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new ferreter

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hi guys i realy want to start ferreting with my 6 month old jill but have no idea what i am doing have read books and books about it but would be realy realy scared about lossing her


trouble is that have a super tight buget as i am only 14 and the locater and nets prices all add up


have you got any advice on everything espesilly locaters and nets


how many of you have lost a ferret


how do i get permission

nylon or hemp nets

purse net or long net

deben mark1,mk2,mk3

any good websites to buy stuff off



thanks guys

all help welcomed



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Firstley hello and welcome to the forum.


I dont use locators i should really but for little sets its no a must have e bay you will find some good kit for lw prises


or search he internet for offers occasioanly ferret kit comes up on here for sale.

Have a look through all the posts threr is always a disscution on hw to get land.



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well imo i think your starting the right time the end of the season just do as much reaserch as you can get your gear together and start next season have a look at my sig and try that website its nothing but rabbiters atb paul

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Im 15 been ferreting since i was 8, i got all my equiptment off ebay from a guy called "purple liam", he makes great good-quality nets at good prices too.

As for losing your ferret, i was exactly the same i would never put my ferret in a bury that was it a hedge or anywhere near brambles, but dont worry, i soon got used to it and now i put him everywhere! They are pretty hard to lose especially if you have an albino :thumbs:



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Gett stuck in Brecon!.... Young ferrets with little or no experience are unlikely to stay down for long so don't be too worried. In all my years ferreting I've only gone home once without a ferret but came back to collect her from a live catch trap next morn'.

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