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Bull greyhounds or saluki bull greyhounds?

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3/8th 5/8th bull grey. Doing good for me so far. Around 15 month. Just started to switch on. Plenty quick enough for me.   

I'm on here 2 meet men ,why you on here

I enjoyed 30 yrs of digging,but times have changed Thats why ive a couple of russells and a plummer bitch these days..dont need eyes in your arse😉can have a wander places and not have the stress 👍

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5 minutes ago, Blackmag said:

The thing I would look at is the ground and quarry I run and how much gear I can actually put in front of the dog no point having a race horse if I only trot down a tract 

Wise n true words..

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10 hours ago, Borr said:

See I don't get it myself, a dog you're gonna invest a huge amount of time and effort in, probably the last thing I'd take a punt on, especially to save a few hundred quid. I understand it can be a bit of a gamble regardless but cost of pup is probably not the reason to take one...

Ye but you just basically answered ye own question it can be a gamble regardless? Like wise I have had pups for £500 off top lines and jacked but the parents were the dogs danglies so it’s one of those. Who knows but ain’t every pup a gamble am sure most will agree 

Edited by Whispering Whiskey 66
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1 hour ago, Whispering Whiskey 66 said:

Ye but you just basically answered ye own question it can be a gamble regardless? Like wise I have had pups for £500 off top lines and jacked but the parents were the dogs danglies so it’s one of those. Who knows but ain’t every pup a gamble am sure most will agree 

Yeah it’s a gamble but the reason of using tested dogs is to lessen the gamble and increase the percentages of workers vs two wankers being bred and pups sold for £50. If they were genuine they’d more than likely be given to buddies rather than sold for £50. Must of been an unplanned litter and they want rid asap.

Edited by Sully.
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