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13 minutes ago, hambone said:

Private sector involved by Labour mate!

Nope! Under thatcher before Major. My gran and pa used to live in council run independent home. After that they went to a private care home (this is in 1986/7). I will never forget, the prick that owned the place had a fuucking BMW! Even as a young kid I knew. Still, in them days at least they good care

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Back in the day... The man worked..the wife brought up the kids and looked after the house.. elderly parents lived with them until death..they could afford food..clothes..heating..electric..even

if we weren’t such a self cantered f***ing country the old would be cared for by there own not some f***ing nigerian who couldn’t care less other countrys look after there own not us 

I work in a dementia home and the video at the start is just a normal day and regarding the Nigerian night staff and the Indian ones I would happily line them all up and shoot them, most have no compa

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10 minutes ago, mushroom said:

Nope! Under thatcher before Major. My gran and pa used to live in council run independent home. After that they went to a private care home (this is in 1986/7). I will never forget, the prick that owned the place had a fuucking BMW! Even as a young kid I knew. Still, in them days at least they good care

Thatcher and the introduction of competitive tenders

The most significant changes for the private sector were the introduction of compulsory competitive tendering in 1983, and the subsequent establishment of an internal market for the NHS in 1989 under the governments of Margaret Thatcher.

Outsourcing began with domestic, catering and laundry services, which was opposed by NHS management. Some initial contract failures led to protests, yet having pushed through full privatisations of many other sectors, this opposition was never likely to make Thatcher reverse course.

Yet the next major reforms did not occur until the Labour governments that held power between 1997and 2010. Labour focused on patient choice in what it called the “third way”. This saw independent sector treatment established separately to acute hospitals to take on some routine elective surgery. The move increased capacity, lowered waiting time (a big political issue at the time) and introduced competition between services providers.

You may well be right but I think the "major reforms" highlighted above are the damaging ones.

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Back in the day...

The man worked..the wife brought up the kids and looked after the house.. elderly parents lived with them until death..they could afford food..clothes..heating..electric..even a holiday..

Nowadays..both parents work and pay for a child minder..what is that all about..Once home they ring for a just eat take away..eating processed shit food and paying big ££ for the privilege..

There was once big industries in GB..all gone..now the people go to work in big factory's ran and owned by the Chinese..the days of a strong community has gone..the government even said during the covid nonsense. To grass up your neighbours if they break lock down rules.. 

The whole job is proper ruined from every angle you look at it..


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4 hours ago, paulus said:

Debt declined to 50 percent of GDP by the 1970s and dipped to 25 percent by 1990. The financial crisis of 2008 cranked the National Debt up to over 80 percent of GDP. By 2019 the National Debt reached 83.9 percent of GDP. In 2023 the National Debt was 101.7 percent of GDP.

To put the debt into meaningful terms, if the U.K. stopped the debt clock tomorrow and took on no more debt, then paid it off at £1 million a day……it would take 8000 years to pay off ! 

In the 1 minute it took me to type this, the debt went up £300,000 !

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39 minutes ago, WILF said:

To put the debt into meaningful terms, if the U.K. stopped the debt clock tomorrow and took on no more debt, then paid it off at £1 million a day……it would take 8000 years to pay off ! 

In the 1 minute it took me to type this, the debt went up £300,000 !

In all fairness, I wanked a lot to clear that debt. Who knew I had mas integrity than a government :laugh:

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5 hours ago, king said:

Back in the day...

The man worked..the wife brought up the kids and looked after the house.. elderly parents lived with them until death..they could afford food..clothes..heating..electric..even a holiday..

Nowadays..both parents work and pay for a child minder..what is that all about..Once home they ring for a just eat take away..eating processed shit food and paying big ££ for the privilege..

There was once big industries in GB..all gone..now the people go to work in big factory's ran and owned by the Chinese..the days of a strong community has gone..the government even said during the covid nonsense. To grass up your neighbours if they break lock down rules.. 

The whole job is proper ruined from every angle you look at it..


Society has just changed and not for the better, but I think it's rapidly gone down hill since covid I think. Everything has changed and not for the better. But you just got to plod on and make your best way you can in life and adapt and survive. It's the future generations I feel sorry for and they will have it worst. 

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12 hours ago, Bakerboy said:

I didnt say it was great I said it was free, and probably intentionally left to turn to shit to make way for the private sector

My ex mrs worked in the private sector and some of their practises were dodgy as fck, barely feeding the resident, turning the heating off and treating them worse than prisoners

The wife has worked for 35 years in the care sector 21 years for the council looking after those with physical disabilities were the clients got A1 care after being made redundant went to work in a mental health residential care home that was privately owned I used to go mad at her for buying cleaning products to take to work so some of the rooms could smell better. She has know been in her present job for two years in another privately owned residential home for old people most of them suffering with dementia and its the worst care job she has done mainly down to the number of foreign staff the owner has brought in some of them who can't even do the simple task of making a bed up and an African woman who she caught dry shaving an old boy. 

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17 hours ago, Qbgrey said:

Had a my dads partner in a dementia home £1200 per week, my ole man was seeking live in carer £1750 per week so having to find £11,800 per month surely the carers should earn more money they are working thier bollox off

If the owner is anything like the owner of a residential mental health unit the wife worked in who had a villa in Spain and had an apartment in New York and was too tight to even supply decent cleaning materials. 

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I decided years ago, I'm not going into a home. And I don't need permission from anybody or go to Switzerland . Mind you, I'll take out a few of my THL enemies first...Wilf there's a bullet for every insult you've hurled at me coming your way. I'm not revealing any more names. I want it to be a surprise......

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5 minutes ago, mackem said:

On average there’s one Brit a week makes the journey to dignitas.

How much is a return ticket? Asking for a friend , he wants to accompany a London/ Irish bloke over there.

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12 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

How much is a return ticket? Asking for a friend , he wants to accompany a London/ Irish bloke over there.

Can’t remember how much I payed to be honest,maybe £250?You will love lake Geneva,I can recommend a few decent restaurants (I am sucking up to you now,I don’t want to be on “The List”).


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3 minutes ago, mackem said:

Can’t remember how much I payed to be honest,maybe £250?You will love lake Geneva,I can recommend a few decent restaurants (I am sucking up to you now,I don’t want to be on “The List”).


You are on my neutral list at the moment. The axe could swing either way. Coninue sucking up and you will be saved.

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17 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

How much is a return ticket? Asking for a friend , he wants to accompany a London/ Irish bloke over there.

The actual procedure will cost you around £5000 best come to Canada MAID will cost around £500 that’s a saving of £4500 for surprise bullets for “Enemies”.

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