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Gotta say, you rarely and I do mean rarely see any fights where I live and there are plenty of boozers and drinkers. Could be cultural. I never enter a bar/club, even one I’ve never been to before and look around/over my shoulder for the cnuts. In Blighty it’s always been a natural thing.

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Other than going out for a meal or private function,Ive not been out and had a drink on a weekend or a friday in a pub for over 20 yrs...can honestly say Ive never missed it.... especially as every cn

Got to agree, I don't go in town much anymore, but enjoy a pint in our old local haunts, get to see lads you haven't seen in a while and catch up, we host up here alot now so tend to habe my good mate

Whispering in your ear what he wants to do to you? Where were you drinking? The blue oyster?

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4 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

Nope dont buy it mate ive always liked a pub atmosphere its what English people traditionally do....are some of them shitholes yes of course they are but i cant think of a more natural setting within a city than a good community pub gathering.

Regards prejudice if you want to call it that ok but its simply what ive observed over my lifetime....ive heard Millwall lads openly admit it,even take pride in it.

Got to agree, I don't go in town much anymore, but enjoy a pint in our old local haunts, get to see lads you haven't seen in a while and catch up, we host up here alot now so tend to habe my good mates abd family around in our bar more than going out. My old man ran a pub in North Devon for 15 years or so, first few years were mental, lots of locals liked to pick a fight with us Townies! Lol .. it was good fun as a young bloke, birds loved us and the blokes hated it lol...

Twice spent a night in the cells for sticking up for people, I hate a bully and struggle to walk away from that type of shit. I do agree that these days your more likely to get a knife pulled on you than years gone by, but the basic instinct of protection is a hard one to ignore 

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31 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

The last place I lived was out in the sticks on the shores of lough Neagh, lovely little community with plenty of hunting, fishing and shooting folks, the centre of that community like a lot of rural places was the pub, from a Monday to a Thursday if you dropped in for a beer you could here a pin drop, every man just in for a pint and a yarn but come the weekend it turned into the Titty Twister from Dusk till Dawn, seen more dust ups in that little pub than I'd ever witnessed before. But one thing I never saw was a female get a finger laid on them, it's just a line nobody crossed and rightly so. 




Love the pubs in Ireland mate, spent a lot of time in Black Rock and Dundalk, where my family are from, and had great nights plus those you think back to and realise you were lucky! Lol

My mum was over with my cousins for Paddy's day, sent me videos of the live music in the, the march etc..looked brilliant.. not been over for a few years, but hopefully will get over to see family and have a few Guinness's later this year

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It’s all nonsense really , I can’t tolerate the devils dandruff crowd and lose patience too quickly, love a nice pub and find it amusing walking into one on holiday or miles from home. These days if I’m going to go to court it will be over money not scrapping

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1 minute ago, Qbgrey said:

It’s all nonsense really , I can’t tolerate the devils dandruff crowd and lose patience too quickly, love a nice pub and find it amusing walking into one on holiday or miles from home. These days if I’m going to go to court it will be over money not scrapping

I tell my lad not to get involved in all that shit as well mate and he's only 18, it's not worth the aggro but we're old and as youngsters didn't give a f**k...I'm the same though, will avoid aggro as much as possible as 1 it hurts more now and 2 I don't want to spend a day in a cell for that bullshit ..but I'd still struggle to walk away from a bully being a bully, particularly if it was to a girl... Maybe should walk the other way, but it's instinct not to and I think most decent lads are the same 

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1 hour ago, Astanley said:

I have never and never will walk away from a bully being a bully ,I may shi t myself ,or be out of my depth but in my own humble opinion there is no option .

I'm the same

I've took many second places because of it but . 😂😂

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McHull bully’s  me and nobody sticks up for me ! 

Joking aside, how many actual times in your life has anyone come across someone bullying someone ?……3 times ?, 6?, a dozen ?

Id say it’s less than a dozen for almost everyone.

Everything in these situations is based on split second assessments, I don’t care who you are, that’s a fact……and one size does not fit all, ever ! 

If someone is saying they wade in every time they see an altercation of some sort  between a man and a woman, a bigger bloke and a smaller bloke, 2 people and one other person then I’ll politely suggest they are stretching the truth…..

Pubs and booze magnify everything, if someone claims they will intervene every time they see some aggro that seems a tad unfair then they would have to be making these split second assessments all night long…..be like watching The Equaliser ! 

If you held your hands up to everyone who acts a c**t in a boozer you’d see more action than Thai bar girl !

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9 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

Not being arsey mate but im sure i remember you mentioning you're a single dad to a daughter.......you could of stood and watched a young girl getting hurt and sat on your hands ? what if it wasnt a pub what if it was on the street....still " keep my nose out of it " ?....you seem an alright chap to me so im going to say i dont believe you 😉

Your right I wouldn't just walk by and watch some c**t bullying a young girl. But if a couple of fellas were having a set to in a boozer or in the street and a couple of girls decided to go poking their noses in then that's their lookout.

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Can't think that I've ever seen a bloke bullying a young girl....I've seen lots of rough slags with a drink in em getting involved in stuff 🤣


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5 hours ago, mushroom said:

Gotta say, you rarely and I do mean rarely see any fights where I live and there are plenty of boozers and drinkers. Could be cultural. I never enter a bar/club, even one I’ve never been to before and look around/over my shoulder for the cnuts. In Blighty it’s always been a natural thing.

Same here (France) if theirs a tear up its 99.9% the expats🤣 

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All pubs are dirty sh--holes, I haven't been to one for 20 years, the last time I went to one I tried to stop a fight and got chucked down a flight of stairs by three bouncers who blamed me for it. I've had my nose broken a few times in pubs and have a fcked up knee from four Leb bouncers kicking me on the ground at another venue and I'm a very quiet bloke. So just don't go to pubs and if you do, ignore other people's shit even if it's a women.👍

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