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Borzoi X Greyhound

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I haven't got this cross, but i have a borzoi, she has amazing speed and a prey drive to die for with attitude, she'll chase anything, i've took her lamping a couple of times and she was really keen, but i haven't done much more with her because i only have the time to work the lurchers. I've always wondered how a borzoi cross would do.

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  collie/grey said:
When she really does run, she passes some of them when they 'race' each other. She's faster than one of my greyhounds. But the fastest of mine is my beddy/whip x grey, she can't pass him, but none of em do! She's got good stamina too.




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saw some borzios run and well they couldnt turn the jack rabbit ,most are crossed with coyote hounds and greyhounds in the area of nebraska for co yotes some are handy dogs but i would say a goodline bred longdog or lurcher would be more suited than a borzio ,but if you like them keep them , there must be some good ones but only saw pure breeds against fast wily jackrabbits , who can outpace most dogs a part from fast sighthoundy types, therll be some good ones out there but well ,its finding the owners who test them breed for work not show all the best

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Some time ago there were some rescue pups here in NL...in a spanish shelter they had a hot barsoi bitch and a greyhound took his chance...the people of this website have one, a big white bitch called Saar...pretty greyhoundy with something eastern to it...




and the Valeska people work their barsois...



Edited by Lennard
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