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Place reminds me of Kuwait

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Brownsville Texas..... First time here .....and place is giving me flash back of Kuwait 😑


Good bit of foolishness this side of the Mississippi too.... like  never saw this on the Mississippi or the Ohio 


Lotta sand and really windy.  Waters nice though and where not far from a Space X launch site so might see something get launched . Apparently this gas blend stock where hauling goes right to it

But other then all the wind and the sand not too bad. Lotta aquatic life here by the dock 

 Whatever these fish are they don't wanna bite anything. If I had a cast net I could rack up on bait but o well.

Did manage to catch my first full size speckled trout though 


And the usual hard head


Theres also a lot of what I think are ribbon fish . They peck at the lure a bit but won't take any bait so idk. Hopefully I get to see something else soon. 


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6 hours ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Brownsville Texas..... First time here .....and place is giving me flash back of Kuwait 😑


Good bit of foolishness this side of the Mississippi too.... like  never saw this on the Mississippi or the Ohio 


Lotta sand and really windy.  Waters nice though and where not far from a Space X launch site so might see something get launched . Apparently this gas blend stock where hauling goes right to it

But other then all the wind and the sand not too bad. Lotta aquatic life here by the dock 

 Whatever these fish are they don't wanna bite anything. If I had a cast net I could rack up on bait but o well.

Did manage to catch my first full size speckled trout though 


And the usual hard head


Theres also a lot of what I think are ribbon fish . They peck at the lure a bit but won't take any bait so idk. Hopefully I get to see something else soon. 


Looks like spotted / speckled seatrout Woolfy, caught quite a few in Florida 

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So lil update , place ain't too bad , get a free dolphin shows all day, they never wanna stay still enough for a good picture though. Especially the babies and catching some interesting critters. No clue what they are but man I've been catching them hand over fist the last half hour , damn things are aggressive as hell. Will be retrieve the bait and count 15 trailing it to the boat


Also learning that everything down her has teeth, everything. Usually 45lb braid is llover kill....nope not here ... Well at least I got about 10-15 before they took it


O and got these $10 spinning combos from Walmart just for shits and giggles to see how long it would take to break them and so far their holding up really well.... Think the realls will go first though 


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