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Ghillie Suites

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Anyone happen to have any pictures of or an original ghillie suit from back in the day ? I know they where basically invented over there and would like to see what y'all have as far as originals. Building a viper hood ghillie right now for predator calling and idk kinda curious.

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1 hour ago, eastcoast said:

Not what you were asking for but 1st book that came to hand. Sure there was a picture of the original Scottish 'keeper/stalker style in there but must in another book. 


That's pretty interesting, was hoping someone would have some pictures of them being used my game keepers and stuff , since apparently their the one who can up with the general idea

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10 minutes ago, South hams hunter said:

Why would gamekeepers use a ghillie suit?

No clue , but that's the story that's always been told. Scottish game keepers made up ghillie suites back in the day and apparently during WWI some of them where in and thought it would make sense to use them in warfare . Is that true ? Idk but that's the story that keeps getting told. But y'all live over there hence why I'm asking y'all 


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