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night gone bad

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My plan was to keep hold of the dog til he came at me, then kick him in the bollocks and run off, but Im glad I didnt have to as my aim isnt that great and I probably would have landed up on my arse with the dog on top of me, and probably him as well :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Thank god our taxes are being spent on the more important things like tracking down people hunting rabbits at night, on permisson, when its actually legal anyway. I would hate to think i was paying for the police to clamp down on burglars and people robbing old ladies. :wallbash::wallbash: No wonder why society has a very low opinion of the police force as a whole. :no:

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very true mush, there are still a good few at it, head down in to the depths of the west and you find several interesting charicters working their dogs. its like stepping back in time with a few of them who seem to have been left behind by rules and regs. :thumbs:

:thumbs: to true mate.


And mark like you say you haven't been down here that long so why would you know many.

Years ago i went to every show that was put on, as they were put on by people who worked their dogs and had mostly real working dogs being showed and sort of raced all great fun . Now i go to one or maybe two shows a year get board out my mind wonder why i went in the first place as its always the same show people with their almost pure whippets and greyhounds there fighting over a plastic cup.

As to working my dogs I do enough thanks.

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C**ts, i hear their cracking down on the ridgeway in Oxford and berkshire too on the local radio. I'm sure i heard some time, that the bill aint aloud to enter on land themselves without permition, even if they can see lamping going on.

Think your right about that mate.

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I'm sure i heard some time, that the bill aint aloud to enter on land themselves without permition, even if they can see lamping going on.


under the police and criminal evidence act a police officer may,without warent, enter any premises/property if he believes a crime is,has or is iminently about to be commited. I believe that there are some special conditions regarding liscenced premises within lawfull trading hours.

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you seen some good wildlife then mate deer, rabbits, a hare a fox and a couple of RATS !

i am lucky as i see that amount of wild life quite a bit but i am in the fens ,my dogs on black soil, the fields are massive and its hard to get on the rabbits which can be lamp shy,i need a red filter but cant get one for my lamp,

there is a badger set on one of the wooded spots around but i avoid going anywhere near them.

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you would be surprised how many do work their dogs round here you just don't know them mark, as most don't go to the lurrcher shows. but its not like it was ten year ago when you had to get out early or some one else would already be lamping.

mush dont talk a load of rubbish i ve been down here nearly 10 yrs always in that time lamped ,only ever come across one other bloke in the field that was jackie, and done the shows for the last 2 seasons only?how many seasons have you done shows for?are haw many times have you been out on the lamp are fereted in the last 4 yrs??????????i know a few people down and around here and the lampers are mainly shooters not dog people,mark

theres loads of dog men at it in sunny devon ive been out down cornwall a few times but i cant say any of the blokes i met had running dogs like you say mostley gunnmen .with beagles/terriers ive recently got some permission on a golf course havn,t done it yet though

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