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Covid Vaccine not to blame??

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16 minutes ago, Greyman said:

If ever there was a clutching at straws answer that’s it right there, only people that smoke weed think there’s something wrong with the jab, the answer goon has given is both wrong and misleading, even pro fax data collectors are accepting that excess deaths are happening at an alarming rate but they just try to blame other things, I know it’s not nice or easy to accept you were wrong and have been duped to take the jab but blaming weed smoking as part of the problem is as ridiculous as  Voon and sandy claiming deaths are down overall because of the jabs 

Mate , 

Voon has posted a link stating the findings from the head of cmi based in the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, whose f***ing job it is to record and investigate death rates and patterns . 

why don’t you believe his findings ? 

can I guess ? 


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If nuclear mate will be eating f**k all, if not anything from farm animals to insects and hedgerow veg not a problem, boat life’s great wish I’d done it years ago to be honest mate, makes you realise

Those of you who took the jab had your reasons...those of us who didn't,had our reasons...the truth will come out eventually and like the saying goes...make your bed...and you have to lay in it....tim

Self sufficient and ready to go at a moments notice, it’s been coming for years and the final stages are already in motion, just agreed a sale on my house which will be my final link to the real world

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At the start,There was all these nightengale hospitals that popped up everywhere, should of been full  up with the sick in beds etc... where are all the bodies of the deceased? They still happy  showing pictures and film from the gas chambers but no mass piles of bodies from the deadly COVID pandemic that swept across the world?🤔

Having worked and driven around most of the country at times during the pandemic...never once did I ever see anyone but immigrant looking cnuts stood outside in  high viz jackets , clipboard in hand? People would of driven into these places and died( if you believe the government) so wheres the piles of cars,pushbikes,kids prams, mobile phones and possessions of the deceased?  

Im sorry,but from where I've been stood....The eyes dont lie👍

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5 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Mate , 

Voon has posted a link stating the findings from the head of cmi based in the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, whose f***ing job it is to record and investigate death rates and patterns . 

why don’t you believe his findings ? 

can I guess ? 


paid to repeat what there told stiff 

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4 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

At the start,There was all these nightengale hospitals that popped up everywhere, should of been full  up with the sick in beds etc... where are all the bodies of the deceased? They still happy  showing pictures and film from the gas chambers but no mass piles of bodies from the deadly COVID pandemic that swept across the world?🤔

Having worked and driven around most of the country at times during the pandemic...never once did I ever see anyone but immigrant looking cnuts stood outside in  high viz jackets , clipboard in hand? People would of driven into these places and died( if you believe the government) so wheres the piles of cars,pushbikes,kids prams, mobile phones and possessions of the deceased?  

Im sorry,but from where I've been stood....The eyes dont lie👍

Where were the nightingale hospitals at like ??? 

Come on . 


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8 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Amongst who ?? 


the population but they don’t say if it’s the vaccinated population do they lol 

you like reading mate maybe read about something worth reading instead of shite like i’m surrounded by idiots lol

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3 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

The deadliest pandemic from the Spanish flu and hospitals were basically empty, nurses and doctors making tictok videos because they were so busy. 😂😂😂


correct i know more people effected by the vaccine then i did on deaths door off the virus ? 

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4 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

the population but they don’t say if it’s the vaccinated population do they lol 

you like reading mate maybe read about something worth reading instead of shite like i’m surrounded by idiots lol

You clearly can’t read as it states very clearly that the largest excess deaths was amongst unvaccinated 

dont worry about me , I’m doing fine with what I read 

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2 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

You clearly can’t read as it states very clearly that the largest excess deaths was amongst unvaccinated 

dont worry about me , I’m doing fine with what I read 

lol there excess death from the vaccine from missing appointments that people really in need had to miss to deal with bullshit about a vaccine 



theres book with tits in stiff don’t waste your time on how to spot a narccisist if you had been out and  about from young you’d already know lol

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4 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

lol there excess death from the vaccine from missing appointments that people really in need had to miss to deal with bullshit about a vaccine 



theres book with tits in stiff don’t waste your time on how to spot a narccisist if you had been out and  about from young you’d already know lol

Not even a worth a reply like . 

If you think attempting to improve your skill set to be able to deal with people in day to day interactions is something to wield a stick with , then I actually pity you and your couch springs even more 

take care young un . 

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3 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Not even a worth a reply like . 

If you think attempting to improve your skill set to be able to deal with people in day to day interactions is something to wield a stick with , then I actually pity you and your couch springs even more 

take care young un . 

your a bit old to be trying to manipulate people stiff  lol that comes natural you don’t learn it from a book 

besides when the time comes you tell them  to get out the ditch and attack or shoot em talking won’t be no good lol

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What’s the story with this German bloke who has been jabbed 238 times of whatever it is ?……shouldn’t he be dead as a door nail or something ?

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9 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

your a bit old to be trying to manipulate people stiff  lol that comes natural you don’t learn it from a book 

besides when the time comes you tell them  to get out the ditch and attack or shoot em talking won’t be no good 

I suppose agin it’s that age old thing that others do , whilst others talk about it . 

Don’t try to talk about leading shampoo. It just don’t suit ya 

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