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1 hour ago, tatsblisters said:

Surely after that interview nobody in their right mind in America would vote for Biden.

Trouble is mate we know there will, we are about to elect a prime minister that refused to charge jimmy saville and investigate the Rotherham grooming gangs when he was in charge of that department one thing the human race is ,is gullible and lots base there opinions on whatever news channel they are fed not realising that they are all singing from the same hymn sheet some may masquerade as left or right but none will actually challenge things and speak out or they are gone sadly  

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There will now be an appeal process but they have failed to nail him if he wins the elections because he will hold the appeal away from new York if anyone followed the case he has been stitched up lik

I don’t actually give a f**k and nor should you if he is good for the country and good for the world overall who gives a shit if stormy Daniels sat on his face or he has hid a few million from the tax

Over there, over here, the biggest majority of them have had shady dealings. Don't remember the establishment going after anyone else with such enthusiasm though. Remember when Trump was in?. It

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