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Mooch with terrier.

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Well thought I'd have the day off work seen as though weather's picking up. Go for a nice walk with dogs. This silly little shite thought Al up you one to stafford and came walking with this big arse lump of a stick. 😆 🤣 Wife was like ffs 🙄 😑. Now it's out of season it's just fun & games with dogs now. A can't do with these that hunt all the way through the breeding season. A lad near me has killed everything with shooting out of season. Used to be loads of rabbits around our way. Enough for lads to go with Ferrets & have a good day's work. But that knob just killed everything off. Lucky if you see a rabbit around our ways now. He's got permission on most farms and killed the lot. All he shoots now is crows , pigeons , pheasants. All other quarry has gone. It's ashame. 




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