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Interesting gravestones

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Reading an African hunting forum. 

(At some point in the next 10 years I want to hunt Africa. Definitely wearing a pith helmet)

Someone had visited nyeri cemetery and had posted some interesting gravestones. Jim Corbett of man eater hunting fame. Along with Baden Powell of the scout movement. I didn't realise they were buried in the same grave yard.

And another one the inscription of which reads HEBEN CARPENTER, OF OKEHAMPTON DEVON, BORN 3RD DEC 1901, KILLED BY A RHINO 14th JAN 1935




Edited by DIDO.1
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Not so much an headstone but a memorial which I found interesting walking around Walton on the Naze today I met up with a few old retired railway mates for a bit of grub and a few pints and see this.

Great great grandfathers younger brother. Killed in the last month of the war. The regiment was on its way out of the line when they fell in to reinforce another action at short notice loosing 6 men.

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3 minutes ago, paulus said:

There is one in the local town graveyard with a skull and cross bones on it, its know as pirate Pete, But nobody is sure as to what it means, Some say pirate some say a Plague victim.

On Holy Island, Lindisfarne, there are some headstones with skull and crossbones; they are Freemasons graves.


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4 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

Reading an African hunting forum. 

(At some point in the next 10 years I want to hunt Africa. Definitely wearing a pith helmet)

Someone had visited nyeri cemetery and had posted some interesting gravestones. Jim Corbett of man eater hunting fame. Along with Baden Powell of the scout movement. I didn't realise they were buried in the same grave yard.

And another one the inscription of which reads HEBEN CARPENTER, OF OKEHAMPTON DEVON, BORN 3RD DEC 1901, KILLED BY A RHINO 14th JAN 1935




I am going to see Jim Corbetts rifle soon when I make time,I have an invitation.I have seen a titanic victims grave,seen a few well known murdered victims graves,know where there’s a gravestone of a guy who died flying a gypsy moth? Bi-plane he had just done up,accidentally seen rod hulls grave while looking for slow worms,Tommy Trinders grave,loads really,friend of mine has a huge Sativa cannabis leaf carved into the stone,I visited another friend of mines grave who hung himself in prison and a few stones up from his is a grave with lurchers terriers and fighting cocks.



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3 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

Without googling it can anyone tell me what the circle with a dot in means on Baden Powell's grave? 

5 points if anyone knows without cheating 

I thought it was a symbol of the sun or eternity, I didn’t look it up but I am going to now ! LOL !


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8 minutes ago, paulus said:

There is one in the local town graveyard with a skull and cross bones on it, its know as pirate Pete, But nobody is sure as to what it means, Some say pirate some say a Plague victim.

There’s a couple in the local cemetery,I thought pirates but the vicar said plague,the grand old Duke of yorks wife is buried there also.

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3 minutes ago, mackem said:

There’s a couple in the local cemetery,I thought pirates but the vicar said plague,the grand old Duke of yorks wife is buried there also.

I though plague victims were buried separately ? 
A few hundred yards from my house is a very small group of houses built on the site of a cholera hospital, on the aptly named Hospital Lane. The cholera victims are all buried in unmarked graves on the other side of the A69 on the same field as an Iron Age burial site, I don’t know if there’s any connection between the two


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10 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I thought it was a symbol of the sun or eternity, I didn’t look it up but I am going to now ! LOL !


His gravestone bears a circle with a dot in the center, "ʘ", which is the trail sign for "Going home", or "I have gone home".[

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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

I though plague victims were buried separately ? 
A few hundred yards from my house is a very small group of houses built on the site of a cholera hospital, on the aptly named Hospital Lane. The cholera victims are all buried in unmarked graves on the other side of the A69 on the same field as an Iron Age burial site, I don’t know if there’s any connection between the two


Only going off what the vicar told me charts,though I have been to the worlds biggest bubonic plague bone-stack the infamous Catacombes 65 feet under Paris with its 6 million skeletons.

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Baden Powell. I know he means a lot to people and did a lot of good in the world by introducing kids to camping and the wonders of the natural world. But, without going into detail, if you put his life under even the most casual inspection, he was a very dodgy fecker indeed.

One of the many people who people looked up,to but now realise had a  very sinister side. All part of growing up I suppose. The veils fall from your eyes.

Edited by jukel123
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When I was younger my parents had a book that was shaped like a tombstone. It was called "a small book of grave humour" and it featured a collection of interesting headstones.

Always remember this one from mid west America.

Here lies the body of Lester Moore

Four slugs from a "44"

No Les, No Moore.

Cheers, D.

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