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Staffies and Agility Training

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

If ye have good basic obedience on the Dog, the world's ye oyster. Bull 'n Terrier will do it's level best at what ever ya ask of it. Perfectly agile little buggers too. I'm sure the pair of ye would enjoy it immensely.

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If its of any use to you,my girlfriend just started agility training with her presa canario bitch Kelly about 3 weeks ago,she will be 1 yr old on the 19th of this month.She past her KGC bronze award a few months ago the first presa in the uk to have done it as far as i am aware. It looks great fun for both owner and dog.Get some obedients on your staffy first to a good level as he/she will be around lots of dogs both on and off the leash so ob IS a must, good luck with it i am sure you will have a blast :toast:

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Hi all! Thanks for the encouragement. I've been told that he has to be about 10mnths old before he can do it, which is probably wise as he still needs a bit more obedience training. He's OK, but I fear he could be distracted by other dogs/people. He defininitely loves praise and a round of applause though!! I guess I could practise getting him used to the concept of running through/over things in the meantime, using stuff around the garden. Any tips on how to get him 'in the agility mode????'

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A few things you can do in the back yard.


Make up a flirt, its real easy, length of bamboo with some sort of fluffy thing on the end to chase, get em going back and forth round and around, over an a frame if ya fancy it, again pretty easy to make, did my own so its gotta be easy!!



You can soon switch em on and off with a set up like this....



Baby Ripley







All grown up



There is a flyball team in Essex that use Staffords! seen em at Paws in the park.


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Hi G.Ease

Thanks for the advice. I took Elvis to the woods today and there's a route through it, which the army use for training purposes (logs over streams/fallen tree trunks they scale over etc). I got Elvis to jump over and through things (with the aid of some titbits!) and he loved it! He didn't hesitate for a second. Like you suggest, I'm going to get some things propped up in the garden and try him doing 'circuits'. Then hopefully get him in some agility events in the summer.

I checked out your website. You've got some good looking dogs.

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