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Come the revolution

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boycott what awaste of time !!! esso are activly looking to get out of retailing as theres no money in it all they want to do is refine it and sell it to third parties in avonmouth shell morrisons, tesco, bp,sainsburys, asda all load out of the esso terminal so now where do you want to buy it from.. its the bloody thievin goverments that are to blame this country has approx an 8 billion black hole thats on par with what we give away in overseas aid so why are we givin it all away CHARITY STARTS AT HOME lets stop givin it away, stop 99% of benifits to all the lazy baskets out there stop all benifits to imigrants for the first 2 years of being here and then we could cut taxes and make life and fuel cheaper for all


come on the revolution

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the car freed the working class , with out our own transport we will be easily controlled . this country is finished there will be nothing left for anyone with a view different to the norm . the only hope is anywere but here . labour have destroyed third country , it must make all the people who blindly voted for them so proud that there children and gran children will live in a dictatorship .


I suspect the Muppets that did vote for Blair/Labour don't care. They are probably the very people who "think" we are all in the wrong for the way we think.........


.......its not about Posh v's Common or toff bashing or anything. This Labour Government is purely a money-making ride for the elitist Middle-classes who want to come down hard on real working folk; they hate the aristos in their run down mansions and titles as much as they hate the guys in council houses; its all about a middle class elite yogurt knitting materialistic pretece of real life and values.....


Hate them.

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We all think it and we all know it, but no one can do anything about it, the trouble is, it is the great unwashed and the unwanted who voted the scum in and they will do it again, after all it is a win win situation for them.

It has been said before on here Enoch Powell was not a crank, he was a prophet.

The streets will indeed run with blood, and it will not be a long wait unless a government with values and balls get in soon.


SO THATS IT THEN WERE ALL FECKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the car freed the working class , with out our own transport we will be easily controlled . this country is finished there will be nothing left for anyone with a view different to the norm . the only hope is anywere but here . labour have destroyed third country , it must make all the people who blindly voted for them so proud that there children and gran children will live in a dictatorship .


I suspect the Muppets that did vote for Blair/Labour don't care. They are probably the very people who "think" we are all in the wrong for the way we think.........


.......its not about Posh v's Common or toff bashing or anything. This Labour Government is purely a money-making ride for the elitist Middle-classes who want to come down hard on real working folk; they hate the aristos in their run down mansions and titles as much as they hate the guys in council houses; its all about a middle class elite yogurt knitting materialistic pretece of real life and values.....


Hate them.


So, your calling the majority of the people who could be bothered to vote muppets then? Tell me what do you think the Tories will do for us? Have Cameron & his cronies actually come up with any ideas that would make a REAL difference?

And yes, I did vote labour at the last election. I think I'll vote for Plaid next time though...... :laugh:

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