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12 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

Hes only where he is... because some cnut put him there,too further their 'own' agenda... don't be under the illusion that hes any different from ,Obama Clinton,Bush, Reagan...they are in the job for one reason.... Their own Greed...I wouldn't trust any of the cnuts to feed a goldfish...while I went on holiday 😉👍

Maybe so dc,from what iv read he does not accept any money from donors like the rest of them,he done right by the americans last time he was in,an the "elites" hate his guts so i dont think he is,i hope hes not a wolf in sheeps clothing mate.

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It’s like this, when the school bully comes to take your dinner money….America is the biggest, meanest, nastiest big brother waiting outside the play ground for that bully after school ! Let’s du

I like the guy ok I guess, the cult of personality he's getting is weird as f**k though....then again I don't understand people who basically worship political figures and act like they have no faults

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3 hours ago, Francie, said:

Maybe so dc,from what iv read he does not accept any money from donors like the rest of them,he done right by the americans last time he was in,an the "elites" hate his guts so i dont think he is,i hope hes not a wolf in sheeps clothing mate.

I don't think he is part of the elites , been told from friend she bang on most of time , told me when trump get back in power,  Russia going to storm Ukraine an take over , she says Ukraine the head of the snake 

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24 minutes ago, tank34 said:

I don't think he is part of the elites , been told from friend she bang on most of time , told me when trump get back in power,  Russia going to storm Ukraine an take over , she says Ukraine the head of the snake 

Id agree with that, wherever the clintons and obamas and bidens are into seedy dealings then thats where their seedy agendas head quarters are

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15 hours ago, mel b said:


I only know a couple of Americans,  and they both think trump is great. 


16 hours ago, mackem said:

Give us your take on the game Wolfie?The Americans I know personally all support trump. 

I like the guy ok I guess, the cult of personality he's getting is weird as f**k though....then again I don't understand people who basically worship political figures and act like they have no faults. He's also gotten one of the most successful smear campaigns don't to him. Most people who hate him don't even know exactly why they do they just know trump bad trump racist.Ive criticized the guys alot but the people who just can't stand him and talk shit without being able to show anything annoy the absolute living f**k out of me. You figure someone who is such a racist you be able to just bull somthing up in them seconds of him using the hard R or beating black people or something. .....yeah no. Ask someone , hay so what exactly has trump don't that racist and it's whole bunch of run around answers.....meanwhile when I show pole joe Bidens " if you don't vote for me ya ain't black " or his cornpop story , all of which where on national TV eveyone legit says they never seen that and WTF ?!

And yeah I feel like we need to stop babysitting NATO but to a large degree it is a power move . 

"Act right and make the right decision or my bases and armored divisions in your country go poof" not to mention there's a lot of infrastructure built around US military bases in alot of countries. Those go and you have a lot of very upset people without employment.

As far as the UK. Going off on their own for their own military ......egh .....the people talking the loudest about this have shown not to have the best grasp on the military in general as a whole so.... Yeah....

Just looking at British military doctrine it's changed a lot y'all's force projection capabilities are waaaaay less then they used to be , and nowadays force projection is a major deal, military spawned and industrial complex would have to get a major bump..... Idk about y'all ship building anymore so I can't speak on that but being an island nation seems like y'all would have to rebuild your navy again, least a few aircraft carriers..... Also a lot of what it seems strengthened the British military was being able to pull recourses from all the colony it had all over and that's not really too much of a thing now ..at least not as good as it was so unless that changes honestly it would just be most sensible to probably just leave NATO and stay with us and maybe the Canadians and Aussies. It's been proven time and again we work well together. Probably will have to end up catching a ride with us regardless for a good long while.

That all being said again historically if you leave the Europeans alone by themselves unsupervised for too long... 

Problem with a lot of this shit is power vacuums.


On a side note I think I'd actually like to keep the French on with us if we left NATO because those guys really know a thing or two about lighting war's.

But we're in a age of proxy wars ,info war and the like so if you want stuff to work like WWll your just plain shit out of luck

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45 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:


I like the guy ok I guess, the cult of personality he's getting is weird as f**k though....then again I don't understand people who basically worship political figures and act like they have no faults. He's also gotten one of the most successful smear campaigns don't to him. Most people who hate him don't even know exactly why they do they just know trump bad trump racist.Ive criticized the guys alot but the people who just can't stand him and talk shit without being able to show anything annoy the absolute living f**k out of me. You figure someone who is such a racist you be able to just bull somthing up in them seconds of him using the hard R or beating black people or something. .....yeah no. Ask someone , hay so what exactly has trump don't that racist and it's whole bunch of run around answers.....meanwhile when I show pole joe Bidens " if you don't vote for me ya ain't black " or his cornpop story , all of which where on national TV eveyone legit says they never seen that and WTF ?!

And yeah I feel like we need to stop babysitting NATO but to a large degree it is a power move . 

"Act right and make the right decision or my bases and armored divisions in your country go poof" not to mention there's a lot of infrastructure built around US military bases in alot of countries. Those go and you have a lot of very upset people without employment.

As far as the UK. Going off on their own for their own military ......egh .....the people talking the loudest about this have shown not to have the best grasp on the military in general as a whole so.... Yeah....

Just looking at British military doctrine it's changed a lot y'all's force projection capabilities are waaaaay less then they used to be , and nowadays force projection is a major deal, military spawned and industrial complex would have to get a major bump..... Idk about y'all ship building anymore so I can't speak on that but being an island nation seems like y'all would have to rebuild your navy again, least a few aircraft carriers..... Also a lot of what it seems strengthened the British military was being able to pull recourses from all the colony it had all over and that's not really too much of a thing now ..at least not as good as it was so unless that changes honestly it would just be most sensible to probably just leave NATO and stay with us and maybe the Canadians and Aussies. It's been proven time and again we work well together. Probably will have to end up catching a ride with us regardless for a good long while.

That all being said again historically if you leave the Europeans alone by themselves unsupervised for too long... 

Problem with a lot of this shit is power vacuums.


On a side note I think I'd actually like to keep the French on with us if we left NATO because those guys really know a thing or two about lighting war's.

But we're in a age of proxy wars ,info war and the like so if you want stuff to work like WWll your just plain shit out of luck

I think that pretty much sums up how most (rational) British folks see things as well wd 👍

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1 hour ago, Wolfdog91 said:


I like the guy ok I guess, the cult of personality he's getting is weird as f**k though....then again I don't understand people who basically worship political figures and act like they have no faults. He's also gotten one of the most successful smear campaigns don't to him. Most people who hate him don't even know exactly why they do they just know trump bad trump racist.Ive criticized the guys alot but the people who just can't stand him and talk shit without being able to show anything annoy the absolute living f**k out of me. You figure someone who is such a racist you be able to just bull somthing up in them seconds of him using the hard R or beating black people or something. .....yeah no. Ask someone , hay so what exactly has trump don't that racist and it's whole bunch of run around answers.....meanwhile when I show pole joe Bidens " if you don't vote for me ya ain't black " or his cornpop story , all of which where on national TV eveyone legit says they never seen that and WTF ?!

And yeah I feel like we need to stop babysitting NATO but to a large degree it is a power move . 

"Act right and make the right decision or my bases and armored divisions in your country go poof" not to mention there's a lot of infrastructure built around US military bases in alot of countries. Those go and you have a lot of very upset people without employment.

As far as the UK. Going off on their own for their own military ......egh .....the people talking the loudest about this have shown not to have the best grasp on the military in general as a whole so.... Yeah....

Just looking at British military doctrine it's changed a lot y'all's force projection capabilities are waaaaay less then they used to be , and nowadays force projection is a major deal, military spawned and industrial complex would have to get a major bump..... Idk about y'all ship building anymore so I can't speak on that but being an island nation seems like y'all would have to rebuild your navy again, least a few aircraft carriers..... Also a lot of what it seems strengthened the British military was being able to pull recourses from all the colony it had all over and that's not really too much of a thing now ..at least not as good as it was so unless that changes honestly it would just be most sensible to probably just leave NATO and stay with us and maybe the Canadians and Aussies. It's been proven time and again we work well together. Probably will have to end up catching a ride with us regardless for a good long while.

That all being said again historically if you leave the Europeans alone by themselves unsupervised for too long... 

Problem with a lot of this shit is power vacuums.


On a side note I think I'd actually like to keep the French on with us if we left NATO because those guys really know a thing or two about lighting war's.

But we're in a age of proxy wars ,info war and the like so if you want stuff to work like WWll your just plain shit out of luck

Well written that for a septic 👍

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Just now, Borr said:

Northern rhyming slang?

I don't like to be put in a box, I try to base myself as a mackam figure, able to adapt and fit in to any area or culture. 

One day I may even leave Lancashire 👍

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7 minutes ago, Borr said:

Northern rhyming slang?

Northern rhyming slang is septic tank-wank 

Southern rhyming slang is septic tank-yank

we southerners are far politer.

6 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

I don't like to be put in a box, I try to base myself as a mackam figure, able to adapt and fit in to any area or culture. 

You have promise,keep on keeping on old chap.

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39 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Why do I even hope for a halfway intelligent response on here anymore 

It was a compliment!!!

A very well written opinion that few people could argue with.

Fckin hell that was me being nice 🤣

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