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2 hours ago, TOMO said:

It's totally about sugar...carbs and sugar are the same excess carbs are stored as sugar in the muscle...

Mr O ....yep alot of top bodybuilder take insulin because they found it could be anabolic.....of course this then turns them in to diabetics..dangerous hormone to f**k around with...

it’s about insulin mate and your body not producing it 

you can’t convert carbs without insulin 

that’s why mr o like arnold were on a high fat low carb diet

and why later mr o were on high carb low fat diet because they had insulin by then and that converts it for you without insulin shots they wouldn’t be able to use a high carb low fat diet 

like you say sugar is a carb but some carbs have low glycemic index 

white bread is high sough dough is low 

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I think it would be impossible to eat anything these days that hasn’t got preservatives or additives in it. I like to eat wild game, but who knows if the crops or grass they have eaten hasn’t bee

I buy most of my meat from a Butchers that sources his meat from different farms ie like the pigs that run free in a wood in a village not far from me. He makes his own sausages cuts his own bacon and

I started keto carnivore last  end July....last year...dropped 2 stone by Christmas....and it was easy... Thing to do is ...when you get hungry...just eat some meat and fat....cheese takes the ed

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19 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Just a multivitamin mate 

Saying that animal pak is just a multi vitamin is a bit rich tho now I’ve read it back . It’s been the base of everything I’ve done or trained  for during my career , when you take it , you just feel better . I don’t know if it’s purely placebo but I feel totally different during cycles 

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10 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

it’s about insulin mate and your body not producing it 

you can’t convert carbs without insulin 

that’s why mr o like arnold were on a high fat low carb diet

and why later mr o were on high carb low fat diet because they had insulin by then and that converts it for you without insulin shots they wouldn’t be able to use a high carb low fat diet 

like you say sugar is a carb but some carbs have low glycemic index 

white bread is high sough dough is low 

Yes it's called insulin resistance I know perfectly what it is and how it works...people that become type two are insulin resistant....take away the sugar and carbs and its reversed....very often within a few weeks before substantial weight loss...

When you go on a high fat and protein diet it changes the way your body works...some people that track calories even report having a higher calorie intake but still loose body fat eating this way...

It's the way we were ment to eat

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Just answer this, if you refuse to accept studies that don't fall in line with your views then who/what do you believe? Let's not forget, studies aren't just carried out by all the people you disagree with.

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The most important thing is a weekly detox routine that you must discipline yourself to and stick to rigidly 

Like I do 

You know?
















































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8 hours ago, TOMO said:

Same in Hong Kong mate...second highest life exptancy...but Hong Kong is the highest consumer of meat in the world

Mainly Pork and Fish though as Fish is still classed as meat. Also far from a only meat diet infact their diet is similar to the Mediterranean diet.

Diet & health

Experts claim that even though Hong Kong is seemingly unhealthy, the country, in general, consumes a diet similar to the "Mediterranean diet". Hong Kong is uniquely surrounded by ocean and land, which enables greater access to fish, fruits, and vegetables, which are found in the local cuisine. Rice, nut oils, and a combination of meat and vegetables provide whole diets.

However, as the western diet gains popularity, more and more processed food and meat consumption have led to increases in diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure in young people. With child obesity on the rise due to these factors, the future can only tell how the diet will affect life expectancy in the future. Furthermore, “colorectal cancer has overtaken lung cancer to become the most common cancer in Hong Kong, with 4,979 new cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed in 2014 and are often related to diet.” (Source: WCRF)

Cheers Arry

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4 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

If you haven’t experienced the joys of the carnivore diet and experiencing the focus of ketosis I suggest you give it a go. To anyone . 

I was eating nothing but meat for a month . Mince for breakfast , chicken at dinner steak after training at night . the knock on effects were huge . Loads of energy , loads of focus , a heightened sense of smell and taste , spiking in testosterone , feeling a million percent more aware of the effects of the training as you could literally “feel your growth “ I’m not kidding , it’s weird as f**k . 

I was only eating that along side a cycle of animal pak and shakes .  Mince was just that , chicken has condiments pure as an aid to taste , steak was the same. 

I drank my shakes , mixed in milk and with peanut butter and honey scooped in  

right the downside . Please if your  eating do not continue . 


the effects on your stomach are unreal . The diarrhoea you endure  is like something from a horror movie . There’s no warning , it’s just explodes , there’s no room for error with farts or playfully aiming one out as you walk along . The high pressure shit water that gets squeezed from your arse is bad enough , but the constant flow eventually becomes a chore.  My arse  was in bits from the wiping etc . It was far from pleasant . I have ptsd from what I left in the bowl at times . Jesus 


was it worth it ! Absolutely 

Diarrhoea is just  your body transitioning to the fats normally stops after 3/4 weeks too much iron for your body to cope with … f***ing unreal at times though lol. 

Salt/electrolytes are massively important don’t have enough of that in you you’ll experience the worst cramps you’ll ever come 


how did you find it when you were training mate ? Obviously it reduces inflammation but I was never sore or that the next day after a proper hard work out 

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On 03/02/2024 at 15:05, TOMO said:

That's just it though it totally does....thousands upon thousands of people curing many many chronic illness does totally prove that this low carb eating ....just look at type two diabetes....cured with a no carb diet...

My mums a testimony to that she had health problems always getting tests and prescribed pills upon pills, could be fine  for  2/3 days living a normal life then in bed ridden for days and also had bad arthritis all gone with the carnivore diet, she’s like a new women the change is night and day she can lead a normal life now and is fighting fit all year round she has been on carnivore now for about 2/3 years. 



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3 hours ago, Corkhill said:

Again, not true. You can eat a super high diet in sugar and still improve insulin sensitivity providing you keep your weight in check. Come on guys.

Just because your weights in check doesn’t mean your healthy lol

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10 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

Diarrhoea is just  your body transitioning to the fats normally stops after 3/4 weeks too much iron for your body to cope with … f***ing unreal at times though lol. 

Salt/electrolytes are massively important don’t have enough of that in you you’ll experience the worst cramps you’ll ever come 


how did you find it when you were training mate ? Obviously it reduces inflammation but I was never sore or that the next day after a proper hard work out 

No, it obviously doesn't reduce inflammation, where have you got that from? From the research it doesn't appear that any specific diet fad including carnivore makes any difference in reducing inflammation when total calories consumed are controlled. There's not been many studies done on this anyway, the most convincing reduction in inflammation was when they replaced saturated fats with omega-3  polyunsaturated fat. But sure, if people have a high sugar diet, they tend to consume excess calories, tend to be overweight which in turn caused inflammation. But, if you control the calories, there doesn't seem to be any difference in inflammation markers when you vary the amount of sugar in your diet.

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23 minutes ago, Corkhill said:

No, it obviously doesn't reduce inflammation, where have you got that from? From the research it doesn't appear that any specific diet fad including carnivore makes any difference in reducing inflammation when total calories consumed are controlled. There's not been many studies done on this anyway, the most convincing reduction in inflammation was when they replaced saturated fats with omega-3  polyunsaturated fat. But sure, if people have a high sugar diet, they tend to consume excess calories, tend to be overweight which in turn caused inflammation. But, if you control the calories, there doesn't seem to be any difference in inflammation markers when you vary the amount of sugar in your diet.

From my own experiences been there done it tried all sorts , do a lot of running the only thing that helped my knees and be able to run long distances was when on carnivore 


I’d explain carbs like having a red bull you’ll get a spike in energy but it soon wears off hence people being overly tired these days and wanting to eat 3,4,5,6 times a day 

Carnivore you’ve got a lot more energy and it’s a lot more steadier with it as well should only needing to eat once or twice a day which also allows the body to breathe and reduces parasites …. And what do parasites cause ….. cancer 

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11 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

From my own experiences been there done it tried all sorts , do a lot of running the only thing that helped my knees and be able to run long distances was when on carnivore 


I’d explain carbs like having a red bull you’ll get a spike in energy but it soon wears off hence people being overly tired these days and wanting to eat 3,4,5,6 times a day 

Carnivore you’ve got a lot more energy and it’s a lot more steadier with it as well should only needing to eat once or twice a day which also allows the body to breathe and reduces parasites …. And what do parasites cause ….. cancer 

Life style plays a part too, and different metabolism but I agree with diet and read up on cancer being parasites and also a course on ivermectin beats it 👍 

Who knows really?

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