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11 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

Where was you when you heard about 9/11? 

I was just driving onto broadlands estate to shoot a cow. Heard on the radio someone had crashed a plane into the trade center. We laughed thinking it was some nob in a small plane not watching where he was going....then the shock as it became clear it was a bit more serious 

Stopped for a cup of tea....I was working as a greenkeeper at Mountain Lakes golf club ..all the members was watching the TV in the lounge... I arrived just as the second plane hit it....the day that happened...the world changed forever imo👍


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I’ve always considered the worst cruelty of diseases like cancer is their randomness…….there’s no fairness or whatever about it, it’s cruel because it is so random. That woman didn’t choose her p

Spot on with that post mate. I myself have recently had blood tests done to detect prostate cancer and have kept it to close family and mate's i have not told a soul at work as i did not want to becom

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Got to be honest,at the time of 9/11..my first thoughts was an inside job....and I still believe that to this day....Bush and Blair the War mongering pair of Cnuts,were proved they couldn't be trusted...just look at the world we live in today👍

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Diana.......Due to take the kids swimming turned on the news and shouted out to the wife who was getting ready. I remember there being a crazy storm on the way to the pool expecting it to be shut but it was still open but had the pool to ourselves. On the day of her funeral I went to go fishing to the local lake and they had shut and padlocked the gates, I was pissed right off felt like we were being forced to mourn.

9/11.......... working in a yard on my own when a customer came in said the USA were under attack didnt have access to a tv but turned the radio on and all I could think was it was a hoax as it seemed so far fetched. Like others have said changed the world forever.    

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Diana .. was 13 I think at windy harbour caravan park my dad came back with the paper from the shop .

9/11 I was in work sanding a trailer ready for painting when the painter tells me to shut the f*ck up and all us at work just literally stopped and listened 

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9/11 was in a pub at winchester..we were at the bar and moaning at the bar maid to turn the TV off as it was another cheap disaster movie......she said it was real....then we watched and sat there totally dumbfounded

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Diana, had closed the pub for the night and watched the story unfold on Teletext.

911, was diving down the M5 after a trip up north and listening to the radio, Chris Moyles didn't know what to say.

Cheers, D.

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Diana, pulled into a garage in Dagenham going foxing ,heard it an thought ,No! But as the day went on hearing it was true

9/11 working on a quarry ,lads on the weighbridge called us in as they had a TV, couldn't believe what you were seeing ,people with family in London suddenly coming home ,mental! 

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9/11 - In a portacabin on a chemical plant shutdown in Holland. Only me and a Dutch guy called Henk, who had no English (one of the very few cloggies). Radio was on and he started freaking out and trying to tell me what was happening. Site shut shortly after and was back in digs in time to watch the 2nd tower fall.
Like yesterday.


Diana - had one of those radio alarms which woke me up the back of six for a Sunday shift to the news she’d been killed. Still went to work, well you would, it’s double bubble.

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15 hours ago, dytkos said:

Diana, had closed the pub for the night and watched the story unfold on Teletext.

911, was diving down the M5 after a trip up north and listening to the radio, Chris Moyles didn't know what to say.

Cheers, D.

Yeah , I remember it being Chris moyles on the radio when it happened, all the music stopped and it was just him talking as the news unfurled . Sure he got an award for it . One thing I do remember is as reading , bizarrely in fhm, an interview with a Middle Eastern guy with some extreme views a couple of months before that .  

lo and behold it was obl himself 

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Diana ... dont know if you lads remember a TV called a Hinari Sunrise? It had a built in alarm, so that was my wake up alarm.at the time.. Sunday morning Hinari woke me up.at 9am with a hangover to play Sunday morning football.. as it was the TV that woke me it was the first thing I saw when.my eyes opened, was a bit surreal tbh


911... on a roof in Plymouth, my now wife who I'd only been seeing a shirt while rang me to say what was happening...we got in the van and put the radio on..."America under attack!!".. it was sensational for sure, but the biggest single public event of my life, the footage of those planes hitting is still a mad site..visiting ground zero and the museum years later was a very sobering experience

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1 hour ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

 One thing I do remember is as reading , bizarrely in fhm, an interview with a Middle Eastern guy with some extreme views a couple of months before that .  

lo and behold it was obl himself 

I flew out to work in Holland a couple of weeks before it happened and bought an FHM at the airport. It had a feature on the FBI’s most wanted. No.1 was one Usama Bin Laden. I’d never heard of him up until that point.

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1 hour ago, pesky1972 said:

I flew out to work in Holland a couple of weeks before it happened and bought an FHM at the airport. It had a feature on the FBI’s most wanted. No.1 was one Usama Bin Laden. I’d never heard of him up until that point.

Yeah pretty sure that was it ,  remember thinking at the time “wonder if it was him” 

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Diana.There was 3 carloads of us driving back to a mates house at 2/3 am from a rave that the old bill had shut down when it came on the car radio that she'd been in a car accident.Nobody said a word and when when we all got back to my pals.Then about an hour after we got back one of the girld said"has princess Di been in a car accident and every person there said the same thing "I heard it but thought I was just off my nut and imagined it.We put the tele on and watched it unfolding.That was a proper buzz killer.

9/11 I was out digging and my missus came out to my kennels and told me as I was sorting the dogs out.I went to a fell and moorland meeting that night and everyone was talking about it and zi can remember one of the fellas there who we always thought was a bit of a crank saying it was definitely fake.

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