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Boots,Bear & Rose..

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14 hours ago, Moonlighter123 said:

How far do you think you walk on a days hunting up on the hills? Have you ever measured on a smart watch or anything? Looks stunning. 

There goes my buddy walking out in an attempt to walk 'around' & behind some critters on the off chance of getting the dog some exercise.. sometimes you wonder if all the effort is worth it.


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This was how Bear was every single day for a month after breaking his neck then another pic of him as he is now,I never went to bed for 30 day's,I turned him over every 2 hours to prevent him getting

Here's Boots on one of the many occasions I've worked him until almost his last breath,the dog has no quit in him,Bear & Rose his pups are exactly the same,all these dog's would lay their life on

Hope everyone has had a decent season running their dogs 👍🏻 ..another one comes to an end & that's about it for my old mongrel Boots too,he's let me know the past 4 or 5 trip's out he's had enough

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10 hours ago, FUJI said:

There goes my buddy walking out in an attempt to walk 'around' & behind some critters on the off chance of getting the dog some exercise.. sometimes you wonder if all the effort is worth it.


That’s a good walk that. Great pictures too. How far do you track your dogs after a day out? 

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23 hours ago, FUJI said:

Hey up buddy,yeah I wear a Garmin Fenix watch so get a fairly accurate description of a days trekking up on the hills,distance,calories burnt,ascent etc & obviously the dog's wear tracking collars so I get info on their shenanigans too. A very 'easy' day will see me doing about 8 miles,an average day between 13-15 miles & an extremely tough day in excess of 20 miles,those latter day's are beyond me these days unless at a snails pace haha..what I have found is that regardless of how far you walk & how successful or unsuccessful a day out is there is no easy day or at least not for an old cnut like myself.


I don't feel so lazy now. Your averages are fairly similar to mine...although my walks are a lot flatter! I was getting worried recently as I was gradually putting weight on...and then realised why. Both of my kids are at secondary school now and so I'd stop doing the drop off and pick up from their primary school. As a result I've been walking four miles less per day! I've had to up my midday walks accordingly.

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5 hours ago, Neal said:

I don't feel so lazy now. Your averages are fairly similar to mine...although my walks are a lot flatter! I was getting worried recently as I was gradually putting weight on...and then realised why. Both of my kids are at secondary school now and so I'd stop doing the drop off and pick up from their primary school. As a result I've been walking four miles less per day! I've had to up my midday walks accordingly.

Try abit of graft u dosser

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On 25/04/2024 at 08:07, FUJI said:

Bear on the first pic followed by Rose on the second & the pair of idiot's together on the third up on the high ground in Scotland.




That remoteness looks like heaven on earth and beyond doubt hard graft hunting on this terrain.

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Bear this afternoon out on our wanders,not sure why the black & white pic looks like his back leg is moulting/mangy?.. as you can see in the colour one he isn't. He's came a long way since he broke his neck,unable to stand up let alone walk for over a month,to see him now is quite remarkable really,admittedly he's disabled but he doesn't let that affect him,a lovely dog that truly enjoys everyday that comes his way. I like him,I always have done. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Fife the brother to Boots at 9 month's old & my Mrs pup also at 9 month's old, almost 11 year's apart I took these two pics.



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I had Boots at the vets in the past fortnight regarding his eye & for an overall health check,two different vets looked him over & said his heart etc was in exceptional order for his age but both agreed saying they had never witnessed a dog of any breed or age with such severe joint issues,that didn't surprise me in the least as I know he broke a bone in his wrist many year's ago now & has suffered extremely badly with back issues for several year's now too. I've ran him pretty much everywhere & anywhere regardless of terrain & with much of his career hunting on the mountains I'm quite surprised he's kept going for as long as he has done. Obviously with Bear having broken his neck & Rose snapping her leg in two places along with old Boots & his issues I like to give them regular exercise here just a stones throw from home on the beach,this particular bit here where Boots was running this morning is extremely deep,wet sand,very tough going physically but also kind to their old injuries. It may just be me & positive thinking but I do believe it's helped the team when recovering from serious injuries & also prolonging their working careers too,I could be wrong but i certainly don't think it causes more problems than what it does to help them.. nothing is guaranteed nor certain when it comes to running dog's,you just have to try your best & do what you believe is right for them..


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6 minutes ago, FUJI said:

I had Boots at the vets in the past fortnight regarding his eye & for an overall health check,two different vets looked him over & said his heart etc was in exceptional order for his age but both agreed saying they had never witnessed a dog of any breed or age with such severe joint issues,that didn't surprise me in the least as I know he broke a bone in his wrist many year's ago now & has suffered extremely badly with back issues for several year's now too. I've ran him pretty much everywhere & anywhere regardless of terrain & with much of his career hunting on the mountains I'm quite surprised he's kept going for as long as he has done. Obviously with Bear having broken his neck & Rose snapping her leg in two places along with old Boots & his issues I like to give them regular exercise here just a stones throw from home on the beach,this particular bit here where Boots was running this morning is extremely deep,wet sand,very tough going physically but also kind to their old injuries. It may just be me & positive thinking but I do believe it's helped the team when recovering from serious injuries & also prolonging their working careers too,I could be wrong but i certainly don't think it causes more problems than what it does to help them.. nothing is guaranteed nor certain when it comes to running dog's,you just have to try your best & do what you believe is right for them..


is any type as hardy as a saluki mate ? 

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5 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

is any type as hardy as a saluki mate ? 

The one's I seen in my younger day's were far from 'hardy types' in fact quite the opposite mC..I hated them or the ones I seen working anyway. In the past 20 year's or so I've seen some very good one's,the spread of the internet allowed me to meet up with people with Saluki types through forums such as this & fortunately I had my mind changed about them, especially for daytime work. There's good dog's of all types,hardy dogs amongst them. I had decades of great hunting with heavily saturated collie types,they were the types that etched my path in regards to hunting & I will always love a good cur cross but the Saluki types showed me thing's that no other type I'd ever owned could,if I lived for another 50 years & was able to work lurchers all those year's what I will say is that it would be with Saluki types,that isn't to say they are better than any other type it's just that they can do (if the right type) to a good standard what i like a dog to do. 


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Just to add regarding my trip to the vet's to see about Boots eye,he's totally 100% blind in it & the eyeball itself is swollen. The vet's believe he's suffered a 'slipped lens' due to a trauma,again for what he's been used for in latter year's I can well believe it,being dragged & kicked for long distances & often long periods of time it's more than possible he's took one or more 'taps' to his face & eye in particular. Because of his age although in great health they weren't too keen to put him under anesthetic to have it removed although they said that maybe what it comes to. They advised putting him on pain relief daily & said if he can manage that way then that would be the best option for him. At the moment anyways he seems 100% fine & doesn't seem to be in any pain at all but still with the eye as it is there's the possibility it will burst & definitely will cause him pain,he's back at the vets in a few weeks time to see how he's doing,if he needs it removed then that's what we will do,I won't have him suffering,the vets quoted me £620 for removal if it has to come out. Yes he's old & his running days are over but I'd pay that every day of the week for a month to have my old warrior here at my feet in the house & also at my side on my daily wanders until father time calls him home again.


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🤔Well I'm a lifelong advocate of the Herding composites,...I find them real easy to school for most of the tasks that I needed them to do,.. BUT,...my tumultuous decade of using a Saluki hybrid for freelancing,...assisted me in getting on the housing ladder (and nobody in my family had ever managed that😂)..so, I would have to say that (for me personally) no lurcher hybrid can match a powerful , quality Saluki lurcher, for all round harvesting of saleable critters,...be they Hares, Deer or shushis....

However, such driven canines do require an equally driven partner to bring the best out of their undeniable physical attributes...in saying that,...I still love me canny cur dawgs above all else...👍



Edited by OldPhil
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1 minute ago, OldPhil said:

🤔Well I'm a lifelong advocate of the Herding composites,...I find them real easy to school for most of the tasks that I needed them to do,.. BUT,...my tumultuous decade of using a Saluki hybrid for freelancing,...assisted me in getting on the housing ladder (and nobody in my family had ever managed that😂)..so, I would have to say that (for me personally) no lurcher hybrid can match a powerful , quality Saluki lurcher, for all round harvesting of saleable critters,...be they Hares, Deer or shushis....

However, such driven canines do require an equally driven partner to bring the best out of their undeniable physical attributes...in saying that,...I still love me canny cur dawgs above all else...👍

Feb 2011 Hares Pewsey 096.jpg

I'm still living in a council house on a rundown council estate Phil,that tells you how much use my mongrels have been & continue to be 😂 .. likewise regarding the cur dog's,they & I just seem to be on the same wavelength,I don't ever need to tell them to do anything,they instinctively know what to do & where to go & what I expect of them. I love them,good ones aren't so easy to find but get the right types & they will work all day & everyday for you. I also agree with you in regards to the type of Saluki,the powerful,fast,do or die type runners are the ones that excite me. A keen man & an equally keen dawg can go far as you obviously did,I just wish I'd tried a bit harder with mine & or stuck in at school alas it's all too late,too old for a good dog & will always be thick as two short planks..council estate life it's gonna have to be haha

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I’m no expert when it comes to Salukis or their crosses but I’d definitely say my saluki type has a different running style to him when we are on the hills. 1/4 saluki with a tiny dash of collie and the rest is grew. He’s clever and has a way of gliding over the rock piles. Decent nose and coat on him and loves to hunt up and find things. He’s coming up to 11 now and not slowing down much. 





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