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I still smoke, started in in 1978 so a bit late to stop the damage now, I buy stuff called Flabio from Estonia. It £13.50 for 50g a mate picks me up a few cartons of 10 whenever he sees the bloke who brings it over.  Rizla and filters i buy off Amazon Lol, There are plenty of cheap tobacco companies who will get it sent direct to you from Abroad and will even insure your money back should Customs pick it up.  

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I’m not being hysterical or over exaggerating when I say I have a suspicion that Starmer may be the most sinister prime minister the country was ever stupid enough to elect……I think in 12 months there

Think the writing was on the wall long before startmer popped up mate it’s the reason you are we’re you are and I,m were I am, think the next year or so will just be a confirmation of why we got out,

Not be long before it's that price over here mate glad I don't smoke and find it a bit sad when f some folk continue with an expensive habit that's detrimental to their health though I will defend the

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When I was in my teens my dad and his mates were into selling it. I used to have my school bag full of it for school friends parents when then they all had an order in. One day we went to the local auction mart where it was all sold from and two of his mates were missing, they had been pulled and served prison sentences for how much they had been shifting. 

When we recently went abroad I was going to bring a load back but I honestly don't know a single person who smokes anymore 

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My dad was a heavy smoker,so am I.my son won't even touch the stuff and out of my groups of mates there's not many smokers left even though we all grew up together smoking weed and doing drugs.i might cut back but will probably never give up.i enjoy going out all day ferreting or mooching,sitting on a branch and smoking a spliff or 2.



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3 hours ago, Greyman said:

I only smoke weed and that’s roughly £10 a gram lol

i’m the same  don’t smoke the odd time i do smoke bud it’s a mighty vaporiser or a pure no cig lol

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2 hours ago, paulus said:

I still smoke, started in in 1978 so a bit late to stop the damage now

Thats bollocks mate, my old dear was smoking 50+ years gave it up did her the world of good

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My old man threatened me when I was about 10 Yr old. I still remember it now.. we were in the car chatting about adult stuff and he said " I don't mind to fighting and drinking, but don't ever, ever let me catch you smoking!" and I've never touched one to this day! Only decent bit of advice he ever gave me!! Lol..

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5 hours ago, gnipper said:

Best thing I ever did quitting, vaping and all that is still smoking to me.

Yeah, fair point mate but all I know is that it feels a million times better than 40 JPS a day.

I can go hours and hours without the vape which is something I couldn’t do with fags but I take your point. 

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23 minutes ago, Bush Rummager said:

My old man threatened me when I was about 10 Yr old. I still remember it now.. we were in the car chatting about adult stuff and he said " I don't mind to fighting and drinking, but don't ever, ever let me catch you smoking!" and I've never touched one to this day! Only decent bit of advice he ever gave me!! Lol..

Funny you say that because my old man never smoked and hated cigarettes, I think if he had been alive I’d have never started…..as it was I started at about 13, worsts days work I ever did really but it wasn’t a big deal in the 80s, everyone smoked

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35 minutes ago, Bush Rummager said:

My old man threatened me when I was about 10 Yr old. I still remember it now.. we were in the car chatting about adult stuff and he said " I don't mind to fighting and drinking, but don't ever, ever let me catch you smoking!" and I've never touched one to this day! Only decent bit of advice he ever gave me!! Lol..

Drilled into me as a kid even though my mother was an heavy smoker. Sad she passed away at 71 with lung cancer and never got to see a couple of her greatgrand kids and her others who have turned out good kid's and an aunties funeral I attended recently died of smoking related lung cancer at 73. 

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17 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

Drilled into me as a kid even though my mother was an heavy smoker. Sad she passed away at 71 with lung cancer and never got to see a couple of her greatgrand kids and her others who have turned out good kid's and an aunties funeral I attended recently died of smoking related lung cancer at 73. 

Sorry to hear that mate, such a shame to lose loved ones like that. Like Wilf said.. smoking was no big deal back then. My mum smoked despite numerous attempts to pack it in. It wasn't that that took her at 66 though. That's another topic. I remember being a young kid and I overheard my dad saying my mum "Ann.. I wish you'd stop smoking" and her reply was "Trev.. I wish you'd stop f@@king breathing"!! Lol.. she was a firy little thing!! Crazy how things stick in your mind. That was probably about 35 year ago!!

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58 minutes ago, WILF said:

Yeah, fair point mate but all I know is that it feels a million times better than 40 JPS a day.

I can go hours and hours without the vape which is something I couldn’t do with fags but I take your point. 

I know what you mean mate and I know a few lads who did the same as you and feel loads better without the fags but it's still got nicotine in so imo could easily fall back onto fags if no vape is available or their battery dies. I think the disposable vape are getting banned too which is a good thing as twats are chucking them everywhere. 

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58 minutes ago, gnipper said:

I know what you mean mate and I know a few lads who did the same as you and feel loads better without the fags but it's still got nicotine in so imo could easily fall back onto fags if no vape is available or their battery dies. I think the disposable vape are getting banned too which is a good thing as twats are chucking them everywhere. 

I can hand on heart say I’d never smoke another fag, I never used to be able to smell cigarettes but now the smell of a smoker hits me and I don’t like it at all.

Im not one of those howling ex smokers who hounds smokers, I don’t mind if someone smokes near me or anything because after all, that used to be me, but the smell turns me right off. 

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