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Don't see much difference

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Lil story from the other day

Just finished up some stuff on one of my projects, decided bubba ( term we use for people who will take a really nice gun and just do really stupid shit to it , usually with he help of a hack saw ,Dremel and some duct tape ) too had already took it 80% there might as well finish it up with a half decent rattle can paint job. So yeah touched up up a little and honestly though it looked pretty decent , better then what I was when Dad first draged it out the closet to show me.  Its m1917 in 30-06 that had a butcher of a sporterizeing job done to it, just plain sucked to use ,shoot and carry,. He basically just gave it to me saying have fun ,because he hated it , think he said he bought it for next to nothing at a pawn shop at one of the bases he was station at. Ended up being the first gun I reloaded for. New stock , trigger work , bedding work , stock modification, hours of cleaning this and that. Got it functional and a le to make good hits out to 500 really easy but was always a ugly duck. 

But was painting another gun and said screw it why not . The wood grain on this one just isn't really nice so I point in stripping and staining.

Well I'm in the yard taking a few pictures trying to get the lighting right because this phone kinda sucks and a guy who was over at my uncle's shop walked over. I knew him and he just kinda asked what I was up to and I told him what I just explained to y'all.

Well he cocks his head looks at me and says that's pretty weird to do that with a gun. "It's a gun, you buy it shoot it and you know , who paints and does all that stuff with a gun"

Well I look at him and said I do and I really enjoy doing it, explained how one of my favorite hobbies is to get used guns and tinker with them and try and fix them up a bit. The more of a headache they give me the more I end up enjoying the journey.Along with loading and casting for them. How each one is it's own little adventure and I just like the challenge most times. Some I paint some, i sand and stain some to show of the wood ,some are tactical some are practical , some are just because I wanted them . Said I have plenty that are perfectly functional and do what I need and how I could just buy whatever and just be done but that's not the point . And again he's looking at me like I got two heads and starts talking about how I could just buy XYZ and not have to do all this.

Now this fella is a car guy, has a yard full of cars and trucks he always works on and he takes a lot of pictures posts them, does performance mods ,tunings ,paint jobs , ect. Has a few nice working vehicles ,some pretty specialized some just daily drivers some show cars ,but he's doing basically what I do just with cars. So I bring that up . Well he said yeah but that's cars and trucks ! That's completely different. I ask how ? He could just buy whatever he wanted all the work done an not worry about anything. It's JUST a vehicle after all. Why all the tuning and mods and what not.

He stops ,looks at me and you know that look people have when their right in the verge of like , rethinking something? Well he had that for a few seconds then snapped doubt of it shook his head and said

"Naw naw totally different" and he proceeded to walk back over to chat with my uncle about something.

Idk seem to have this type conversation monthly with someone and it ranges from their shoe collection and refurbishing hobby to their anvil collecting and restoration obsession but very rarely do I get somone who goes " O it's the same thing just he does it with guns " I don't get how it's such a hard train of thought to connect but o well


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On 16/12/2023 at 08:24, mackem said:

You should have been a gunsmith Wolfie,if you ever go on walkabout try and visit Darra and Danao,your sort of places.


If I had a dollar for everyone who's told me that lol. I would like to go to kyber pass one day as see all the guys doing gun smithing there. Could only imagine what they could do if you toss them in a shop with some semi modern gear like a few lathes welder chop saws ect. 

Dad recently pull these two dinosaurs out the closet and asked dme to try and fix on them so 








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6 minutes ago, Wolfdog91 said:

If I had a dollar for everyone who's told me that lol. I would like to go to kyber pass one day as see all the guys doing gun smithing there. Could only imagine what they could do if you toss them in a shop with some semi modern gear like a few lathes welder chop saws ect. 

Dad recently pull these two dinosaurs out the closet and asked dme to try and fix on them so 








You can work your magic on those old fire sticks Wolfie,do a project and a thread on it.Khyber was interesting,your sort of place,the Wild West.

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On 18/12/2023 at 16:28, mackem said:

You can work your magic on those old fire sticks Wolfie,do a project and a thread on it.Khyber was interesting,your sort of place,the Wild West.

Lol I would but it's just gonna get push to one of the sub forums that never sees the light of day 😂😂

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