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Fianaly stiched a decent ring on

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Well finaly managed to stich on a decent ring .tried it acouple ways but couldn't get it where I liked it, so had bit of help of netrigger ( again lol) 

3rd gate nets I've made switched from the the bigger heavy rings on to  inch and half rings wich I'm preferring now , 

Finaly made a net I'm 100% happy with .

Thanks again @netrigger



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  On 21/05/2024 at 20:32, Elchapo said:

Well finaly managed to stich on a decent ring .tried it acouple ways but couldn't get it where I liked it, so had bit of help of netrigger ( again lol) 

3rd gate nets I've made switched from the the bigger heavy rings on to  inch and half rings wich I'm preferring now , 

Finaly made a net I'm 100% happy with .

Thanks again @netrigger




looks good, 👍, but why have you put rings on gate nets? 

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So the gates nets mainly used now are like giant poke nets as apposed to the old sqare meshed nets that were just draped over the bottom rail of the gate , the older type net would be draped over the hare comes through gets tangled rolls over and ends up 10 foot away from the gate , these types used now ate like a big poke net set about a foot back from the gate on two Hazlehead pegs , the hare  hits the net and purse up , I dont think many people use the square mesh type anymore realy 


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  On 22/05/2024 at 09:51, Elchapo said:

So the gates nets mainly used now are like giant poke nets as apposed to the old sqare meshed nets that were just draped over the bottom rail of the gate , the older type net would be draped over the hare comes through gets tangled rolls over and ends up 10 foot away from the gate , these types used now ate like a big poke net set about a foot back from the gate on two Hazlehead pegs , the hare  hits the net and purse up , I dont think many people use the square mesh type anymore realy 



I see what you mean, like you said old gate nets were draped over the gate, a lot nowadays call short longnets, stop nets about 5 yards long, set behind the gate, I like poke nets 5 or 6 ft for ferreting. do the gate nets purse up properly? 

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  On 22/05/2024 at 10:21, fred90 said:

I see what you mean, like you said old gate nets were draped over the gate, a lot nowadays call short longnets, stop nets about 5 yards long, set behind the gate, I like poke nets 5 or 6 ft for ferreting. do the gate nets purse up properly? 


They close up the same as a big poke net does with a rabbit in it , the more they bounce around and try to push forward the more the net closes up, 

The key is a good depth on the net and the right mesh size , I've used 3" mesh board so will give a 6 inch full mesh so as the hare comes through his feet are on the net befor his nose touches the net so once they hit it they will push the head through 1 of the meshes and try to push through picking up the depth of the net with there feet tangling them self's more ,there also easier to get out of these nets that the square mesh types, 

Have you watched Glenn waters dvd on hare gate netting , He explains it alot better than I can lol it shows you how to set how to lift up how to train a dog for netting and shoes alot about where to set and how to set etc , I have it on dvd if your interested in watching it I can send it you in post to borrow 

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  On 22/05/2024 at 10:56, Elchapo said:

They close up the same as a big poke net does with a rabbit in it , the more they bounce around and try to push forward the more the net closes up, 

The key is a good depth on the net and the right mesh size , I've used 3" mesh board so will give a 6 inch full mesh so as the hare comes through his feet are on the net befor his nose touches the net so once they hit it they will push the head through 1 of the meshes and try to push through picking up the depth of the net with there feet tangling them self's more ,there also easier to get out of these nets that the square mesh types, 

Have you watched Glenn waters dvd on hare gate netting , He explains it alot better than I can lol it shows you how to set how to lift up how to train a dog for netting and shoes alot about where to set and how to set etc , I have it on dvd if your interested in watching it I can send it you in post to borrow 


you have explained it well, I watched the Glen waters videos years ago, found them brilliant, snaring, longnetting etc, mesh size is very important, I like 2 1/4 mesh for everything really for rabbits. 

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  On 22/05/2024 at 11:14, fred90 said:

you have explained it well, I watched the Glen waters videos years ago, found them brilliant, snaring, longnetting etc, mesh size is very important, I like 2 1/4 mesh for everything really for rabbits. 


I was going make a gate net for rabbits but to behonest the rabbit population down here is on its arse and I don't realy like taking them now unless it's from old places that are due to be developed on,,there a couple place near me where they built some new industrial estates on which were coverd in rabbits all the time but now u see the odd 1 or two ....times ...they are changing 

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  On 22/05/2024 at 10:56, Elchapo said:

They close up the same as a big poke net does with a rabbit in it , the more they bounce around and try to push forward the more the net closes up, 

The key is a good depth on the net and the right mesh size , I've used 3" mesh board so will give a 6 inch full mesh so as the hare comes through his feet are on the net befor his nose touches the net so once they hit it they will push the head through 1 of the meshes and try to push through picking up the depth of the net with there feet tangling them self's more ,there also easier to get out of these nets that the square mesh types, 

Have you watched Glenn waters dvd on hare gate netting , He explains it alot better than I can lol it shows you how to set how to lift up how to train a dog for netting and shoes alot about where to set and how to set etc , I have it on dvd if your interested in watching it I can send it you in post to borrow 


What sort of depth and length are these nets working efficiently at, I'm one of these folk that still uses the old square mesh nets when needed lol

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So mine is 16 mesh deep and 72 mesh long so works out  8ft deep and 18 ft long with a 6 inch full mesh , but people make them 18ft 16ft 12ft long , think depth of the net is key , I'm going to make a 6 ft long one for brakes in dry stone walls ( no point taking 18 ft long net when a 6ft one will do ) 

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