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The demise of old faithful

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To those who've been lucky enough to drive and hunt and lamp out of this vehicle that had almost 300k miles on it and thousands of head of game in and on it, bow your head in rememberance ...













And I didn't total it (so no women driver comments please!) Kye did it on the ice 4 days ago (broke a telephone pole in half), couldn't walk the next morning, went to treatment for a couple of days and then went on to win the ISCF Missouri State Lightweight Title last night via Heel Hook again in the second.




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Oh christ its a wreck, as long as no damage was done to the driver thats all that really matters , my husband drove the last car we had into an articulated lorry & wrecked that :blink:

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yeah that was funny, no good getting caught by a couple of dam guards (haha get it, DAM guards haha never mind)


Nothing was worse than trying to scrub off puddles of frozen blood that had dripped down from the roof and sides, and then having to deal with the "odor" when it was 110 outside :bad:

That truck never let us down, never got us stuck or broke down or caught by anyone when we weren't supposed to be somewhere ... the Yukon on the other hand has almost dropped us in the shit a few times!


I loved that truck :wub: .... I can't believe he crashed it! :realmad: but I'm so thankful he's okay :yes: I'd have been bummed if I lost them both :rofl:


He did really good last night, even though he started wearing the little Vale Tudo shorts and desperately needed a tan blinded.jpg


actually he looked good :tongue4: , I have to tease him though as he is pretty vain

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LOL yeah true

Actually it was amazing how hard it was for Kye to get a job as he didn't have the proper documents for a while, people often would say "it would be easier if you were Mexican" :D

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I loved that truck :wub: .... I can't believe he crashed it! :realmad: but I'm so thankful he's okay :yes: I'd have been bummed if I lost them both

not the best choice of words... :laugh: shame about the truck though... :no: drivers eh... :D

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Jesus Lucky, you just made me spit tea every where mate!...f*****g yanks...i'll show her what you mean mate!...lol...if you get a nasty PM from her in a few days, just ignore it mate!... :laugh:


Lucky, when RatKillah was over, we was often talking about you and the ole' suburu's....thats what im thinking of getting next (when i have money!..lol.) i might shoot you a PM if you dont mind mate, about models, modifications and such?..



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Jesus Lucky, you just made me spit tea every where mate!...f*****g yanks...i'll show her what you mean mate!...lol...if you get a nasty PM from her in a few days, just ignore it mate!... :laugh:


Lucky, when RatKillah was over, we was often talking about you and the ole' suburu's....thats what im thinking of getting next (when i have money!..lol.) i might shoot you a PM if you dont mind mate, about models, modifications and such?..




no probs...kye..... :laugh:

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