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How long till rabbits move back in

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hi Guys


How long after i have ferreted a warren will rabbits move back in??


Thanks Mark

i wouldnt say that the resident bunnies actually move out after a ferreting session, but as a rule i tend to leave it a GOOD couple of weeks before hitting the same spot. im sure that if a ferret has gone down and made a kill then this will have an affect on usage of the warren but its tricky to judge exactly what goes on and how rabbits behave after an invasion.

i suppose a lot of it is down to where you are ferreting and how abbundant allternative holes are ,ie sand borough's and clay tips are so full of rabbits that you would not be able to tell if you have pushed them away from certain holes or not.

ps... have to sort out a day to do a bit soon!!

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I tend to only ferret a warren once a season, nets down, ferrets in and all resident rabbits caught, it then takes all the spring and summer for new rabbits to move in and breed and repopulate


however i did used to have permission on couple of small paddocks at the side of the A1 embankment in Yorkshire, i would ferret the fields and take between 10-20 rabbits, leave it a month and new rabbits had moved up from the embankment and you could ferret them fields every 4-6 weeks and catch the same sort of numbers as tehy were replaced by new rabbits


however unless you are getting them replaced from motorway/railway embankment then i would only ferret a warran once a season.


if there are still rabbits in it after you have ferreted, then you are doing something wrong, if you miss one or two then thats next years sport as those few rabbits will fill the void you have made during the winter

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I wish I could only do a warren a season. I have to work the same warrens week in week out. I have ferreted the same warren 2 days in a row and caught both times. Not recomended though.


I am the same as you HJ i have to work the same warrens every time i go out.Some days i catch others i don't. :thumbs:

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Ive got a field in a corner of three farms and i can ferret it weekly untill all the ground round about it has been ferreted. Never get big bags after the first time its ferreted but ever rabbit helps

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I've been back to one warren four or five times this season already, and got something every time, i don't think it means your doing anything wrong just because you can go back and catch a rabbit time after time , just different times , different rabbits in the warren.

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hi Guys


How long after i have ferreted a warren will rabbits move back in??


Thanks Mark

Yep much the same as everyone else. If you have a pool of surplus rabbits, ie a railway embankment, then the rabbits tend to re-occupy within a couple of weeks or so. Obviously in isolated pockets of rabbits, once you've been through it, then it could take possibly a year to recover. :thumbs:

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On my ferreting land i have access to various size warrens 3-30 plus holers i try to vary the land i work as not to hit the same sets.However i have hit what i call my dead cert sets within 7days of doing them previously & still had a rabbit or two out off them.If the fert has killed in which my 2 are just starting to do occasionally i tend to write them sets off for a good while but wether its stops further rabbit use :hmm:

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