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Navalny dies in prison

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I would never try to claim that Putin and Russia are a wonderful example of democracy. My point has always been that a I couldn't give a shite. Forget about Putin and Russia, let him crack on. Your go

Its all abit,pot calling the kettle black.. people in glass houses and that....there will be no  War,no one's coming to over throw Us(bar what our government are flooding us with) This country of ours

We may not be dragging people out into the prison yard to put a bullet in the back of their canister….no…..what our government is doing is worse ! Our European governments are presiding over and

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  On 17/02/2024 at 10:48, waltjnr said:

Well I don't think they were best buddies ,think putin is capable of anything,and bumping off a critic is small fry for that phsyco!


I dont doubt for 1 minute that Putin is more than capable of it, its the speed that everyone has him guilty of it that has me thinking

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  On 17/02/2024 at 11:13, chartpolski said:

Over 100 arrested in Moscow this morning for protesting in Moscow.



Everyone would all be singing there praises if the British po po and government arrested all these pro Palestinian protestors in London and disappeared a few, they all had a choice to stay home did they not ???

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  On 17/02/2024 at 11:16, mC HULL said:

so biden ain’t as bad because he hasn’t succeeded  yet  lol belter 


Where did I say Biden isn’t as bad as Putin?

Ive not said that at all.

Biden is trying to use the legal system to stop Trump, wrong in my mind, but even Biden hasn’t the power to simply throw opponents into jail.

Stop making things up and you may be taken more seriously.

Stalin had a name for western, left wing intellectuals who supported him; “ useful idiots”.

Im sure Putin thinks the same.


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  On 17/02/2024 at 11:25, Greyman said:

Everyone would all be singing there praises if the British po po and government arrested all these pro Palestinian protestors in London and disappeared a few, they all had a choice to stay home did they not ???


I agree, but anyone arrested for protesting in the UK would go through the legal system, they would be availed a court appointed lawyer, legal aid, Habeus Corpus , etc.

Putin just throws them in jail .


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  On 17/02/2024 at 11:26, chartpolski said:

Where did I say Biden isn’t as bad as Putin?

Ive not said that at all.

Biden is trying to use the legal system to stop Trump, wrong in my mind, but even Biden hasn’t the power to simply throw opponents into jail.

Stop making things up and you may be taken more seriously.

Stalin had a name for western, left wing intellectuals who supported him; “ useful idiots”.

Im sure Putin thinks the same.



useful idiots then what are the western population easy to manipulate slaves ? 

i don’t support putin but say he’s any worse then what we have is pure stupidity  what’s good for the goose 


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  On 17/02/2024 at 11:30, chartpolski said:

I agree, but anyone arrested for protesting in the UK would go through the legal system, they would be availed a court appointed lawyer, legal aid, Habeus Corpus , etc.

Putin just throws them in jail .



so like we have with asange then threw in jail illegally ?

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Its all abit,pot calling the kettle black.. people in glass houses and that....there will be no  War,no one's coming to over throw Us(bar what our government are flooding us with) This country of ours has f**k all in the grand scale of things,we dont produce f**k all these days that anyone wants,buy in our meat etc...what have we actually got on this pissy little island..that the big bad russian bear wants??? Wake up and smell the coffee....the people that run this country think of us as nothing but f***ing cattle,they can squeeze as and when it suits....

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