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Boots,Bear & Rose..

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Bear at 10 month's old with his sire Boots.. without splitting hair's Boots is 5/8 Grey 3/8 Saluki & the dam of Bear a bitch we have here called Roxy is 5/8 Grey 3/8 Bull so Bear is like his sire in that he too is 5/8 Grey but with him being 3/16 Saluki 3/16 Bull compared to Boots just being 3/8 Saluki 


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This was how Bear was every single day for a month after breaking his neck then another pic of him as he is now,I never went to bed for 30 day's,I turned him over every 2 hours to prevent him getting

Here's Boots on one of the many occasions I've worked him until almost his last breath,the dog has no quit in him,Bear & Rose his pups are exactly the same,all these dog's would lay their life on

Hope everyone has had a decent season running their dogs 👍🏻 ..another one comes to an end & that's about it for my old mongrel Boots too,he's let me know the past 4 or 5 trip's out he's had enough

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11 hours ago, FUJI said:

Yeah I can recall that Paul,it's a tough owld game at times, especially with dog's that have so much drive,passion grit,determination call it what you will..dog's like Diesel just don't know anything other than to give absolutely everything,yes it's a good thing but on rare occasions like that it can end up with them going too far & unfortunately it can see them never being the same animal again.

As they Say you live and learn, His sire old Flash was more of a plodder, Never really suffered any bad injuries, just the usual rips, tares and bites, I put that down to the collie in him, Very clever dog to be fair, In old age he would still show the odd world beater up who was a third of his age or less on the lamp. He had lost his speed but he pulled hundreds after crashing the hedges at the end of the run, Something that not many dogs will learn to do, He Lived until he was 13, Found him all knuckled over one morning, Must have been some neurological issue. His dam Mini the little bull whippet was where all his drive came from but she was not reckless just evil Lol she lived until she was 17 and she could have gone on a bit longer but after having a couple of mammary tumours removed they just came back again, once they get so big the skin surrounding them splits and that leaves them open to infection, So again we live and learn. I could go on about other dogs but to be fair these were the best 3 lurchers i owned. As you know i used my dogs for everything and expected them to be  nearly or as good as dogs specially bred for there purpose,   day work, lamping. ferreting, rough shooting, pigeon shooting, beating and on the odd occasion even picking up over water. marking moles in the church yard was mini`s speciality Lol.   

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1 hour ago, paulus said:

As they Say you live and learn, His sire old Flash was more of a plodder, Never really suffered any bad injuries, just the usual rips, tares and bites, I put that down to the collie in him, Very clever dog to be fair, In old age he would still show the odd world beater up who was a third of his age or less on the lamp. He had lost his speed but he pulled hundreds after crashing the hedges at the end of the run, Something that not many dogs will learn to do, He Lived until he was 13, Found him all knuckled over one morning, Must have been some neurological issue. His dam Mini the little bull whippet was where all his drive came from but she was not reckless just evil Lol she lived until she was 17 and she could have gone on a bit longer but after having a couple of mammary tumours removed they just came back again, once they get so big the skin surrounding them splits and that leaves them open to infection, So again we live and learn. I could go on about other dogs but to be fair these were the best 3 lurchers i owned. As you know i used my dogs for everything and expected them to be  nearly or as good as dogs specially bred for there purpose,   day work, lamping. ferreting, rough shooting, pigeon shooting, beating and on the odd occasion even picking up over water. marking moles in the church yard was mini`s speciality Lol.   

Yeah I can recall the bull whippet you had quite vividly Paul,was a cracking wee dog for you she was,I can remember you taking the dogs out with the gun one day & out lamping the next. One thing's obvious mate & that is the dog's left you with a lifetime of memories,no one can take them away from you. Sometimes I wish I was 30 year's younger & some days I wish I wasn't even here because of fooking pain,I'm not sure if it's the dog's that keep me going or if it's them cnuts that have got me knackered like this,what I do know is that I can't give the dog's the work I once could. I'll be 58 when my next birthday comes around so my day's of trekking up mountains & what not is coming close to the end. Enjoy your holidays in the sun bud & keep the memories of yesteryear with the dog's fresh in your mind,they only die when we do.

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21 minutes ago, FUJI said:

Roxy..she's a 5/8 Grey 3/8 Bull & is the dam to Bear & Rose


Classic combo 5/8 3/8 stunner mate.

Sounds like your getting near whippet ownership age lol

Do you still keep the diplomatic Pom mate

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On 15/12/2023 at 20:48, FUJI said:

Here's Boots on one of the many occasions I've worked him until almost his last breath,the dog has no quit in him,Bear & Rose his pups are exactly the same,all these dog's would lay their life on the line & die trying for me. None are world-beaters but they are trier's & I have no qualms in owning such dog's. On this occasion I travelled over 1000 miles,in fact it was a 1037 mile return trip to test Boots. Within 30 seconds of him exiting the car on arrival at our destination he proceeded to run flat out into an unseen ditch chasing a beastie, honestly when I got to where he was, he was laying horizontal in the ditch with no movement at all. I was fearing the worst but to my amazement after around a minute or so he let out a big gasp,his ribcage lifted & he somehow managed to get to his feet. He walked to me like a drunken sailor who had just gulped down a litre of rum. On checking him over I seen he had a hole in his chest & was obviously battered & bruised. On getting him in the car I decided I'd drive the 500 odd miles straight back home again from the north of Scotland,two hours into the drive I stopped to let him & my little Pom Ruby have a stretch of their legs & to have a pee. As we wandered away from the roadside towards a not too high mountain around 1/4 of a mile from the roadside Boots staggering behind me lifted his head & nosed the air & then immediately went past me at a slow but gathering pace,out of my eyesight he went & when I next caught sight of him he was almost at the summit some 30-40 yard's behind a big old beast. Ruby & I began the ascent & it must of been almost a hour before we crested the highline where we seen Boots go over. We scoured the vast plateau looking to see if we could see him but nothing,then out of a peat hag I seen something rise then disappear again,we headed to where I'd seen something & low & behold here he was with a beast. I couldn't believe it,the dog was barely walking after his exploits into the ditch just a couple of hours earlier yet here he was pushing through the pain barrier in a quest to lay one to rest. He almost died up on that mountain after reading the last rites to his quarry,the pic of him laying down was how he was immediately after that & the other pic is after I sat beside him for a good hour trying to get him up on his feet to be able to walk back to the motor. He may just be a Saluki cross but he has guts,grit determination & drive up there with most. I've tested his metal many many times & he's never shown me anything other than 100% commitment..you can't ask a dog for anymore than it's all..great dog,great memories 



Top tale Andy 💯 

How old is Don now? My Celt went on at 15, a year back.

Cheers, D.

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It’s good to see you’re back old chap.  
Don dog still around is even better to know. 

just back myself after a long long break from this place.

we ought to have a mooch one dark windy night sometime before the end of winter. 

Big lad is busy keeping Ken happy and playing with rat holes in supermarkets. 
But I’m sure he’d be up for a night out.  
he’s got a a couple of fast crocodiles ! 

Merry Christmas 

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Cheers everyone,good to see some of my old lamping partner's are still kicking & breathing too,Dodger Tomo & Vin,all great lads who I have the up most respect for,top lads who I have had some great running with...here's Boots up on the NW Coast of Scotland on a wee trip away in the off season.


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On 16/12/2023 at 12:11, Chaff said:

Classic combo 5/8 3/8 stunner mate.

Sounds like your getting near whippet ownership age lol

Do you still keep the diplomatic Pom mate

Ruby my Pom passed away back in August of 2021 at the age of 15 mate,best dog I've ever owned honestly..she was my shadow,companion & best friend for every day of those 15 year's,I still miss her every single day. I've had some smashing dog's over the year's but Ruby was just something else..the day I had to have her pts I wrapped her up in my padded shirt & drove to some of our hunting haunts,I drove some 45 miles to where we park up to go hunting the big beasts on the mountains & where she had accompanied me up there in excess of 100 times,as soon as I drove into the carpark she started whining & what not,she didn't have the strength to lift her head but she knew where we were alright. On our way home I called the vet & drove straight there where I had her pts. I sat there with her in the vets for a good half hour after she had been pts. That wee dog was my world 💔 ..Pom Power!! Always!!


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47 minutes ago, FUJI said:

Ruby my Pom passed away back in August of 2021 at the age of 15 mate,best dog I've ever owned honestly..she was my shadow,companion & best friend for every day of those 15 year's,I still miss her every single day. I've had some smashing dog's over the year's but Ruby was just something else..the day I had to have her pts I wrapped her up in my padded shirt & drove to some of our hunting haunts,I drove some 45 miles to where we park up to go hunting the big beasts on the mountains & where she had accompanied me up there in excess of 100 times,as soon as I drove into the carpark she started whining & what not,she didn't have the strength to lift her head but she knew where we were alright. On our way home I called the vet & drove straight there where I had her pts. I sat there with her in the vets for a good half hour after she had been pts. That wee dog was my world 💔 ..Pom Power!! Always!!


She was quite dog I always wondered how she dealt with the terrain you have there.

RIP Ruby bless

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1 hour ago, FUJI said:

Ruby my Pom passed away back in August of 2021 at the age of 15 mate,best dog I've ever owned honestly..she was my shadow,companion & best friend for every day of those 15 year's,I still miss her every single day. I've had some smashing dog's over the year's but Ruby was just something else..the day I had to have her pts I wrapped her up in my padded shirt & drove to some of our hunting haunts,I drove some 45 miles to where we park up to go hunting the big beasts on the mountains & where she had accompanied me up there in excess of 100 times,as soon as I drove into the carpark she started whining & what not,she didn't have the strength to lift her head but she knew where we were alright. On our way home I called the vet & drove straight there where I had her pts. I sat there with her in the vets for a good half hour after she had been pts. That wee dog was my world 💔 ..Pom Power!! Always!!


hey up pal, i often wondered what her reaction would be with a kill, now i no, crackin little dog was that, thanks for sharing

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