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Are you telling me youve never listened at a hole to find the direction to start locating in.Bit of advice- youll save a lt of time wandering about if you can walk in the direction of the sound!. :good:


I love listening to the sound of terriers making contact and working their quarry its what makes us feel alive.Perhaps some on here dare not waste a second listening and have to dig straight away incase their dogs come away. :D


some of us have dogs that dont make a sound they get in latch on and do the job ..........


How exciting.

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u can come digging with me any time rob i go digging in wurzel country quite a bit and have some good digging buddys down and around ur apple scrumping area  :blink: im only 35 miles up the road from you in wiltshire

Would you happen to know a guy called Jeff, down this way?


Regards Rob

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kane...Perhaps some on here dare not waste a second listening and have to dig straight away incase their dogs come away.



kane that is such a true statement.... we have all seen it dog in and following it straight away with the box.......... with these so called "yappers" these seem to be the dogs that a lot of men seem to be getting a lot of tackle with, and these men are putting there dogs in large earths not these poxy 2 fts which you have to put these mute dogs in so that you can get to them be for reverse gear kicks in.... id rather have 2 "good" yappers in my kennel, then 10 mute dogs that you can only work once a month..... anyway foxdropper theres a lot of lads on here that are the first to pull you down.... sounds like you had a good do... qaulity... :11:

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kane...Perhaps some on here dare not waste a second listening and have to dig straight away incase their dogs come away.



kane that is such a true statement.... we have all seen it dog in and following it straight away with the box.......... with these so called "yappers" these seem to be the dogs that a lot of men seem to be getting a lot of tackle with, and these men are putting there dogs in large earths not these poxy 2 fts which you have to put these mute dogs in so that you can get to them be for reverse gear kicks in.... id rather have 2 "good" yappers in my kennel, then 10 mute dogs that you can only work once a month..... anyway foxdropper theres a lot of lads on here that are the first to pull you down.... sounds like you had a good do... qaulity...   :11:


Wise words for a young chav :11: :11: :good:

he has been taught well.....probably seen more dug this season so far than most on here get in a season.... :icon_eek::yes:

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i wasnt slagging bayers i was having a craic with kane and i dont advocate a kennel full of hard dogs as every type has its place in a kennel ... however the quarry and ground you cover will determine what dogs suit you best ... the bayer obviously suits your type of digging where as the hard dog that gets in and doesnt give the quarry an inch while we dig the 8 foot to get to it suits my type of digging .... as for how much digging i have done pete you have obviously done much more than me and i am not even going to waste my typing finger arguing over such nonsence :D .... the stud dog thing ??? you have lost me there ... if it was a snidy little comment about something then just come out and say it ... you are a big boy after all .... all in the wrong places .... but big none the less :11: :11: :11:

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