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Just how strippable is the T12?


I have recently acquired a s/s model and still have the option of returning it if I'm not happy (it's pre-owned).


I'm loath to give it the nod before I'm entirely happy, and had been led to believe that they are strippable for cleaning. I did initially think that it was a case of unscrewing the outer case from the inner and that the knurled section at the base of the mod was for this purpose.


Several attempts later, notings moving. What am I doing wrong :icon_redface: or has the mod 'seized' in some way? :cry:


Cheers Novice

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Yes, its seized.Pop it in a protected vice,[knurled section] and apply a little heat, just in front of the knurled section, and then unscrew. The inner tube can be withdrawn for cleaning, the rear chamber, but the baffles cant be stripped.Reassemble with a smear of grease [coppaslip is excellent] on the threads.

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Use a blowtorch mate, you wont hurt the stainless steel, but you need to play the flame around the moderator, dont keep it in one spot.You are aiming to heat up and expand the thin wall of the moderator, before the thick solid knurled section gets warm enough to expand. If you wish, try a freeing oil first for 24 hours, such as plusgas, or the american "kroil" or wd40 if these others aren,t available.

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Cheers for the advice Baldie. Spot on as always.


I stood the base of the mod in wd40 overnight and took it round to a mates today. He popped it in the vice and opened it in double quick time. :boogie:


We put a smear of copper grease on the threads so hopefully won't happen again. Just debating now whether to clean the fouling from the inner tube or leave it? Does a bit of fouling improve the effectivness of the mod or did I just make that up :blink:

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I would clean it buddy, but thats just me, it wont harm the mod, because its stainless, but always remove it from the gun when youve done shooting, give it a squirt of oil, and that keeps the crap on the baffles soft, and gets blown out with the subsequent shots.Mods trap gas, which contains ammonia, which rapidly damages a barrel, and will trap the gas for days.

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