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  On 05/03/2024 at 17:57, mackem said:

I always watch bowmar,he got into a bit of hot water a while back for spearing a bear.Darcy who used to be on here was into archery,sent me some really good Gary Bognor DVD’s.Tom Miranda has two fantastic DVD sets out showing every big game North American animal including polar bear,the other shows African hunts including elephant.



Really enjoying the bowmar vids mate. Very interesting stuff 

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On Sunday I ordered a cheap recurve bow off Amazon only thirty odd quid to see if I could learn how to shoot a traditional bow with no sights, it only has a 20lb draw. So I googled the fec out of how

Mc Hull would,nt your talking to a man that can I.D a roosting blue tit at 500 yards with nothing more than torch, he would track the bear naked apart from wellies and finish it with a single blow to

three women killed today in uk with a crossbow so i think that ban will come in rather quick imo 

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  On 05/03/2024 at 18:03, Leo Sayer said:

Really enjoying the bowmar vids mate. Very interesting stuff 


Trust me,if you enjoy Bowmar the Tom Miranda saga to kill every North American big game animal with a bow will blow your mind,and don’t forget Tim Wells.

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Have a look at the atlatl aswell, i love the primitive stuff, our ancestors had lethal equipment back then, and took it all from their surroundings, theres a guy in america that took down a buffalo with the atlatl and its defo lethal, theres his video on youtube of it 

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  On 05/03/2024 at 10:28, Leo Sayer said:

Good pics wolfy thanks. You prefer compound or recurve ? Cheers 


Honestly just depends, like my stuff is pretty low teir. I Mea ln I got the compound for used $75 at a pawn shop . I Mean it's still prettynice and all it's just like a 9yr old model instead of just really new. and my recurve is black hunter from Amazon for like $100.  So their not the best quality easiest thing to shoot like much nice stuff. That being said I don't get into achery for easy.

But anyhow is I just plain wanted to shoot something without question really easy I'll take my compound every day. As long is so get a few of practice in semi regular I'm llmore then confident out to 50yd . And that hitting a water bottle size target. Don't think I'd be too nervous double lunging a deer sized animal at that distance. Just site in your pin sites  to each range ( I have a 12yd  25yd and a 45 yd pin set up on my site)  line it up in the peep and send it. Good follow though is key though

Now if I want a challenge it's the recurve all day. That thing will make me pull my hair out but f**k when you get it hitting where you want it's amazing! Crazy thing is I shoot my best groups with it when I don't really even aim . It's weird but it called instinctual shooting. Basically I just see a tweet as imm shot that there comes to full draw and send it. And most do the time it's goes right where I want. Pretty crazy stuff.

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  On 05/03/2024 at 18:31, Wolfdog91 said:

Honestly just depends, like my stuff is pretty low teir. I Mea ln I got the compound for used $75 at a pawn shop . I Mean it's still prettynice and all it's just like a 9yr old model instead of just really new. and my recurve is black hunter from Amazon for like $100.  So their not the best quality easiest thing to shoot like much nice stuff. That being said I don't get into achery for easy.

But anyhow is I just plain wanted to shoot something without question really easy I'll take my compound every day. As long is so get a few of practice in semi regular I'm llmore then confident out to 50yd . And that hitting a water bottle size target. Don't think I'd be too nervous double lunging a deer sized animal at that distance. Just site in your pin sites  to each range ( I have a 12yd  25yd and a 45 yd pin set up on my site)  line it up in the peep and send it. Good follow though is key though

Now if I want a challenge it's the recurve all day. That thing will make me pull my hair out but f**k when you get it hitting where you want it's amazing! Crazy thing is I shoot my best groups with it when I don't really even aim . It's weird but it called instinctual shooting. Basically I just see a tweet as imm shot that there comes to full draw and send it. And most do the time it's goes right where I want. Pretty crazy stuff.


Is it easier to learn on a low poundage recurve first or go straight to a compound ? Ta 

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  On 05/03/2024 at 18:36, Leo Sayer said:

Is it easier to learn on a low poundage recurve first or go straight to a compound ? Ta 


Compound is easier all the way . I mean honestly a non compound is more like a gun. Adjust sites and everything. Still takes time to learn but way easier then a recurve or other trad bow.  My compound is 70lbs and once I get it pulled back I can hold it while looking down teb sites pretty early for about 15-20 sec. I also use a mechanical release attached to my wrist instead of my fingers so way less fatigued. But yeah you legit sight it in like a gun go to day ten yards, shoot three arrows , see where they group ,adjust your sites shoot another ,ect.

My black hunter is only 50lbs and it's a bit of a bitch for me. Really I need like a 35lbs because I'm a bit over bowed with 50lbs . Even though due to my draw length I'm really only pulling like 45lbs

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  On 05/03/2024 at 18:36, Leo Sayer said:

Is it easier to learn on a low poundage recurve first or go straight to a compound ? Ta 


Compound,trust me.Cabelas we’re doing full rigs on sale over Christmas at around £325 bow,sight,peep,brand new.In Bhutan they shoot traditional but all aspire to compound for a reason.


  On 05/03/2024 at 18:32, Wolfdog91 said:

Btw if you haven't check out tim wells ted Nugent and team Fitzgerald they do a lot of cool stuff but are probably a bit to American for many on here


The schlock master,I went to the cold steel European HQ in Czechoslovakia to see his blowguns.He shoots an unusual bow as does his daughter,an Oneida.


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  On 05/03/2024 at 18:41, mackem said:

Compound,trust me.Cabelas we’re doing full rigs on sale over Christmas at around £325 bow,sight,peep,brand new.In Bhutan they shoot traditional but all aspire to compound for a reason.


The schlock master,I went to the cold steel European HQ in Czechoslovakia to see his blowguns.He shoots an unusual bow as does his daughter,an Oneida.



Seen him on the tube, as far as I can gather to a newbie , looks a minefield as many different ways to aim and sight ! Looks to me a recurve can be take down which could be handy in some circumstances. 

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  On 05/03/2024 at 18:41, Wolfdog91 said:

Compound is easier all the way . I mean honestly a non compound is more like a gun. Adjust sites and everything. Still takes time to learn but way easier then a recurve or other trad bow.  My compound is 70lbs and once I get it pulled back I can hold it while looking down teb sites pretty early for about 15-20 sec. I also use a mechanical release attached to my wrist instead of my fingers so way less fatigued. But yeah you legit sight it in like a gun go to day ten yards, shoot three arrows , see where they group ,adjust your sites shoot another ,ect.

My black hunter is only 50lbs and it's a bit of a bitch for me. Really I need like a 35lbs because I'm a bit over bowed with 50lbs . Even though due to my draw length I'm really only pulling like 45lbs


It’s a a steep learning curve to be honest. I need do more research. Cheers 

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  On 05/03/2024 at 18:44, Leo Sayer said:

Seen him on the tube, as far as I can gather to a newbie , looks a minefield as many different ways to aim and sight ! Looks to me a recurve can be take down which could be handy in some circumstances. 


Useful to practice but compound gives better accuracy and range,find a local archery club,go along,shoot both types,do a 10 lesson course,it will build your confidence and accuracy,my local club charged £140? For a 10 lesson course.

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