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Trump guilty !!

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  On 31/05/2024 at 17:34, jukel123 said:

I'm not disputing Clinton and Kennedy did a lot of f***ing. And Clinton, Bush, Biden and Trump all dodged the draft. How can you be head of the armed services when you go missing from the action?  But Trump is down another level imo.

I've already said I  can take a Mary Poppins position sometimes, but no I have never slept with another woman since I got married in 72. Never even been tempted even when I was working away from home. Why would I put my dick in another woman, especially a porn star and then go home and possibly infect my Mrs with an STD?  I'm sure most guys are the same. You work hard for your family and don't rock the fragile family boat by f***ing everything in sight.

Do you think Trump has been good for your people? What specifically has he changed for the better for African Americans  and/or the working class?


Mate stop making it so hard for me to ignore your stupidity please the king of England was shagging horse head his entire married life, apparently his son and heir is nailing his wife’s mate it don’t make a jot of difference to there rights to reign a leader needs to lead his nation for the better of his people nothing more someone being unfaithful is absolutely nothing to do with there ability to do there job and the colour of the people voting is another load of total nothingness try to stay focussed on politics and leave all else at the door, 4 years of no wars is reason enough alone to vote him in the current crop are rolling us into a world war and your clapping ffs 

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There will now be an appeal process but they have failed to nail him if he wins the elections because he will hold the appeal away from new York if anyone followed the case he has been stitched up lik

I don’t actually give a f**k and nor should you if he is good for the country and good for the world overall who gives a shit if stormy Daniels sat on his face or he has hid a few million from the tax

Over there, over here, the biggest majority of them have had shady dealings. Don't remember the establishment going after anyone else with such enthusiasm though. Remember when Trump was in?. It

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Enoch Powell, the darling of the ri

  On 31/05/2024 at 18:47, Greyman said:

Mate stop making it so hard for me to ignore your stupidity please the king of England was shagging horse head his entire married life, apparently his son and heir is nailing his wife’s mate it don’t make a jot of difference to there rights to reign a leader needs to lead his nation for the better of his people nothing more someone being unfaithful is absolutely nothing to do with there ability to do there job and the colour of the people voting is another load of total nothingness try to stay focussed on politics and leave all else at the door, 4 years of no wars is reason enough alone to vote him in the current crop are rolling us into a world war and your clapping ffs 


I have never been in favour of needlessly prolonging the Ukraine war by supplying arms. The result is inevitable. Supplying arms just means more deaths on either side. I have always recognised NATO  forces provoked a retaliation from Putin. I have also said in the past on here that Putin is a fascist.  So hedging my bets a little. I have written that one favourable legacy of Trump is that he did not start any new wars. Pay closer attention to my words of wisdom! Study them carefully lol. I still think  Trump is lowlife.

Back to UK politics. Enoch Powell, the darling of the right is also a friend of the  British working class.  He opposed the 1948 Act which allowed people from the colonies  to come to Britain but did not give us the right to settle in their countries .He also opposed the Common Market. The 1948 ACT and joining  the common  market led to huge influxes of workers from God knows where which undermined the pay and conditions of the indigenous brits. Both were passed by the tories, the puppets of big business. Although the modern Labour Party is no different nowadays. In fact the real power in the world now lies in hands of the billionaires. Politicians are their gophers and henchmen.

Greyman, I'm not particularly stupid. You must not get too insecure and  hysterical when somebody makes noise that annoys you i.e. has a different opinion.

I can reveal to all on THL Greymans identity. Here he is unmasked.


Edited by jukel123
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  On 31/05/2024 at 17:34, jukel123 said:

I'm not disputing Clinton and Kennedy did a lot of f***ing. And Clinton, Bush, Biden and Trump all dodged the draft. How can you be head of the armed services when you go missing from the action?  But Trump is down another level imo.

I've already said I  can take a Mary Poppins position sometimes, but no I have never slept with another woman since I got married in 72. Never even been tempted even when I was working away from home. Why would I put my dick in another woman, especially a porn star and then go home and possibly infect my Mrs with an STD?  I'm sure most guys are the same. You work hard for your family and don't rock the fragile family boat by f***ing everything in sight.

Do you think Trump has been good for your people? What specifically has he changed for the better for African Americans  and/or the working class?


Aight so mabye I don't say this quite right. 

What I getting at is compared to the average person now days more less the average rich person....meh , o nooooo he paid a porn star to f**k.... Like when we have all these other politicians out here being pedos and shit and I really supposed to care that trump paid a porn star ? Because sorry I really really f***ing don't. 

And look I have no real desire to go after another woman ( mainly because 90% of women now days are trash not with athe effort and my fiance is the perfect level of crazy for me )but let's be honest guys like me and a lot of y'all who don't have these desires , now days we're really the minority not the majority. Especially now with the rise of these guys like Andrew Tate and the like pumping up incels to whore around as much as they want

Also when you get to that level of money and power theirs just stuff that's kinda expected. Honestly as long as it's consensual and the people are of age I really don't give a flying f**k.

But anyhow I go back to the deal of eveyone being mad at trump for doing what a large majority of guys would do if they could ( again if your in the now minority or people who won't or wouldn't that great but we are a minority now days just face it )trying  to smear him when all these other politicians are out here f***ing kids and shit. Like really ? I Mena look at hunter Biden and his escapades 

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  On 31/05/2024 at 19:56, Wolfdog91 said:

Aight so mabye I don't say this quite right. 

What I getting at is compared to the average person now days more less the average rich person....meh , o nooooo he paid a porn star to f**k.... Like when we have all these other politicians out here being pedos and shit and I really supposed to care that trump paid a porn star ? Because sorry I really really f***ing don't. 

And look I have no real desire to go after another woman ( mainly because 90% of women now days are trash not with athe effort and my fiance is the perfect level of crazy for me )but let's be honest guys like me and a lot of y'all who don't have these desires , now days we're really the minority not the majority. Especially now with the rise of these guys like Andrew Tate and the like pumping up incels to whore around as much as they want

Also when you get to that level of money and power theirs just stuff that's kinda expected. Honestly as long as it's consensual and the people are of age I really don't give a flying f**k.

But anyhow I go back to the deal of eveyone being mad at trump for doing what a large majority of guys would do if they could ( again if your in the now minority or people who won't or wouldn't that great but we are a minority now days just face it )trying  to smear him when all these other politicians are out here f***ing kids and shit. Like really ? I Mena look at hunter Biden and his escapades 


It's not the porn star, it's the hiding the payment under electoral expenses. Politicians must be careful where they stray for fear of blackmail which can undermine national security. We had a case here decades ago where our defence  minister was sleeping with a prostitute who was also sleeping with a Russian. There was the fear of pillow talk. He accepted that he'd f****d up and resigned. That was the deal back then. Trump would just blunder into any honeytrap laid for him. Resigning is not something in his make up. He undermines democracy not just in the states but everywhere.


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  On 31/05/2024 at 20:12, jukel123 said:

It's not the porn star, it's the hiding the payment under electoral expenses. Politicians must be careful where they stray for fear of blackmail which can undermine national security. We had a case here decades ago where our defence  minister was sleeping with a prostitute who was also sleeping with a Russian. There was the fear of pillow talk. He accepted that he'd f****d up and resigned. That was the deal back then. Trump would just blunder into any honeytrap laid for him. Resigning is not something in his make up. He undermines democracy not just in the states but everywhere.



Think there are more switched on people in the dementia ward I work in this is just pure jibberish  

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  On 31/05/2024 at 20:12, jukel123 said:

It's not the porn star, it's the hiding the payment under electoral expenses. Politicians must be careful where they stray for fear of blackmail which can undermine national security. We had a case here decades ago where our defence  minister was sleeping with a prostitute who was also sleeping with a Russian. There was the fear of pillow talk. He accepted that he'd f****d up and resigned. That was the deal back then. Trump would just blunder into any honeytrap laid for him. Resigning is not something in his make up. He undermines democracy not just in the states but everywhere.



*Stares at what we where legitimately just taking about*


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Boomerang time 

now I did warn yous long ago that we were going to experience a near death experience …. nuclear war stand off …


first they might try a bird flu pandemic and lock us down , also be the biggest financial crash yous will ever experience expect major banks to close 

then there last card is war to distract from the elections … expect some sort of false flags terrorist event and it being blamed on Russia. 



now the government has advised stocking up for 3 days worth of emergencies the chat it the back ground is 2/3 weeks minimum now get yourselfs prepared especially if you have kids or grandchildren get stocked up on their behalf if your too pig ignorant to do it for yourself thinking it will never happen.  Been pre warned up to yourselfs how yous see fit to act don’t be crying when it’s too late !


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  On 31/05/2024 at 10:09, DIDO.1 said:

Grab women by the pussy?

Bill Clinton actually did what trump joked about..... and his wife paid off those women. Yet it's not an issue at all?


If everything The Clinton's have been involved in came to light it would be the biggest news in history . So many deaths of people associated with then , the Clinton foundation , deleted emails,  epstein island 

Not saying trump isn't as corrupted as them it's just he's the one that seems to be getting all the shit while the Clinton's plod on until the die of old age richer than God and absolutely zero accountability for what they have been up to 

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  On 31/05/2024 at 23:04, Welsh_red said:

If everything The Clinton's have been involved in came to light it would be the biggest news in history . So many deaths of people associated with then , the Clinton foundation , deleted emails,  epstein island 

Not saying trump isn't as corrupted as them it's just he's the one that seems to be getting all the shit while the Clinton's plod on until the die of old age richer than God and absolutely zero accountability for what they have been up to 


Just a little sample of what they get up to 

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  On 01/06/2024 at 13:00, Welsh_red said:

What's all that about ? Is there any evidence to back that up apart from this woman talking about it 


Yes pal plenty of evidence on that

matter that’s part of what Julian assange exposed also accounts of hardened New York police officers who viewed it spewing up and crying !!! the wee girl was still alive when it was getting done to her even when Hillary was wearing her face. 


that’s your elites for you and don’t think for one minute the uk ones are any better including those rats at the very top the royals 

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So , 

if these tik tok punters are to be believed, Theses devil worshipping child sacrificing immortal fraternity led cabal of the rich and powerful , including the bohemian grove circle , are committing these unspeakable acts . 
all in hidden view , cloak and dagger type environs. 

so why , at arguably the height of post ww2 society , could they not prevent Nixon getting the sack ? 

the most powerful public figurehead in the world lost his job because security guards caught intruders in the middle of bum f**k nowhere 

they couldn’t make that disappear? 

as @chartpolski says , occums razor . 

anither one I’ve read lately is the andronene worshippers , but that all falls apart when they say that celine dion is falling apart as she’s been cut off from the supply ….who the f**k would listen to that wailing on every second weds at Adronene anonymous 


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