT allowed to visit our eldest lad, in a residential care home in Hereford, and him and the other lads there weren't allowed outside of the grounds, due tp a large non native cat on the loose which had attacked a couple of horses and also sheep.

Edited by shaaark
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  On 08/06/2024 at 08:16, Greyman said:

Any supporting evidence to that statement or are you just using the stiffy formula of plucking facts from thin air because moggies and dogs don’t leave leopard dna either or feline footprints or kill and consume an entire deer or sheep in one sitting but it sounds better to ignore all those points 


My experience being involved with the exotics trade for decades and my pals who were some of the biggest names in importing and dealing in large exotic mammals before and after the ban. How many big cats do you think were in private hands before the ban then?

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