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Mad malicious women.

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Been married 28 yr and get along with my mrs, don’t chase other fluff about like a demented perv, my family’s my main priority but I do have hobbies that me n boy do together , the girls do girl shit,

One word....'f***ing Tards'...I know enough lads who live  like that...Ive never understood why anyone would put up with that sort of behaviour in a relationship?...there aint a piece of pussy anywher

It's much more widespread than abusive men. Abusive men are very very rare. Yet we all know loads of blokes who are kept away from their kids and lied about. In fact it's a pleasant surprise when you

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I think a lot of men are scared of being seen as non feminists or mysoginists and go out out of their way to be ever so reasonable and let women f**k them over.

Women seem to hold all the aces in relationships these days. And have no morals about getting their own way. As has been said a lot are narcissists. 

Many women are in their mid thirties before they marry these days and have had nearly twenty years of different relationships,  clubbing and boozing. They are old enough to be grannies.  They find it difficult to accept the responsibility of being wives and mothers imo.

Bring back old fashioned women who  accept their responsibilities and make a home. And  bring back old fashioned men who work hard, don't chase skirt and  are happy to be a dad.

Edited by jukel123
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  On 23/01/2024 at 20:39, jukel123 said:

I think a lot of men are scared of being seen as non feminists or mysoginists and go out out of their way to be ever so reasonable and let women f**k them over.

Women seem to hold all the aces in relationships these days. And have no morals about getting their own way. As has been said a lot are narcissists. 

A lot of women are in their mid thirties before they marry these days and have had nearly twenty years of different relationships,  clubbing and boozing. They are old enough to be grannies.  They find it difficult to accept the responsibility of being wives and mothers imo.

Bring back old fashioned women who  accept their responsibilities and make a home. And  bring back old fashioned men who work hard, don't chase skirt and  are happy to be a dad.


The "laddish" culture of the '90's. "girl power". Drink pints, get pissed, get tattoos, sleep around, just like we do. That generation of young working class women were sold down the river by their role models and the male dominated media. 

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  On 23/01/2024 at 21:05, eastcoast said:

The "laddish" culture of the '90's. "girl power". Drink pints, get pissed, get tattoos, sleep around, just like we do. That generation of young working class women were sold down the river by their role models and the male dominated media. 


Spot on. Well said mate.

Same goes for rearing young kids and working at the same time. Something has to give. It's too stressful on everybody concerned. Sticking kids in nurseries at a crazy cost is inhuman imo. Women should at least be able to bring their babies up without having to hold down a crap job and have their kids  nurtured by nursery assistants who are often teenagers. That's not progress.

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  On 23/01/2024 at 21:15, jukel123 said:

Spot on. Well said mate.

Same goes for rearing young kids and working at the same time. Something has to give. It's too stressful on everybody concerned. Sticking kids in nurseries at a crazy cost is inhuman imo. Women should at least be able to bring their babies up without having to hold down a crap job and have their kids  nurtured by nursery assistants who are often teenagers. That's not progress.


Times change,sometimes for the better sometimes for worse,female emancipation and equality of the sexes isn’t such a bad thing,I carry my woman’s bags of shopping,open doors for her,cover all the financial side,but she is certainly better educated and a lot more savvy in certain ways.We look back on the old days through tinted glasses but in reality life is far better nowadays.

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  On 23/01/2024 at 21:30, mackem said:

Times change,sometimes for the better sometimes for worse,female emancipation and equality of the sexes isn’t such a bad thing,I carry my woman’s bags of shopping,open doors for her,cover all the financial side,but she is certainly better educated and a lot more savvy in certain ways.We look back on the old days through tinted glasses but in reality life is far better nowadays.


Kinnel Mack, you're more of a chauvinist than I am Lol. That's very big of you opening doors and carrying shopping. You really are a 'new' man.

Well  since I retired,I do the washing up, clean the bathroom and  kitchen and occasionally hoover. Her indoors does the rest. I'm more henpecked than you I reckon lol.


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  On 23/01/2024 at 21:38, jukel123 said:

Kinnel Mack, you're more of a chauvinist than I am Lol. That's very big of you opening doors and carrying shopping. You really are a 'new' man.

Well  since I retired,I do the washing up, clean the bathroom and  kitchen and occasionally hoover. Her indoors does the rest. I'm more henpecked than you I reckon lol.



Whoa,easy tiger,I didn’t say I was henpecked,and I am OCD with housekeeping,I love vacuuming and tidying up,but if I have to I can go walkabout for as long as I need to (unless it’s to a “young men,not poofters” club) without any hassle,I have been away for months at a time,some blokes can’t even stay out an extra hour.She knows there’s a reason behind it and I am 110% trustworthy.

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I know a group of middle aged blokes,burly geezers,oil rig workers who fish abroad,sturgeon in Canada,cats in Spain,carp in France etc,I suggested a place I know in Thailand with big fish,straight away to a man they said “Our lass wouldn’t let me go to Thailand” wouldn’t let??It’s fishing FFS what sort of relationship is that?No trust.

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  On 23/01/2024 at 16:52, mackem said:

Your becoming quite homophobic Jukel,heaven forbid a Syrian or Nigerian transsexual ever accidentally bumps into you in one of the “young men,but not poofter” clubs you frequent nowadays.


The quarry I'm working in as a contractor..have taken a transvestite fitter on the books it started yesterday..the manager told us it was going to start as Ellie.. but it wants to start work now called "ray" 

It turned up for a job interview wearing a dress ffs..but because it has the most fitter experience out of the 3 candidates. Hr decided to offer it a job...the world's gone nuts mate.. 

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  On 23/01/2024 at 22:25, king said:

The quarry I'm working in as a contractor..have taken a transvestite fitter on the books it started yesterday..the manager told us it was going to start as Ellie.. but it wants to start work now called "ray" 

It turned up for a job interview wearing a dress ffs..but because it has the most fitter experience out of the 3 candidates. Hr decided to offer it a job...the world's gone nuts mate.. 


Or no nuts.

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Wasn’t it a few months back a few of you were giving it “ oh isn’t women’s football amazing , up the lionesses “ 

sadly young girls have a much much harder path In life . A lot of the “ mental as f**k “ birds have had a life that most of us can’t envisage . You have to have some understanding imho of the root cause of that . 

@mackem where was that Botox ? Cheap that for dermal fillers at what looks like a decent gaff . 🙄

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