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On Sunday I ordered a cheap recurve bow off Amazon only thirty odd quid to see if I could learn how to shoot a traditional bow with no sights, it only has a 20lb draw. So I googled the fec out of how

Mc Hull would,nt your talking to a man that can I.D a roosting blue tit at 500 yards with nothing more than torch, he would track the bear naked apart from wellies and finish it with a single blow to

three women killed today in uk with a crossbow so i think that ban will come in rather quick imo 

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Heard on the news driving home about the 3 girls killed and young lad arrested, didn't know it was with a crossbow though. Tragic news poor girls. And I agree a ban deffo coming and probably very soon. 


On a different note on this thread I have been watching on YouTube,  Dries Visser African bow hunting outfitters. Has been not a bad watch. 

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3 hours ago, Leo Sayer said:

On a different note on this thread I have been watching on YouTube,  Dries Visser African bow hunting outfitters. 

I had a couple of his DVD’s about 12 years back,him and his dad,but the son was the one who took out archers.

I can think of two double homicides with crossbows,one in Toronto one in the UK,yesterdays spree kill was unprecedented.

Had a meal in a really nice place last night,the walls were covered in Assyrian battles with archers prominent.




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Popped into a friends earlier,he has a job lot of crossbow pistols in storage,had a chat with him,he has had a phone call earlier from a trade supplier chatting in general but both agreed licensing or a ban is on the horizon.



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11 hours ago, mackem said:

Popped into a friends earlier,he has a job lot of crossbow pistols in storage,had a chat with him,he has had a phone call earlier from a trade supplier chatting in general but both agreed licensing or a ban is on the horizon.



I had a pistol crossbow when I was about 14, I remember it being pretty crap to be honest 

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8 hours ago, mackem said:


Bubba in his dungarees made me chuckle,  squeal piggy squeal lol.

Obviously crossbows can be deadly as can a lot of things in the wrong hands. If they are going to do anything then maybe licencing is the best policy. But look at how many illegal guns are out on the streets,  converted replicas, converted blank firers.  Them zip guns or pipe guns or them plungers in a tube, I remember a lad having one of them 30 years ago when digging. A lot of household implements can be used as a murder weapon. 

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