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She wants a crossbow now

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Welp took the lady to go pay on her dress and she suggested we go to bass pro to look around....just got nephew I to fishing so looking at another rod for him mabye possibly one of thkse back packs you can put a kid in for hiking for my niece since it looks like ill be babysitting she a bit,and I wanted to look at the reloading stuff, next thing you know she's taking about gardens, and aquaponics , and green houses ,and canning ,asking how much meat you can off a deer to save money on groceries if she can bring a book to a deer stand saying she's probably going to end up liking hog hunting more because their not as cute as deer annnnddd she's taken a liking to crossbows ....think we skipped over some stuff.....got her a 22lr, then a .20ga single shot just got her a PCP  aannnnnd now a crossbow ? Don't think that sounds right...think it's supposed to be one or two other things in between there 🤣


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