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Covid Vaccine not to blame??

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Those of you who took the jab had your reasons...those of us who didn't,had our reasons...the truth will come out eventually and like the saying goes...make your bed...and you have to lay in it....time will tell,until then,this discussion will rage on,with folks getting personal and insults flying 🙈 for the record,I sincerely hope that all of you who rolled up your selves and your loved ones, have a long and prosperess lifes ....and the same for the rest of us who didnt👍

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If nuclear mate will be eating f**k all, if not anything from farm animals to insects and hedgerow veg not a problem, boat life’s great wish I’d done it years ago to be honest mate, makes you realise

Those of you who took the jab had your reasons...those of us who didn't,had our reasons...the truth will come out eventually and like the saying goes...make your bed...and you have to lay in it....tim

Self sufficient and ready to go at a moments notice, it’s been coming for years and the final stages are already in motion, just agreed a sale on my house which will be my final link to the real world

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This blokes a pro Vax and blames the excess deaths on lockdown and lack of exercise but he does acknowledge it is happening and will explain to you the figures how anyone can still believe  that nothing has changed since the jab was rolled out is more deluded than anyone smoking a bit of weed 


Edited by Greyman
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1 hour ago, Greyman said:

This blokes a pro Vax and blames the excess deaths on lockdown and lack of exercise but he does acknowledge it is happening and will explain to you the figures how anyone can still believe  that nothing has changed since the jab was rolled out is more deluded than anyone smoking a bit of weed 


He has no sme knowledge to be talking about it . It’s the equivalent of a personal trainer from pure gym typing on Facebook .  No relevance or kse to the topic . 

but just as an aside , you found a pro vaxxer to misread the stats and because he acknowledges it , it adds weight to the argument of excess deaths . 

But the agency that compiles the stats are deliberately misrepresenting the facts ? 

I have no umbridge with anything people  choose to put on their body or not , what annoys me is the blatant misrepresentation of the data 



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3 hours ago, VOON said:

No excess deaths are not happening at an alarming rate……they were not accounting for Covid in the simple models they were using during Covid.  The ONS started accounting for them a few months ago.  Adjusted for COVID and aging populations has shown “ excess deaths” are not happening.  Highly vaccinated countries are having better outcomes than less vaccinated countries over the covid period, loads of studies over the next few years, it’s a very interesting subject. 

Bollocks voon

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18 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

He has no sme knowledge to be talking about it . It’s the equivalent of a personal trainer from pure gym typing on Facebook .  No relevance or kse to the topic . 

but just as an aside , you found a pro vaxxer to misread the stats and because he acknowledges it , it adds weight to the argument of excess deaths . 

But the agency that compiles the stats are deliberately misrepresenting the facts ? 

I have no umbridge with anything people  choose to put on their body or not , what annoys me is the blatant misrepresentation of the data 



I think when the penny finally drops you will realise the only people manipulating data are those profiting from the jabs as the old saying goes just follow the money today’s conspiracy tomorrows facts, who knows and as I’ve said all along I wish everyone well on which ever path they chose to take 

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2 minutes ago, Greyman said:

I think when the penny finally drops you will realise the only people manipulating data are those profiting from the jabs as the old saying goes just follow the money today’s conspiracy tomorrows facts, who knows and as I’ve said all along I wish everyone well on which ever path they chose to take 

I cannot believe that you actually said “follow the money “ 

what experience do you have in that just out of interest ? How would one go about “following the money ?” 

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“That shows you that it is the younger groups that are experiencing the highest level of excess deaths,” McDonald told Reuters in a phone interview. “So, it is the groups that are least vaccinated. The older groups, where vaccine uptake was higher and where boosters have been given more frequently, are experiencing less excess deaths in relative terms.
“There is no robust scientific evidence that gives even a vague suggestion of the vaccines causing more harm than they are preventing. They have unequivocally, based on all that I have seen, caused an enormous harm reduction.”
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3 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I cannot believe that you actually said “follow the money “ 

what experience do you have in that just out of interest ? How would one go about “following the money ?” 

I know one thing stiff,the jabs are completely useless,an that's a fact mate,first it was the will stop you from catching it,bollox,then it was it will stop you spreading it,more bollox,an that was the scientists an Gov officials who said that an which turned out to be utter lies mate.

The people who supposedly died of covid (which is debatable if it even was covid) was 84 years of age,so anyone not in that age gap had no need to take,complete psyop,a test run for three future evil plans mate 

Ps an I haven't smoked a joint in 16months lol

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Fair play Francisco old boy , hope your well ! 

The figures are there though mate , I don’t know what people see differently ? 

maybe they weren’t much cop , I had Covid very early days in the pandemic as it was termed and didn’t catch it again after the jabs and most of my family were the same . I did see a lot of pain caused by covid and the untested territory the logistics were in . 

You’ll  feel better for it 




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1 minute ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Fair play Francisco old boy , hope your well ! 

The figures are there though mate , I don’t know what people see differently ? 

maybe they weren’t much cop , I had Covid very early days in the pandemic as it was termed and didn’t catch it again after the jabs and most of my family were the same . I did see a lot of pain caused by covid and the untested territory the logistics were in . 

You’ll  feel better for it 




All gran stiff mate,hope your well.

I just don't trust the globalists an there agenda,I know there plan an i know how it ends,all thanks to the book of revelation.

There not to be trusted 

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16 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

I cannot believe that you actually said “follow the money “ 

what experience do you have in that just out of interest ? How would one go about “following the money ?” 

If you need to ask that there really is no hope for you mate you have been lied to at the very least 




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6 hours ago, Greyman said:

If you need to ask that there really is no hope for you mate you have been lied to at the very least 




Ffs that’s your big stick to hit with ? 

1/  whatever party gate was / is, who genuinely cares ?  If they had a few beers , and attempted to get away with it . Who cares ? People all over the country were doing the same and came unstuck , took a shot , didn’t pan out . It smacks of narrow mindedness mate . 

2/ shock horror ! Politicians are snakey c**ts !! 

3/ sort your browser pages out mate ! 

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