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18 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

I bet the criminal gangs…….I don't think it will ever happen due to the tax revenue smoking brings in.

Ergo the government are the biggest criminal gang in the country.

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I’m not being hysterical or over exaggerating when I say I have a suspicion that Starmer may be the most sinister prime minister the country was ever stupid enough to elect……I think in 12 months there

Think the writing was on the wall long before startmer popped up mate it’s the reason you are we’re you are and I,m were I am, think the next year or so will just be a confirmation of why we got out,

Not be long before it's that price over here mate glad I don't smoke and find it a bit sad when f some folk continue with an expensive habit that's detrimental to their health though I will defend the

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ive just read   ,that alot of the beaches in spain are  no smoking now   and apparently that includes vaping  , ,they are inposing fines  ,something like 150euros if your cought .....

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2 hours ago, TOMO said:

Here's a question for you all...

There's talk or maybe it's true that legislation is coming in to ban smoking completely if your under the age of 14...or 15. ...basically means if your that age now you will never be able to buy cigs legally..

It's a funny one for me....as much as I hate smoking part of me thinks its an attack on your civil liberty...I don't want my kids to smoke...but I think they have to make there own minds up...also wouldn't it just make another black market....Thoughts chaps??

Absolutely agree, loosing freedoms is never about “their thing” it’s always about when they come for “your thing” …….shame more people don’t take your approach mate. 

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20 minutes ago, WILF said:

Absolutely agree, loosing freedoms is never about “their thing” it’s always about when they come for “your thing” …….shame more people don’t take your approach mate. 

The proposed law has now been discontinued due to the upcoming election. 
Any proposed new legislation has to receive Royal Assent today or It will be abandoned. 
That’s not to say the Tories or Labour won’t try to resurrect it after the election.


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8 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

The proposed law has now been discontinued due to the upcoming election. 
Any proposed new legislation has to receive Royal Assent today or It will be abandoned. 
That’s not to say the Tories or Labour won’t try to resurrect it after the election.


Starmer said today in an interview  he would

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22 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

Starmer said today in an interview  he would

He will deny ever saying it in a month the blokes a total fuckwit he’s backtracked on most things he’s said and changes stances depending who he’s trying to appease 

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It’s a strange one we have enough laws and regulations grinding us down now. But sure we have all known some one caught by the big C caused by smoking. I would be pretty sure when they got the news if they could have turned back time and never smoked and had longer  life with there families they would have jumped at the chance.  So if the choice had been taken out of there hands you think that would be good thing for all concerned. But again it’s freedom of choice. But as a life saver you would have to think it would be a good measure. Unlike that bellend and his 20mph shite 

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According to the WHO, smoking kills half of smokers who don't quit and 8 million people per year, of which 1.3 million die from passive smoking. Yet it is legal. If governments want to continue to collect tax receipts and take back handers from the tobacco industry,  then why not do it for cannabis and heroin? Both of which are less dangerous than tobacco.

Seems strange to me that drug dealers are considered the lowest of the low, yet the murderous tobacco barons are considered legit. The only difference as far as I can see is that the tobacco barons wear suits and  sit in boardrooms.  They also have a ruthless  and  numerous gang of violent  enforcers in the shape of the government and the police to protect them. Whereas street dealers have a rag tag gang of amateurs protecting them.

Afterthought.  We should have a bonfire night every year where we burn an effigy of Sir Walter Raleigh, Britain's first importer of tobacco. Presumably he was knighted for services to grim reaper.lol We should also make Guy Fawkes a Saint for plotting to burn the houses of Parliament.lol

Edited by jukel123
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8 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

According to the WHO, smoking kills half of smokers who don't quit and 8 million people per year of which 1.3 million die from passive smoking. Yet it is legal. If governments want to continue to collect tax receipts and take back handers from the tobacco industry,  then why not do it for cannabis and heroin? Both of which are less dangerous than tobacco

Cannabis is legal,I know a guy who used to import it illegally,he now grows it in a huge facility on the continent and legally imports it on licence (which costs beacoup ££) his famous cousin is the face of the company but he is behind pulling the strings,it’s just £££.Victoria Atkins husband Paul,biggest dealer in the country but legit because he pays to play,you have to put down cash for a seat at the table.

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29 minutes ago, mackem said:

Cannabis is legal,I know a guy who used to import it illegally,he now grows it in a huge facility on the continent and legally imports it on licence (which costs beacoup ££) his famous cousin is the face of the company but he is behind pulling the strings,it’s just £££.Victoria Atkins husband Paul,biggest dealer in the country but legit because he pays to play,you have to put down cash for a seat at the table.

All the evidence seems to suggest cannabis is a safer drug than tobacco. It will surely be made legal here soon. If it was legalised, standards on strength and impurities could be clearly seen on packaging.

Lol. When I was a teenager over 50 years back, my mate bought some cannabis off a street dealer.  It was a quick transaction up a back alley. Turned out it was Oxo cube.

Edited by jukel123
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I disagree with any laws curtailing personal freedoms. But I just don't know where I stand on this smoking law. Alcohol is an evil evil drug that causes untold misery and destruction. I've seen people's minds twisted by cannabis. 

I don't know what the answer is and when I'm made imperial emperor the laws around tobacco, cannabis and alcohol are laws I'm not looking forward to making 

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