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Yemen and the Red Sea

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5 hours ago, king said:

We are being taken for a country of fools mate..

How the hell can 1 man decide to give away £7.1 billion of tax payers money without asking the tax payer first..

There's a very simple solution for the government to listen and work for what the country wants..

The answer is a independently run app..

Such massive decisions as giving away billions of pounds shouldn't be down to the pm or mps it should be the public of the uk..

All across the news channels, papers, adverts on TV.. that there's a vote on Friday evening about a certain decision. The public vote and there's the answer yes or no..a simple and effective way to get the peoples votes almost instantly..

Would the government do it..never ever..corrupt to the core the lot of them...

Yeah but they looked after us during  the "pandemic" 🤣lying dirty scheming snakes ,sitting in their ivory towers not giving a toss about us ,just thinking about them I need to drink a bottle of gaviscon the hate I have for them 

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Amazing we can send British navy into action in the red sea but they can't patrol our southern border 

I don’t mean this as a dig at anyone, it’s a genuine thought so here gos….. Actually, who gives a f**k or why do we give a f**k ?……. The U.K. is absolutely f****d, as in f****d !……I was talk

Tax has never been higher, car insurance has doubled as far as I can tell. They're getting more than their pound of flesh whilst we live in austerity swamped with illegal migrants....an underfunded so

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18 minutes ago, paulus said:

Why is Pakistan firing missile's at Iran? 

Retaliation for Iran firing a missile at Pakistan the other day, evidently.


Nine people are reported to have been killed in the strikes, which come after Iran hit targets in...


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12 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

Problem is our only chance of change is don't vote conservative..... which means a labour government...... which is exactly the same thing. 

Yeah I know Wilf will tell us to vote for someone else....but to the average bloke on the street they won't do that 

The general public are stuck in there ways maybe mate..I don't know..its just a never ending circle of rubbish leaders..

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21 hours ago, WILF said:

Sad but true mate 

It's a catch 22 because like my grandfather said one less vote for labour is another vote for them b*****ds conservatives. Because say you vote for another group. The group will never get in so you've wasted your vote and giving conservative what they wanted. So think before you waste that vote. It's sad because we say labour will be the same. They've got no choice when they've been left this country that's been turned upside down by some inconsiderate b*****ds that's got money and don't give two hoots for us working class people of England today. I'm a big believer that they should scrap diffrent parties and that in this need of time. The goverments should pull together as one party. Before this country ends up like these 3rd world countries. If you've noticed since these immigrants are crossing the boards. We're find more disease & viruses coming into the country. My grandfather won't go round our local town centre anymore due to the population of diffrent nationalities. It's him that said you'll see disease's pop up that we got rid of back in late 50s 60s. Just think of all the nasties ie bugs , insects , and rest of shit brought on these boats. It's ashame how they've ruined this country and we've let it happen 

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21 hours ago, WILF said:

Interesting conversation mate, and it’s just different points of view, but I don’t buy the “Putin is the bogeyman” narrative at all…..that’s just my opinion of course.

I personally take the view that Europe deliberately provoked the bloke, let’s face it, nobody else would stand for a hostile foreign power or powers making a land grab right up to your border so why should Putin and Russia ? 
He repeatedly warned them not too and they did it anyway…..we should ask ourselves why ?

We helped replace an elected government with Zalensky, a move much like putting Vic Reeves in charge of a country……now it’s all jetting about the world and having dinner with presidents ?…..who the f**k is this bloke ? 

Im sure our land grab has nothing to do with UKraines massive natural resources and food production capability, All those European officials, American mining operations won’t be looking greedily at what they can earn out of it and no doubt Zakensky will be rich beyond anything he could have dreamed of…….and the people paying the price for it all is us.

Putin never betrayed me or my country……it’s our own politicians did that and are still doing it on a daily basis.

So folks will have to forgive me if I don’t trust them and I don’t support them in a war of their own creation against a bloke who puts his own country first, a mindset many of us would want and understand for our own nations.

The people running us are quiet obviously mad or bad or both, that has been proven for the last 50 years at least……if those c**ts told me the sun was going to set this evening I wouldn’t believe them because the last thing they are doing is working in the interests of European people and British people, they have shown it time and again.

I want Putin to break them, because my enemy’s enemy is my friend. 

When you say who his this bloke WILF. Yes who his this bloke. What I like about this story of zalensky is that he was a stand up comedian that's now running his country.

For me a love that , how he goes & gets involved with his troops.  Dresses down in normal day to day clothing never in a suit. 

That there alone makes you feel settled " from the military perspective "

He's always interacting with the soldiers plus the genral public too keeping them posted. 

 Must be hard for a country living next to a bigger power like Russia. "Knowing before the war starting day by day Putin could invade again like in 2014 ".

And this man zalensky knowing he has to be ready for this. At the back of your mind Knowing you've not got enough fire power to fight Putin.

Hoping that we get some help from Europe. Which thank God we did help them. 

 The reason Putin doesn't like zalensky is that the Ukrainian people like zalensky for who he his. Not because there afraid of him or the goverment.

You don't see zalensky poisoning his goverment or closest friends that he needs rid of incase they open their mouths on him. He doesn't need to do that because he's not done anything unseen towards people out there like Putin has.

Putin is jealous due to the fact he was a comedian & look where he his now running a country. And what a like about zalensky he's not afraid to keep fighting. Why should they give any territory up to Russia not one foot of land. And I hope they take Crimea back too. 

Edited by Bangersanmash
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1 hour ago, Bangersanmash said:

When you say who his this bloke WILF. Yes who his this bloke. What I like about this story of zalensky is that he was a stand up comedian that's now running his country.

For me a love that , how he goes & gets involved with his troops.  Dresses down in normal day to day clothing never in a suit. 

That there alone makes you feel settled " from the military perspective "

He's always interacting with the soldiers plus the genral public too keeping them posted. 

 Must be hard for a country living next to a bigger power like Russia. "Knowing before the war starting day by day Putin could invade again like in 2014 ".

And this man zalensky knowing he has to be ready for this. At the back of your mind Knowing you've not got enough fire power to fight Putin.

Hoping that we get some help from Europe. Which thank God we did help them. 

 The reason Putin doesn't like zalensky is that the Ukrainian people like zalensky for who he his. Not because there afraid of him or the goverment.

You don't see zalensky poisoning his goverment or closest friends that he needs rid of incase they open their mouths on him. He doesn't need to do that because he's not done anything unseen towards people out there like Putin has.

Putin is jealous due to the fact he was a comedian & look where he his now running a country. And what a like about zalensky he's not afraid to keep fighting. Why should they give any territory up to Russia not one foot of land. And I hope they take Crimea back too. 

Politically you are very naive pal.

I think your attitude and belief sums up why politicians get away with what they do.



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2 hours ago, Bangersanmash said:

When you say who his this bloke WILF. Yes who his this bloke. What I like about this story of zalensky is that he was a stand up comedian that's now running his country.

For me a love that , how he goes & gets involved with his troops.  Dresses down in normal day to day clothing never in a suit. 

That there alone makes you feel settled " from the military perspective "

He's always interacting with the soldiers plus the genral public too keeping them posted. 

 Must be hard for a country living next to a bigger power like Russia. "Knowing before the war starting day by day Putin could invade again like in 2014 ".

And this man zalensky knowing he has to be ready for this. At the back of your mind Knowing you've not got enough fire power to fight Putin.

Hoping that we get some help from Europe. Which thank God we did help them. 

 The reason Putin doesn't like zalensky is that the Ukrainian people like zalensky for who he his. Not because there afraid of him or the goverment.

You don't see zalensky poisoning his goverment or closest friends that he needs rid of incase they open their mouths on him. He doesn't need to do that because he's not done anything unseen towards people out there like Putin has.

Putin is jealous due to the fact he was a comedian & look where he his now running a country. And what a like about zalensky he's not afraid to keep fighting. Why should they give any territory up to Russia not one foot of land. And I hope they take Crimea back too. 

What's your opinion on the war that was happening in various areas of 'ukraine' for 7 years before the media informed you about big bad Putin, with Rebel groups attacking ethnic Russians? 

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