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Something for stiffy

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1 minute ago, chartpolski said:

Call in some air support, Stiffy !

That’ll teach them ! LOL !

over and out !

Can’t rely on the RAF mate , you should know this by now . 




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3 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Can’t rely on the RAF mate , you should know this by now . 




R.A.F. Regiment, best soldiers in the world…..or so they think ! LOL !


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5 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

R.A.F. Regiment, best soldiers in the world…..or so they think ! LOL !


Was thinking about you earlier in here actually , was thinking about our mutual friend the GH who used to knock about with a lad who had a passing interest in feline cryptoids . 

“he’s a nice charver ya know , just do t get him started about them f***ing radge cats “ 

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1 minute ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Was thinking about you earlier in here actually , was thinking about our mutual friend the GH who used to knock about with a lad who had a passing interest in feline cryptoids . 

“he’s a nice charver ya know , just do t get him started about them f***ing radge cats “ 

I only met GH a couple of times, Fuji introduced  me to him. 
GH invited me to do some coursing and lamping around Brampton but I was doing a lot of travelling at the time and didn’t get to take up his invite, sadly.


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4 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I only met GH a couple of times, Fuji introduced  me to him. 
GH invited me to do some coursing and lamping around Brampton but I was doing a lot of travelling at the time and didn’t get to take up his invite, sadly.


He’s a one off is our R 


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1 hour ago, Greyman said:

You are portraying yourself as an expert of the time so why don’t you give us the answer as I don’t no or really care but I know they are here now and not escaping as there are none to escape it’s not that hard to grasp black hairs and saliva dna of leopards that don’t exist unless you actually accept stiffys version that we are now importing and planting dna the blokes a total arse Sharon has put in years of research to finally get that result and I hope one day I will also be the one to get a positive sample it’s the icing on the cake, a bit like stiffy getting a pat on the back and being told what a good boy he’s been 

I've given you my answer you fecking doughnut :laugh:


Why is it so hard to believe that someone who is obsessed with proving big cats roam the countryside (and stands to gain financially from finding "evidence") might decide to plant that evidence? Happens all the time with folk who are so sure of something so decide the ends justify the means and fake the evidence. Surely anyone with half a brain would be at least slightly skeptical especially given she has apparently falsified pictures before and has the means of acquiring cat DNA to plant. Completely dismissing the idea that she could have planted evidence is just being willfully blind because you want to believe.

Edited by BGD
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5 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

@shark @Daniel cain

right , your getting the wrong end of this 

no one is doubting there are the odd escapee here and there . 

the nonsense lies in the omertà like silence of the lack of evidence . I’ve seen pics of a pair of privately owned pumas in the uk in a run like a partridge pen . The pics are taken at some distance and are clear as a whistle as to what they are, no ambiguity, that is a mountain lion in that picture . No doubt . Not a blurry shaped black mass , not hidden by grass , but clear as day . 

where are the absolute defining pics of wild roaming cats ? 

there’s none, there’s alway an “ah but “ 

A woman , who has a history of staging pics with her own jungle cat , drives from her home to a site where there is a history of sightings , on Halloween , in the day time , finds a dead carcass and a big cat lurking there. What are the odds ? 

a woman whose life revolves around big cats, going to places with them there, ie holidaying in big cat parks etc , gives a sample with just the right amount of dna to determine the presence , not too much mind , just the right amount from hairs or saliva . Almost like someone would know how to put it there . 

bear in mind a geezer from very close to her location used to import Puma piss from the USA to train his pack of hounds to hunt them . 

No one would be as pleased as me to see a true picture of a wild leopard or panther strolling about the Scottish Borders . 

but there not there. 

as far as I can see , I’ve not personally   Insulted anyone , I don’t expect the same decorum in return , but facts don’t lie . You can’t just say “ah your never gonna believe gammon “ that’s not a valid retort 




I seen dogs with more secure housing then what them motherfuckers were bieng kept in 😂

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4 minutes ago, C.green said:

I seen dogs with more secure housing then what them motherfuckers were bieng kept in 😂

Exactly , that’s where they come from . 

cages trashed in storms or escaped from 

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4 minutes ago, C.green said:

I seen dogs with more secure housing then what them motherfuckers were bieng kept in 😂

You would be seriously shocked at some of the enclosures that get approved for keeping DWA in. It's all down to individual Local Authorities and the vets they decide to hire to do the inspections and plenty of them have no experience with anything more exotic than a hamster...

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6 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Exactly , that’s where they come from . 

cages trashed in storms or escaped from 

Or fellers with a good set of wire cutters that dont like to see stuff confined by a fence 😂

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14 minutes ago, BGD said:

I've given you my answer you fecking doughnut :laugh:


Why is it so hard to believe that someone who is obsessed with proving big cats roam the countryside (and stands to gain financially from finding "evidence") might decide to plant that evidence? Happens all the time with folk who are so sure of something so decide the ends justify the means and fake the evidence. Surely anyone with half a brain would be at least slightly skeptical especially given she has apparently falsified pictures before and has the means of acquiring cat DNA to plant. Completely dismissing the idea that she could have planted evidence is just being willfully blind because you want to believe.

Thank you for thinking like that . Absolutely my point . 

I think some of these old men are what we used to refer to as “c**t struck “ 

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2 hours ago, mC HULL said:

serious now gm don’t cats all have same dna ? from a house cat to a lion ? 

Pantheras pardos is leopard mate the girl that stiffly is obssesed about only got a partial dna of the genus panthera don’t let citizen smith and stiff confuse you mate it’s not doable and as there is only one known captive black leopard in the uk they would all relate back to that it’s just stupid people spouting shite and trying to shout others Down it’s not being planted it is real and each one has been worked for 

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29 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Pantheras pardos is leopard mate the girl that stiffly is obssesed about only got a partial dna of the genus panthera don’t let citizen smith and stiff confuse you mate it’s not doable and as there is only one known captive black leopard in the uk they would all relate back to that it’s just stupid people spouting shite and trying to shout others Down it’s not being planted it is real and each one has been worked for 

You just said yourself the sample was only good enough to identify the genus not the species so why does the one known captive black leopard in the UK matter? They wouldn't be able to trace the sample back to it because it wasn't a complete sample, they can't even say if it was a leopard or not let alone the colour and lineage :laugh:


Also the fact there is only a single black leopard in the UK should clue you in on just how rare (my pal reckons non-existent but I'm sure there were a couple he didn't know about) they were in the pet trade before and after the ban. But you think there was enough being kept in private hands that went on to be relased, survive and establish breeding populations across the country :laugh::laugh: Your head is in the feckin clouds.

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