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Went out for to try a 3 holer on a farm nearby this evening ,cutting it a bit fine with the fading light.Parked as close as poss to give myself valuable minutes of daylight,and save a half mile walk.Place in question was padded to fu@k just as it was last week.Collared up the bitch near to a steaming entrance only to see her fly to the far end and disappear into one covered in leaves[dont you feel humbled when they know best].Anyway it wasnt long before she spoke in this small [or so I thought] place. We had always dug this spot same place ,about 10 ft back from the entrances and just off to the left in a stop end. The bitch bayed here breifly then was gone . I expected a bolt and made ready with the gun. This never happened.After what seemed like eternity I heard the dog again on and knelt down to listen at where she entered.It was pitch black by now and shining a torch in the hole revealed that this entrance was possibly nothing to do with the other 2.To cut to the chase I found the dog 20m away and going well .Broke through at 2ft and despatched matey with the aid of the torch.nice. :yahoo:

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Guest Haggler
if it looks like bullshit and reads like bullshit it probably is bullshit .............


Yeah, where's the pics? No flash???? Matey??? Foxdropper you are a piker and need to learn that bullshit like your post is just that...BULLSHIT!




Matey=the guy you are in the sack with <_<



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kane you are a f*****g knob ... its because i do a bit that i know when i am reading bullshit and when i am not .... as for your border what the f**k has that got to do with the price of coal ............

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Guest terrierman666

i had one the same but i never used a torch i used the tin opener off my swiss army knife and if you dont believeme ask my shrink,funny thing tho since a change of medication the onlything ive found to ground is lesser spotted mole weasles :friends:

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Do you know this lad, I don't know him but I know 80% of the digs I have don't get photos taken, does he mean the torch aided him in seeing what he was killing as he says he had a gun, If you scored then nice one all credit due, if you didn't f**k off

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To Dillan.-You seem to be the only one with any experience of my kind of single handed digging , of course I used the torch to see what I was shooting!. Im new to this computer lark but , but unlike most of the people who replied previous to you,digging is something I have always done.Why do 70% of my replies not believe a word of it. Might it be they dont get out much?I personally would give someone the O.k until I knew better.The dig was 20 paces from the hole if you none believers want to split hairs.The spoil outside the hole was no more than the other 2 but well trampled by cattle.Does nobody else refer to the quarry as matey or is it a local thing.Perhaps some acounts of digs from the 70% of non believers would put me on the right path?If they could tear themselves away from the pubs that is.P.S spelling lessons available on request!

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I'm not trying to split hairs here but, Why would you bother listening at the entrance? if you wasn't using a locater you'd of checked the surrounding area.

When I'm out on my own, I net the holes. You can't bolt, dig and shoot at the same time. 20m to me means 20 meters.


Regards Rob

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