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Guest shay

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Ah the great 70's and 80's growing up. I mind my Mom once used ajax powder to scrub the back of our necks cos we were filthy from playing outside in the dirt. Would be considered child abuse now. Watched the Ashes to Ashes last night and spent the hour laughing about the early 80's but what a great time. Always falling off horses and breaking bones getting concussed and was just told well that what you get! And if we ever dared to break the law then it would be my dad who would march us to police station first!

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Guest longslip

me only in my mid 30s and bath night was every sunday bollock naked out in the garden getting hosed down with the cold hosepipe...Chilllllllly!! and you know what me never had a cold or seen a GP for 20 years. i put it down to my da,s goosegogs and rhubarb :thumbs:

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Yep I have had my mouth washed out with soap! Oh and my mum dropped my trousers in the middle of a supermarket once So that she could slap my legs and make sure I felt it! born in the 70's !


But have to agree that did me no harm at all! If I ever had kids my goodnes they would have a miserable life! Cant understand why so many parents let children have so much stuff? IF I wanted something that my mum didnt think i needed - Guess what I didnt get it! didnt do me any harm! Everyone harps on about need mobiles for safety of Children, rubbish! a mugger/rapist will get rid of a mobile first off! My parents would drop me off and pick me up from places, OH and if it was dark then it was time for me to be at home! Why are they still aloud out to roam streets at 9/10 oclock?


Grew up in the field behind our house helping clear field of horse much for the lady who rented it! she was hopeless as bonfires so I made them for her! at 7 years old I could create a really good burn, loved it, Still have the burn marks to prove it!


Think sometimes I aught to have children just so that there will be some children growing up with sensible ideas! Have someone i work for whos child suffers from really bad chill blanes ( cant remember medical term) her feet and hands turn black - Suggest to him that Brasher do really good thin thermals to go under their walking socks, But he said that would be no good because she wouldnt wear them because they were thick non fashion socks!!!


GET A GRIP!!!! If i had been in her position It would have been if you dont wear it then cant be that bad!



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