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How it was.. My life in parts. For me and me mates anyway. How lucky was I/we,growing up in the fifties/sixties. Came of a council estate,we didn't have a lot,(but had every thing) but

I’m a fifties/sixties kid. I say it often, I’m glad I was born when I was and had the best childhood. You had to live it to know what I mean. I had two brothers (sadly no longer here) who were my ment

I’m still a young pup at 52 but read this thread just before my mother in law came round last night.., she’s 75 and I had a wee blether to her about times gone by. She’s never caught anything more tha

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70's/80's for me but it wasn't easy and in all fairness as kids there was no money we made our own entertainment which seems to be a lost trait with the youngsters of today. Seems to be a real hate on for anyone in the 55+ bracket from youngsters at the moment, heard some pretty nasty vitriol on podcasts etc. 


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48 minutes ago, byron said:

How it was..

My life in parts.

For me and me mates anyway.

How lucky was I/we,growing up in the fifties/sixties. Came of a council estate,we didn't have a lot,(but had every thing) but allus had grub on the table.allus over the fields never in the house.up and gone.im from a fishing family,went me sen for a short while.'pleasure tripping'north sea/middle water for starters.hahaha. then working/fishing off iceland.i was fifteen then.what an adventure and eye opener.scary stuff.remarkable men.and never a thought of back chat.when we we're respectfull.all gone respect now innit.. the old man was from gypsyville Hull,but moved to gy after the war. Ex whaler.. and was excepted.them hullie gullies will know what I mean..both his brothers were lost at sea.me being the youngest and only lad,he was pleased/relieved when I came ashore.hahaha.any ways jumping forard to the mid/late seventies.know work about.scratching on,so you did what ya did on the side, earning a crust etc.beating twice a week, had a good small keeper bred springer then.still mates with him after nar on fifty years,hard to get in with keepers then, suspicious lot.know wonder when there job relied on it(she the springer was good at pegging pheasants, jugging out on the marsh)wily little fxckers they was. had digging dogs and baying dogs,out all the time snaring/mooching etc.skinning/drying out on boards and sending skins in.any one remember doing this?? fxck.. I used to sell fox cubs in the local paper.25quid a pop.know one gave a fxck then.imagine doing it now..new every earth and cubbing places and nine inch pipe around.Where's all the characters gone??dog dealers/horse breakers.travellers, that all had the best running dogs around..at a price.and usually shit.lol.anyways I'll stop boring you all now.just some of the great free times we had.five of those lads I grew up with have passed now.just the memories left..

Would I be young again.no.definitely not..not in these scary times.a totally  different  world.


Not boring all mate...love all the old tales etc...

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51 minutes ago, byron said:

How it was..

My life in parts.

For me and me mates anyway.

How lucky was I/we,growing up in the fifties/sixties. Came of a council estate,we didn't have a lot,(but had every thing) but allus had grub on the table.allus over the fields never in the house.up and gone.im from a fishing family,went me sen for a short while.'pleasure tripping'north sea/middle water for starters.hahaha. then working/fishing off iceland.i was fifteen then.what an adventure and eye opener.scary stuff.remarkable men.and never a thought of back chat.when we we're respectfull.all gone respect now innit.. the old man was from gypsyville Hull,but moved to gy after the war. Ex whaler.. and was excepted.them hullie gullies will know what I mean..both his brothers were lost at sea.me being the youngest and only lad,he was pleased/relieved when I came ashore.hahaha.any ways jumping forard to the mid/late seventies.know work about.scratching on,so you did what ya did on the side, earning a crust etc.beating twice a week, had a good small keeper bred springer then.still mates with him after nar on fifty years,hard to get in with keepers then, suspicious lot.know wonder when there job relied on it(she the springer was good at pegging pheasants, jugging out on the marsh)wily little fxckers they was. had digging dogs and baying dogs,out all the time snaring/mooching etc.skinning/drying out on boards and sending skins in.any one remember doing this?? fxck.. I used to sell fox cubs in the local paper.25quid a pop.know one gave a fxck then.imagine doing it now..new every earth and cubbing places and nine inch pipe around.Where's all the characters gone??dog dealers/horse breakers.travellers, that all had the best running dogs around..at a price.and usually shit.lol.anyways I'll stop boring you all now.just some of the great free times we had.five of those lads I grew up with have passed now.just the memories left..

Would I be young again.no.definitely not..not in these scary times.a totally  different  world.


Good read mate. Agree with most of it, except not wanting to be young again.

I'd give it a go. There's a few things I would change if I had a second go at life. 

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1 hour ago, byron said:

How it was..

My life in parts.

For me and me mates anyway.

How lucky was I/we,growing up in the fifties/sixties. Came of a council estate,we didn't have a lot,(but had every thing) but allus had grub on the table.allus over the fields never in the house.up and gone.im from a fishing family,went me sen for a short while.'pleasure tripping'north sea/middle water for starters.hahaha. then working/fishing off iceland.i was fifteen then.what an adventure and eye opener.scary stuff.remarkable men.and never a thought of back chat.when we we're respectfull.all gone respect now innit.. the old man was from gypsyville Hull,but moved to gy after the war. Ex whaler.. and was excepted.them hullie gullies will know what I mean..both his brothers were lost at sea.me being the youngest and only lad,he was pleased/relieved when I came ashore.hahaha.any ways jumping forard to the mid/late seventies.know work about.scratching on,so you did what ya did on the side, earning a crust etc.beating twice a week, had a good small keeper bred springer then.still mates with him after nar on fifty years,hard to get in with keepers then, suspicious lot.know wonder when there job relied on it(she the springer was good at pegging pheasants, jugging out on the marsh)wily little fxckers they was. had digging dogs and baying dogs,out all the time snaring/mooching etc.skinning/drying out on boards and sending skins in.any one remember doing this?? fxck.. I used to sell fox cubs in the local paper.25quid a pop.know one gave a fxck then.imagine doing it now..new every earth and cubbing places and nine inch pipe around.Where's all the characters gone??dog dealers/horse breakers.travellers, that all had the best running dogs around..at a price.and usually shit.lol.anyways I'll stop boring you all now.just some of the great free times we had.five of those lads I grew up with have passed now.just the memories left..

Would I be young again.no.definitely not..not in these scary times.a totally  different  world.


Good post that mate, I think the future lays in the past…..for all its faults it wasn’t a bad place.

Going backwards is the way forward imho 

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I am 64 next and I know our generation had the best time off it despite certain politicians making it hard for a lot of us. I was recently up at my eldest daughters walking the dog for her when my 12 year old grandson was in the kitchen with his year older cousin and they were going down the woods to make a den and he told his cousin to show his grandad the Swiss army knife his dad had let him take down the woods I reached into my pocket as I had the same pocket knife with other gadgets on it and said to my daughter can our Archie have this her reply was a resounding NO. Found it a bit sad in our day and age every one of us ratching about down the woods would have all had a pocket knife of some description. 

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We didn't really have cameras in those days.Fowling times/dogs and gibbets.

All earlier eighties.. Ist.pic.. shi teeee pipe Erroll way Scotland.

Beagle Russell.. Great finding dog.had some times with that one.

Ya nose found the gibbet.lol




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7 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

I am 64 next and I know our generation had the best time off it despite certain politicians making it hard for a lot of us. I was recently up at my eldest daughters walking the dog for her when my 12 year old grandson was in the kitchen with his year older cousin and they were going down the woods to make a den and he told his cousin to show his grandad the Swiss army knife his dad had let him take down the woods I reached into my pocket as I had the same pocket knife with other gadgets on it and said to my daughter can our Archie have this her reply was a resounding NO. Found it a bit sad in our day and age every one of us ratching about down the woods would have all had a pocket knife of some description. 

Still got the last of the old man's gutting knives tats.

Sheffield steel.the firms still on the go.the fishing industry collapsed in the mid seventies.the black one was called a venture.not made anymore.

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Just now, byron said:

Still got the last of the old man's gutting knives tats.

Sheffield steel.the firms still on the go.the fishing industry collapsed in the mid seventies.the black one was called a venture.not made anymore.



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More if ya wan it..

Went thru catapults to Diana pistols (not the shitty gat ones)we  killed some stuff on a night with them.. I regret doing that..on to air rifles.the mighty relum tornado.all junk shops sold second hand jobbies..window licking at its finest.

Catalogues sold guns in them days.drooling over the pictures wishing you had the ten Bob a week to pay for it..lol

Oh. The exchange and mart.abbots of Norfolk sending ferrets on the train.

First shotgun was a sawn of double hammer gun.24 and a quarter inch barrells.just above limit.. lol. 15quid if I remember.right barrel thin as a fag paper.scatter gun.some times missfired.mates brother bought it for me.think ya could get a licence at fifteen hahaha

Other mate had a single cooey.fxck..that thing, some times fell apart when fired off.maybe the  fowling heavy cartridges we put thru her.didnt know about pressures.we was in an old bunker one day out on marsh  when he dropped it,and it went of.lucky we was lol.

His old man was a doorman.slept at there house.had him up not long after he finished his work.

Come of marsh and he used to drive us thru local shooting estate taking turns out the car window.on the pheasants/partridges. Memories eh..

Any one make banger guns? Out of old type tubular chairs.two lad job.lol. had to be quick.stoke it up with lighted banger and mates used to drop a bollie or small stone down it.firing them big candles the same but down the 12.theye'd go thru a door.i don't know.. as me old mam used to say.

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Walking around the streets with air rifle shooting crows off rooftops no one blinked an eye maybe the odd shout watch the f***ing windows Shooting roosting pigeons at night under railway bridges letting the jack Russell rag them Snaring hares & Rabbits for the pot putting lines out on the reservoir selling the trout to the old Characters in the local boozer bird nesting kept birds of prey kestrels owls buzzards Would disappear for a day or two Poaching and sleeping in barns Ratting on the banks of local brooks Good old days good times 

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3 hours ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

Seems to be a real hate on for anyone in the 55+ bracket from youngsters at the moment, heard some pretty nasty vitriol on podcasts etc. 


When you look at the state we've left the world in for them can you really blame them? The first generation since the industrial revolution to end up worse off than their parents and thats without even getting into all the other ways the world is fecked.

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17 minutes ago, dai dogs said:

Walking around the streets with air rifle shooting crows off rooftops no one blinked an eye maybe the odd shout watch the f***ing windows Shooting roosting pigeons at night under railway bridges letting the jack Russell rag them Snaring hares & Rabbits for the pot putting lines out on the reservoir selling the trout to the old Characters in the local boozer bird nesting kept birds of prey kestrels owls buzzards Would disappear for a day or two Poaching and sleeping in barns Ratting on the banks of local brooks Good old days good times 

Good times eh dai.same here. i used to shoot the pigeons on a night under the pier. lol.used to walk the coast, terriers on couple's,spaniel hunting away.bliss..bag and shovel over shoulder, hoping to drop on summat.i mean who poached foxes,know one blinked an eye.

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4 hours ago, byron said:

More if ya wan it..

Went thru catapults to Diana pistols (not the shitty gat ones)we  killed some stuff on a night with them.. I regret doing that..on to air rifles.the mighty relum tornado.all junk shops sold second hand jobbies..window licking at its finest.

Catalogues sold guns in them days.drooling over the pictures wishing you had the ten Bob a week to pay for it..lol

Oh. The exchange and mart.abbots of Norfolk sending ferrets on the train.

First shotgun was a sawn of double hammer gun.24 and a quarter inch barrells.just above limit.. lol. 15quid if I remember.right barrel thin as a fag paper.scatter gun.some times missfired.mates brother bought it for me.think ya could get a licence at fifteen hahaha

Other mate had a single cooey.fxck..that thing, some times fell apart when fired off.maybe the  fowling heavy cartridges we put thru her.didnt know about pressures.we was in an old bunker one day out on marsh  when he dropped it,and it went of.lucky we was lol.

His old man was a doorman.slept at there house.had him up not long after he finished his work.

Come of marsh and he used to drive us thru local shooting estate taking turns out the car window.on the pheasants/partridges. Memories eh..

Any one make banger guns? Out of old type tubular chairs.two lad job.lol. had to be quick.stoke it up with lighted banger and mates used to drop a bollie or small stone down it.firing them big candles the same but down the 12.theye'd go thru a door.i don't know.. as me old mam used to say.


Winchester Cooey my first 12 bore bought it off a Copper my mate bought a folding .410 of him as well. It was the amnesty when people was encouraged to hand their gun in, they did and he flogged them Lol, only paid a tenner. Used to get the licence at the post office then. Born in 51 and lived on a council estate  as you said Byron we had f**k all but we had every thing. In the holidays gang of all the local kids would bugger off to the wood all day make camps bows and arrows, no water no food. Sometime cut up a swede from the field and crunch on that if we needed a drink it was from the stream. Air rifles my first was a .177 Czech gun called Telly junior very accurate gun then the good old BSA Meteor spending hours shooting rats on the council tip. We would twat any rook, Jackdaw or Pigeon that dared land on our roof even sling a slice of mothers pride up on the roof to draw them in Lol.

Jobs were easy just go to a site ask for a start none of these licences to drive a dumper or machine if you could do it they let you. Ended up with most of my tickets on Granddads rights. If you didn't like that site you would f**k off get a start on another if you was a grafter your reputation went ahead of you and could always get a start. Thats another thing people looked up to a grafter then.

Shooting foxes for the pelts one night skinning and pegging the buggers out the next night all help make ends meet. Sold few long tails borrowed few fish thats just the way it was.

Going back to the Cooey they was like scaffold poles I used to beat the hedge with mine and if a rabbit or something pop out would twat it. Byron you have brought back a lot of memories thanks Lol.

Cheers Arry


Edited by Arry
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