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Am I an arsehole.

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  On 16/01/2024 at 09:23, DIDO.1 said:

That's more or less where we are at. I don't want their click of rich gunmen and they automatically disagree with everyone I suggest just to be cnuts. 

Time to take control and set boundaries. My way or the highway 


Be a little more selfish..it might do you some good....

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I've not read the post... I'm saying yes though, based on the title alone ..😄

you are not out of order....you are bang on target.............my mouth has got me in trouble no end of times when iwas younger....but at least i could sleep at night knowing that i had been true to m

You aren't an arsehole but 90% of twats on little syndicates are, got a little business or wealthy family and then go round like they're landowners or something.   Anyone talking about shooting d

Saying how it is isn't being an asshole. If they act the twat tell them. 

You've shared your shoot now they think they can do things more like their way. 

Don't need jumped up idiots anywhere near you as good guys will have enough and move on then you are left with idiots. 

I tell the lads at work this is how it is. Company makes money they make money. They try bark orders or say I'm not doing this or that just remind them how it is. Everyone knows their place and it's better that way 

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  On 16/01/2024 at 09:06, Arry said:

Its your shoot you choose who you want on it, who you want to spend your spare time with. If you have twats with high opinions like that they will hinder the banter the laughs the crac.

I hate this don't say this don't say that treading on egg shells arguments will all ways start like that. You cant always agree with everybody all the time but real mates would let a comment wash over them like water off a ducks back. But twats like that are going to creat an atmosphere you don't want.

Your on the money Dido have your shoot the way you want it with the people you want to have around you.

Cheers Arry


The problem is though Arry, if as DIDO says its an equal shares scenario then its not his shoot. He has a share.

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  On 16/01/2024 at 17:45, hambone said:

The problem is though Arry, if as DIDO says its an equal shares scenario then its not his shoot. He has a share.


I know what you're saying mate and if I owned it and it was getting silly. I would see the season out wind it down and keep a small shoot for fewer closer friends and enjoy it more. 

Cheers Arry

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  On 16/01/2024 at 17:54, Arry said:

I know what you're saying mate and if I owned it and it was getting silly. I would see the season out wind it down and keep a small shoot for fewer closer friends and enjoy it more. 

Cheers Arry


I've been involved in one that had a few members like DIDO describes, would not get involved with a syndicate again unless either in control of it or just paying and turning up to shoot. Less hassle that way

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  On 16/01/2024 at 17:48, Arry said:

Who owns it though Dido??

Cheers Arry


A big landowner, their son has inherited the responsibility of running things. We have taken it between the three of us and it's worked fine this season. They are in effect my best mates....but obviously they are shooters and have a few quid about them and do mix in slightly different circles.

But I found the shoot, I negotiated with the landlords. On top of that I get on with the landlords son as he farms the place and he's definitely more on my level. It's me who organises most things and ties it all together. We don't have a signed lease though and I've agreed so far on a really good gentleman's agreement, though that may have to change if we spend big money on it this next season. Poults are £6 each....so 2000 poults are 12 grand before you feed em! Bearing in mind I don't even shoot pheasants I just enjoy the keepering and running the beaters. Bit of an awkward situation really.....and I was just having a laugh on here after they said I was an arse with people I disagree with. I guess now I'm opening the box on a bigger discussion that needs to happen. As we get bigger the place needs a shoot captain and boss....

The land isn't suitable for walked up shooting and is set up for a big driven shoot. The landlords son also wants his boys involved beating so just doing it half arsed isn't going to work 

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Most of us have to put up with people and spend time in their company that we would rather not if given a choice. In order to pay the bills. It seems to me that your shoot is your Shangri-La not a paid job? I may be wrong. If your enjoyment of YOUR shoot is going to be compromised then do not allow it to happen. Have an honest clear the air meeting with the 2 other chaps that have a say as to who is or is not going to be welcome on the shoot and see how it goes. 

In  regard to the person threatening to shoot hounds he just a c**t. I am not condoning unruly hounds and incompetent huntsmen if they are a regular problem on land that is being managed to hold birds but take it up with the owner of the dogs. Man to man. If it is an idle threat then he just is a gobshite, which also makes him a c**t, but at least a harmless one.

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  On 16/01/2024 at 18:23, eastcoast said:

Most of us have to put up with people and spend time in their company that we would rather not if given a choice. In order to pay the bills. It seems to me that your shoot is your Shangri-La not a paid job? I may be wrong. If your enjoyment of YOUR shoot is going to be compromised then do not allow it to happen. Have an honest clear the air meeting with the 2 other chaps that have a say as to who is or is not going to be welcome on the shoot and see how it goes. 

In  regard to the person threatening to shoot hounds he just a c**t. I am not condoning unruly hounds and incompetent huntsmen if they are a regular problem on land that is being managed to hold birds but take it up with the owner of the dogs. Man to man. If it is an idle threat then he just is a gobshite, which also makes him a c**t, but at least a harmless one.


I think he was trying to be funny with his shooting hounds comment. Indeed I did say I'm not totally disallowing him....but I would have to meet him first and he would be asked to explain his comments 

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  On 16/01/2024 at 19:00, DIDO.1 said:

I think he was trying to be funny with his shooting hounds comment. Indeed I did say I'm not totally disallowing him....but I would have to meet him first and he would be asked to explain his comments 


You never know Dido,  he must just say " sorry , I was being a bell end , after getting on the outside of a bottle of sloe gin " , or something equally as apologetic. 

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i am in exactly the same position as you and last year told one of the guns and two beaters not too come back . to say that they were upset was an understatement but they had to go as they were causing an atmosphere .this year its a much happier place

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