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Guest grubygrafter
:clapper: i like a good bayer but i like it to be bred off a hard dog. so you need the hard dogs. to breed good baying terriers. the problem is that most people bumping there gums about there harddogs forget to mention that there dogs are to big and are built like fridges :angry:  you dont need a spade to dig them out . you nead it to get them in. the best dog to get the job done is a determined SMALL terrier with the sense to take as little damage as possible.

plenty of hard dogs out there that will get in most spots.


:search: yep plenty small hard dogs <_< :whistle:

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Guest Geordie

Never owned a workin terrier in me life but i love reading the posts in here,yer all obviously really into what you's do............................. and mad as a feckin march hare.....the lot of you's :11: :11:


:good: :friends:

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25 f**k me thats a big terrier. the foxes in wales must be masive : :icon_ee


kane thats the type  :)  but i want to work em on there own not in pairs :D


I always like to work them as a pack :D Why work single handed when sometimes you can squeeze 4 or 5 into an earth! :).I always like a dash of Plummer in my terriers,it toughens them up. :clapper:

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Guest grubygrafter

:11: :11: :11: :11: stop it your killing me, ive got lurchers smaller than that.there probably harder to :angry: now lets cut the bull i know some of they BIG terriers can get in some of the holes some of the time but most of the time they spend digging in while you dig them out and lets be honest most people have a small dog doing the main stuff. now theres a lot of bull on these sites and most of its in your dogs :11: :11: :11: cs

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:11:  :11:  :11:  :11: stop it your killing me, ive got lurchers smaller than that.there probably harder to :angry: now lets cut the bull i know some of they BIG terriers can get in some of the holes some of the time but most of the time they spend digging in while you dig them out and lets be honest most people have a small dog doing the main stuff. now theres a lot of bull on these sites and most of its in your dogs :11:  :11:  :11: cs


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:11:  :11:  :11:  :11: stop it your killing me, ive got lurchers smaller than that.there probably harder to :angry: now lets cut the bull i know some of they BIG terriers can get in some of the holes some of the time but most of the time they spend digging in while you dig them out and lets be honest most people have a small dog doing the main stuff. now theres a lot of bull on these sites and most of its in your dogs :11:  :11:  :11: cs

:clapper::clapper: You are right there :good:

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there are plenty of hard,small dogs about,what sorts these into another category is whether or not the smaller dogs get pushed about at all.Just because a dog likes to mix it ,latch on, dosnt mean it can keep the quarry in a stop end to be dug,especially if the quarry has seen a dog before.A bit of weight behind any dog does no harm,PROVIDING THE DOG WANTS TO BE THERE.The baying dogs O.K in my books but they need to bay right up to it and be prepared to mix it on the break through.Dogs that stand off abit are the ones that are prepared to back up when rushed and at worst let quarry pass them.Dogs that become hard through work are more likely to stay hard as opposed to young dogs flying in and getting smashed up,these Ive found to become the stand off merchants.Better to progress slowly gaining confidence and pick up a few moves,holds on the way

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