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Project motorcycles before an after

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Thought I’d start a post on project motorcycles that some of you lads have done or doing?  this is the little project I done a 03 kx125 she’s now a clean little bike that runs super clean and cri

What was several boxes  of bits is  starting to look a bit like a motorbike.  Now it has wheels l can at last move it out of the sitting room. Maybe into the kitchen 🙂

A yammy TT  my bro did , he imported the bike from california 

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50 minutes ago, Lenmcharristar said:

How do you rate the ktm?

i’ve always like them mate done in from today poor really round the track lol 

i more  potter about now  i prefer the the steel frames there better made and stronger then the competition even the older ones i’ve a ktm 500 2 stroke 1989 it’s better made then the cr500 or kx500

its all ktm now see a few honda and kawasaki you dont see suzukis now do you 


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38 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

i’ve always like them mate done in from today poor really round the track lol 

i more  potter about now  i prefer the the steel frames there better made and stronger then the competition even the older ones i’ve a ktm 500 2 stroke 1989 it’s better made then the cr500 or kx500

its all ktm now see a few honda and kawasaki you dont see suzukis now do you 


The 250 rms 2 stroke were a better bike in my opinion, my favourite was the 89-93 kx 250s, although when i had an r1 it was some machine

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12 minutes ago, Lenmcharristar said:

The 250 rms 2 stroke were a better bike in my opinion, my favourite was the 89-93 kx 250s, although when i had an r1 it was some machine

i only ever owned one suzuki rm mate made of chocolate same with the kawasaki you  can see threw the crankcases if you hold them up to light 

90s there were plenty of suzuki yamaha were big aswell weren’t they kawasaki with carmichael 

now it’s ktm or husquvarna etc which are basically ktm 

i can remember the r1 r6 coming out we used to take me mates dads out when he was in pub lol


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16 hours ago, mC HULL said:

i only ever owned one suzuki rm mate made of chocolate same with the kawasaki you  can see threw the crankcases if you hold them up to light 

90s there were plenty of suzuki yamaha were big aswell weren’t they kawasaki with carmichael 

now it’s ktm or husquvarna etc which are basically ktm 

i can remember the r1 r6 coming out we used to take me mates dads out when he was in pub lol


Yep the 80s-90s bikes were better in my opinion, had a husaberg aswell a 600 it was a good machine but the left foot kick and decompression lever was a nightmare at times, and yes the r1 was a 99 bike and got in trouble in 2002 with it haha, ill say no more haha

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21 hours ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Yep the 80s-90s bikes were better in my opinion, had a husaberg aswell a 600 it was a good machine but the left foot kick and decompression lever was a nightmare at times, and yes the r1 was a 99 bike and got in trouble in 2002 with it haha, ill say no more haha

ye mate i like the older stuff be collapsed out of breath after trying to kick that helmet on top of head catching your breath  lol it would have had you fit as out 

like you say the r1 and r6 were great everyone wanted one 


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1 hour ago, mC HULL said:

ye mate i like the older stuff be collapsed out of breath after trying to kick that helmet on top of head catching your breath  lol it would have had you fit as out 

like you say the r1 and r6 were great everyone wanted one 


Yes i remember mid 90s the fireblades came out and raised the bar, then late 90s yamaha and suzuki then kawasaki upped it again, although the blackbird broke the 200 mph barrier then the hyabusa, zx12r and the gsx1300r all went for it too, all mad days, now the kawasaki h2 and h2r hold the records, never fancied the bmw or the ducatti but loved the aprilla rsv mille. Just down to personal taste

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6 hours ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Yes i remember mid 90s the fireblades came out and raised the bar, then late 90s yamaha and suzuki then kawasaki upped it again, although the blackbird broke the 200 mph barrier then the hyabusa, zx12r and the gsx1300r all went for it too, all mad days, now the kawasaki h2 and h2r hold the records, never fancied the bmw or the ducatti but loved the aprilla rsv mille. Just down to personal taste

never been big into the super bikes less as i’ve got older i ain’t got the arse for them lol

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6 hours ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Yes i remember mid 90s the fireblades came out and raised the bar, then late 90s yamaha and suzuki then kawasaki upped it again, although the blackbird broke the 200 mph barrier then the hyabusa, zx12r and the gsx1300r all went for it too, all mad days, now the kawasaki h2 and h2r hold the records, never fancied the bmw or the ducatti but loved the aprilla rsv mille. Just down to personal taste

I had a RSV 1000 thort it looked amazing but I couldn't get on with it was very lumpy and the electrics kept letting it down , sold it for a gsxr600 and didn't think I'd ever have a v twin again as i just couldn't ride it , then my mate got a sp1 I had a go on it then that was it the 600 was up for sale n i got an sp was an epic bike wish I still had it now 

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8 hours ago, mC HULL said:

ye mate i like the older stuff be collapsed out of breath after trying to kick that helmet on top of head catching your breath  lol it would have had you fit as out 

like you say the r1 and r6 were great everyone wanted one 


I had a r6 good bike but you soon get tired of ringing it's neck all the time lol.. had a zx7r before the r6 nice comfy bike..

Then a gsxr 750 k5 cracking bike bought it with 3k Miles and done about 50k + miles on it amazing reliability..

I've got a gsxr 1000 l4 now bought a few months ago..so easy to ride just using the torque 4k revs and up just pulls so smooth and strong effortless..


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I’d love a bigger engine bike but I’d think a sport bike id kill my self plus there not really my cuppa t I like the idea of if I get bored I could just go off road I’ve gotta do my bike test at some point I like the 2 stroke stuff I like the ktm 300 and the beta 300 rr but like restoring bikes if I did have a sport type bike I’d definitely want a 80s bike like a rd350 lc my old man had one when I was a kid my mum made him sell it he still says worst thing he ever did I do fancy restoring one but there pretty strong money 

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32 minutes ago, vfr400boy said:

I had a RSV 1000 thort it looked amazing but I couldn't get on with it was very lumpy and the electrics kept letting it down , sold it for a gsxr600 and didn't think I'd ever have a v twin again as i just couldn't ride it , then my mate got a sp1 I had a go on it then that was it the 600 was up for sale n i got an sp was an epic bike wish I still had it now 

The sp was a smashing bike

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4 minutes ago, poxon said:

I’d love a bigger engine bike but I’d think a sport bike id kill my self plus there not really my cuppa t I like the idea of if I get bored I could just go off road I’ve gotta do my bike test at some point I like the 2 stroke stuff I like the ktm 300 and the beta 300 rr but like restoring bikes if I did have a sport type bike I’d definitely want a 80s bike like a rd350 lc my old man had one when I was a kid my mum made him sell it he still says worst thing he ever did I do fancy restoring one but there pretty strong money 

Theym and the 250 were a fast bike for what they were, 

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5 minutes ago, poxon said:

I’d love a bigger engine bike but I’d think a sport bike id kill my self plus there not really my cuppa t I like the idea of if I get bored I could just go off road I’ve gotta do my bike test at some point I like the 2 stroke stuff I like the ktm 300 and the beta 300 rr but like restoring bikes if I did have a sport type bike I’d definitely want a 80s bike like a rd350 lc my old man had one when I was a kid my mum made him sell it he still says worst thing he ever did I do fancy restoring one but there pretty strong money 

My mate had a rd350 was a quick bike blue and yellow if I remember right..I bet they ain't cheap nowadays..


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