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Running terriers with highways close?

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Getting a patterdale pup very soon. I'm going to be working it around the area, but there is a very busy highway right behind my house. There is a little fence behind it, and a fair bit of thick woods. I'm worried that if I set the Patt loose in my backyard to run the rabbits, it'll end up on the highway, unlike my bigger dogs. How do I go about that? Shock the dog to shit when it gets near the fence or? A rabbit running through there would completely nullify that method. 

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You won’t be able to stop it going under and trying to chase them and risk getting hit. My patt dog pup got ran over last August running hot on a scent on a country road so not worth it

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My brother once had a patterdale which was a grandson of "Jack." It jumped out of a second floor window to pick a fight with two German Shepherds. I can't see a breed which does that giving up at a fence.

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I tend to keep any digging type terrier on a lead unless at the beach or somewhere as pups not worth the risk losing them chasing rabbits if you want a small dog for bushing rabbits get a cocker makes it easy for you. 

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