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i spent the last two weeks getting my new lurcher bitch fit as she was over weight,gave her a lot of road work and the odd gallop,so yesterday i thought she was ready for a spin of a hare,anyway i headed off yesterday afternoon to a bit of land that i have permission for and i knew it held a few hares,good open land that you can see her run,i was only in the first field when a hare rose about a hundred yards away from me so i slipped the bitch and she closed on him very quick,she settled in on him very quickly and kept him under pressure,the course lasted only a minute but felt like a hour,anyway he was,nt going anywhere so he decided to head for the ditch and after a couple of misses he hit a drain,and that finished that course,i had a couple of bushing terriers with me but i decided to leave him be for the next time,so gave the bitch a chance her breath and away i went,the second hare rose about thirty yards in front of the terriers in a stubble field as they were hunting and the lurcher was running loose,she was on top of it in a second tokk a couple of turns out of it and picked it up,a fine Jack hare,i walked the land for another hour but didnt see anymore so i ended up doing a bit of bushing with the terriers,so when i got hom i skinned the hare and hung it up in the lurcher pups pen and let them feed off it,this morning when i came out to have a look at the pups all the hare was eaten apart from a foot which was still hanging on the wire in there run,

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sorry lads i didnt take any pictures of her kill,and when i got home i skint the hare and fed it to the pups,the bitch is a greyhound deerhound x greyhound wheaton,a very good lamper and now a good hare bitch,i did try her last week on fox but i doubled her up with seasoned fox dog and she done very well

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i was up to bullx house this morning and had a look at his bitch and by looking at her i can tell you lads she is a power house of a dog,and his pups are looking well,they should make really strong dogs,he showed me the remainder of the hare if that what you can call it[its foot]i think you will do well with this bitch D,and the best of luck with her,Billy

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