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Friday afternoon mooch

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Friday afternoon, the nights are drawing out and some long awaited decent weather meant it was time to get out for a few hours.

Started with half hour on the catch box with the catty then headed out to a nearby permission. 

Tool of choice was the Air Arms s410carbine

Plenty of greys and pigeons upon arrival which quickly scarpered. No close range shots available with the catty (not close enough for my skill level anyway) so got the air arms out and went to check zero.

All looking good so went for a walk up alongside some beech trees where the greys usually hang around. I spotted a woody about 25/30yds up in the branches. Nice little rest on the fence and we had one in the bag. 

Walking back down I spotted another sat on a powerline probably 20/25yds away. No rest here and no sticks on me so had to take a sitting shot, back against a fence.

Nice clean neck shot and we had the second one down. 

Content with my takings, I decided to get the dog out and do some training with her just before dark. Wing clipped off one of the pigeons and tied to a dummy, her retrieving is coming on well! 


Darkness fell and the temperature dropped. I clipped the pard onto the s410 and decided to have a quick look around the chicken coop. Seen a few sets of eyes, managed to pick one rat off and with my tea calling, I wasn't keen to hang around for anymore.


Nice afternoon out, what it's all about for me. 










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