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How f***ing cruel….

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12 minutes ago, mackem said:

I low balled it at 50k,but even Wikipedia puts it at 50-100k hung,drown,thrown off cliffs and down wells.

I'd never heard of galgos until I looked at this thread . Why do they treat them so badly ?.

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I never click on them videos can’t stomach it. Agree with what you say . It’s odd how they seem to think it’s ok to be so cruel. They must have screw lose. I can’t even be cruel to a fish I try to dis

Totally agree, folks have said to me plenty of times “how can you kill your animals after you got to know them” but I always tell them the same: They come here, they have a nice free range life,

This thread has really struck a cord with me. This is why I am raising my own meat. Have any of you complaining researched the UK commercial meat industry? No different to the dogs in the original vid

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2 minutes ago, mel b said:

I'd never heard of galgos until I looked at this thread . Why do they treat them so badly ?.

Don’t know mate,people being people?Sandy would be the one most suited to answering the question,he has Spanish Galgo,but he hasn’t been on for a few weeks.

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Do they actually do that stuff though or are they 'facts' given by people with agendas?

I can't see the Spanish doing stuff like that. I'll ask my mate jaun when I see him next week, I said I'd give him a lift wanging a donkey off the church steeple for the fiesta 👍👌👌

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2 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:

Do they actually do that stuff though or are they 'facts' given by people with agendas?

I can't see the Spanish doing stuff like that. I'll ask my mate jaun when I see him next week, I said I'd give him a lift wanging a donkey off the church steeple for the fiesta 👍👌👌

If it’s an urban legend it’s got a lot of traction online,and no one has put their head above the parapet to refute it so draw your own conclusion….

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2 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

Do they actually do that stuff though or are they 'facts' given by people with agendas?

I can't see the Spanish doing stuff like that. I'll ask my mate jaun when I see him next week, I said I'd give him a lift wanging a donkey off the church steeple for the fiesta 👍👌👌

I texted my Grand daughter earlier after reading bits of this thread.

She volunteers at a local sight hound rescue and rehoming organisation. 

She spoke to the woman that runs it and the story l got back ,via text so not too in depth , is that galgos are generally treated like our racing greyhounds.  

The youngsters get tried out for a Season or so on the  coursing grounds and just like our racing greyhounds ,they get retired very quickly .

Betting is big business  and the dogs are just expendable pawns to be replaced every Season. 

Euthanasing them in such odd ways seems very ritualistic .

Maybe they are the ones that make the headlines.

It's  hard to believe that all 50,000 or whatever die so bizarrely rather than being jabbed or  shot . 

Who knows .




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Can't remember where I've seen it but I've seen footage of Galgos in some shitty conditions. Do they reckon they kill them in a crap way because the dog disgraced them by not being good or something? Why they can't just do it humanely is beyond me. 

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59 minutes ago, gnipper said:

Can't remember where I've seen it but I've seen footage of Galgos in some shitty conditions. Do they reckon they kill them in a crap way because the dog disgraced them by not being good or something? Why they can't just do it humanely is beyond me. 

I relented and googled . The figure of 50,000+ thousand redundant galgos being strangled etc looks a bit questionable. Most of them are simply neglected, often to death,  or dumped. Which is pretty bad of course.

The really unfortunate ones belong to superstitious owners who believe that giving their dog a horrid ,slow death somehow passes some sort of power to its replacement for the coming Season.

A bit like some Native American tribes who believed that a captive who endured lengthy torture before death brought good luck.

It's hard to believe that the gamblers and owners who value their sport don't clean up their act ; if not on humane grounds , at least to reduce the ammunition they afford coursing opponents.


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4 minutes ago, comanche said:

I relented and googled . The figure of 50,000+ thousand redundant galgos being strangled etc looks a bit questionable. Most of them are simply neglected, often to death,  or dumped. Which is pretty bad of course.

I did a bit of delving, 50-100,000 a year are “gotten rid of” by fair means or foul,strangled,shot,kicked off a cliff,some that have disgraced the owners are “tortured” some are rescued and rehomed,some dumped.

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3 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

Do they actually do that stuff though or are they 'facts' given by people with agendas?

I can't see the Spanish doing stuff like that. I'll ask my mate jaun when I see him next week, I said I'd give him a lift wanging a donkey off the church steeple for the fiesta 👍👌👌

Wanking a donkey off more like ! 👍 

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22 hours ago, keepdiggin said:

The Chinese are 

I have no problem with them eating dog but at least treat them humanly ffs

Can’t and won’t watch it!

Like I said on the horse thread. Just doesn’t sit right but I’ll not say it’s wrong.

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1 hour ago, gnipper said:

Can't remember where I've seen it but I've seen footage of Galgos in some shitty conditions. Do they reckon they kill them in a crap way because the dog disgraced them by not being good or something? Why they can't just do it humanely is beyond me. 

They (obviously not all) used to/possibly still do the typewriter (that’s how it translates). Never been done infront of me and I wouldn’t accept it! 

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10 hours ago, WILF said:

Those chinkys are horrible little c**ts, period !

On the subject of pork, once you have eaten free range, naturally reared pork you will never eat “shop” pork again….it’s completely different. 

Wilf years ago me n this lass went woofing in Australia it was in the middle of nowhere we had our own little house there on the land and as meat he killed a few chickens n then took us out in his ute with his rifle n shot a sheep.

After hoisting it up on the ute n then later jointing it all up n then making curry's n stews etc with the lamb n chicken it was mouth wateringly delicious and iv never since tasted meat here anything like that meat back then I don't even like the taste of it here really unless it's cooked in some sort of sauce but the difference like night n day for whatever so somethings not right.

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7 minutes ago, dodger said:

Don't want the video were they put the live greyhounds in boiling water n bang the lid on that's alot worse 😔

Some fuucked up shit happens everywhere. Tell you this mate, our lad T here, has good friends and they don’t get up to this shit. Good dogmen ;)

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5 minutes ago, mushroom said:

Some fuucked up shit happens everywhere. Tell you this mate, our lad T here, has good friends and they don’t get up to this shit. Good dogmen ;)

Someone showed me the video and I wish I hadn't seen it 🔑

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